Cleaning front bumper


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 18, 2004
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As most Florida car owners know, lovebugs are a big problem. I have some that are stuck on the front bumper and mirrors from the previous driver. Any ideas or suggestions on good products because normal bug and tar remover won't work?

Also, would it be easier to remove the front bumper so I don't have to work on my knees, and can work on a flat surface? If so, how do I remove it?
I use bug and tar with a sponge that has a net covering which acts as a light abrassive. But after 113k miles I have a lot of pitting from FOD on the highway.

Hey it isn't like you are 50 years old; you just graduated high school. Consider this experience character building exercise. While cleaning you hould be thinking of ways to solve this problem for the old folk. This could be a great project for your aerospace engineering program. :)
For those eligible for the AARP, here's a solution, hire someone to do it, or get a new bumper.
SurfjaxLS said:
For those eligible for the AARP, here's a solution, hire someone to do it, or get a new bumper.

bwahahahaha rotflmaool! :F

FYI though I am not eligible, yet.
Growing up, i lived in southwest georgia, five miles from alabama, twenty miles from florida. said that to say this, LOVEBUGS SUCK!!!! You guys up north should thank your lucky stars. They come in the millions in summer. I had an '86 Monte Carlo SS and finally had to buy me a front end cover to keep it clear of pitting from this mennace. I even bought some covers for the mirrors too. Looked pretty cool actually. When i would show the car i would remove the covers when i got to the show and put them back on before i left. I found that to be the only protection for lovebugs!
AARP is for kids. How about inventing a Laser shield to vaporize the little critters before they reach the car. And besides, if us ancient ones hired someone, they would be young like you & we would be right back where we started. Really old Ed :cool:
Best Bug cleaner I've found

I know our little northern bugs are kinda wimpy compared to your flying monsters, but I've found a product called Castol Super Clean and a scrub brush is absolutely terrific on my LS's plastic bumpers.

Super Clean is not just for bugs, but also removes road tar, tree sap, deep-seated grime and other forms of nasty gradoo.

The Stuff is great. Better than so-called bug and tar removers. It's also killer on grease and grime. I use it on my engine compartment, my motorcycle and my kid's racing kart, and my wife uses it in the laundry to get out grease spots.

Try it.
Once you get your bumper clean look into the invisible car bra or clear car bra. They are great for preventing love bugs attacks and rock chips.

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