Cleaning out the basement! Get it before EBAY!


Well-Known LVC Member
Feb 1, 2006
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So Im selling all my extra parts. Its all going on ebay so you guys can grab what you need before it goes. Here is the list make an offer.

Gen 2
1. Drivers and pass. air bag in grey
2. Brake booster
3. Master cylinder x2
4. fuel rail and injectors
5. rear view mirror
6. pass. corner taillight black
7. third brake light
8. water pump x3
9. vcrm
10. imrc actuator
11. cruise control module
12. front ride hieght sensors x2
13. wiper motor
14. abs motor
15. brake pedal assembly
16. throttle pedal assembly
17. throttle cable
18. guage cluster
19. front speakers/tweeters amp
20. a/c dryer
21. air bag sensors
22. washer fluid resivior
23. rear air bags x2
24. intake manifold x2
25. a/c compressor x3
26. power steering pump
27. air comperssor
28. timing cover
29. cam covers
30. alternator
31. ECU

Gen 1
1. side mirrors both sides
2. intake manifold painted silver but chipped
3. abs motor
4. fuel rail

I have pics of everything on request. thanks for looking
anyone know if a brake booster and master cylinder from Gen 2 interchange with a gen 1?
What do ya want for an AC compressor? Any history of where they came from and the condition?
1 compressor came off of a gen 1 with 103k. 1 came off a 97 with 160k and the other off a 98 with 150k with was replaced but I don't know when. Both 97 and 98 cars ran and a/c worked while I had them.
what do you want for the gen 2 throttle cable, master cylinder, and power steering pump(if it has a resevoir)? zip code 62618 commercial address
Do you mean you want both the pump and resevoir. The resevoir is separate from the pump.
i'm interested in the amp for the 2nd gen.
i have a '97 with premium sound, will that work?

how much for it?
i believe so. This came out of a 97 LSC. As for premium sound, if your referring to the JBL system them thats what this is. I didnt think there was other systems available. Here's a pic of the amp and rear speaks and tweets.
40 shipped for the amp
60 shipped includes what you see in pic. both rears speaks and tweets


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