Climate Control bulb blown...


Well-Known LVC Member
Nov 11, 2005
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Hey fellas,

I noticed last night that on my climate control, my driver's side temperature down (blue) is not functioning. The temperature up (red) is however. Is this possible to pull out and fix or am I going to require new climate control setup?

good question. The same bulb is blown in my car. Is this a common thing? Who else has this bulb out? My car goes into the dealer for service so I'll ask them too.
ya mine is too... nothing you can do about it tho, you would need to buy a whole new climate control unit = not worth it
check for a service bulletin from linclon. sounds like the problem with the 93and 94 climate controls and the black buttons that where not female frendly. they could't stand up to long fingernails.
well that sucks... guess we got a little more in common than what we originally thought!

OMG...My bulb in my climate control recently broke too...the blue one!! I went and did a search and here I find this post! Weird....
My left side went out for a while, then came back on, then the rigt side and the shifter lights (P R N D ect...) but now everything is working again. *shrug*
speaking of bulbs, if the lights in your radio dont light up at night either, the button ones not the display, is there anyway to fix that or are you gonna need a whole new head unit?

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