Clinton Lays an Egg on Fox News Sunday


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Apr 24, 2005
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From the onset, Mr. Clinton seemed ill at ease. This is understandable, as he didn't see the normally comforting initials of the "Clinton News Network" proudly displayed on the video cameras in front of him. But, this doesn't absolve him of appearing before the American people as if he were Norman Bates just questioned about his mother.

On the other hand, maybe asking the former president anything of consequence these days will elicit such volatility, as the fireworks started as soon as Wallace brought up historically factual statements made in a new book, The Looming Tower. In it, author Lawrence Wright addressed how Osama bin Laden had indicated that when American troops pulled out of Somalia in 1993, he and his al Qaeda buddies saw this as an indication of American weakness.

Although this certainly couldn't have been the first time he had heard this, it didn't sit very well with Mr. Clinton, who lashed out in a fury akin to a president that had just been accused of having sexual relations with an intern:

I think it's very interesting that all the conservative Republicans who now say that I didn't do enough, claimed that I was obsessed with Bin Laden. All of President Bush's neocons claimed that I was too obsessed with finding Bin Laden when they didn't have a single meeting about Bin Laden for the nine months after I left office. All the right wingers who now say that I didn't do enough said that I did too much.

Republicans claimed that Clinton was obsessed with bin Laden? He did too much to try to capture the infamous terrorist leader?

Do the facts support such assertions, or is this the typical Clinton modus operandi: when questioned about your own mistakes, bring up Republicans, neocons, and conservatives - the liberal equivalent of lions and tigers and bears...oh my - and how it's all some kind of a conspiracy the complexities of which only Oliver Stone fully grasps.

Historically this line of attack has worked quite well with an adoring interviewer that buys such drivel hook, line, and sinker. However, what Mr. Clinton and his ilk seem to forget regularly is a recent invention known as the Internet. It is indeed odd the former president is unaware of this, inasmuch as his vice president created it.

Regardless, this tool - with the assistance of search engines and services such as Nexis - allows folks to go back in the past to accurately identify the truth. Sadly, as has often been the case with the rantings of the Clintons, their grasp of the past is as hazy as their understanding of what the word "is" means. At least that is the charitable interpretation.

Nothing but GOP support for getting bin Laden

With that in mind, a thorough Nexis-Lexis search identified absolutely no instances of high-ranking Republicans ever suggesting that Mr. Clinton was obsessed with bin Laden, or did too much to apprehend him prior to the bombing of the USS Cole in October 2000. Quite the contrary, Republicans were typically highly supportive of Clinton's efforts in this regard.

As a little background, prior to the August 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Africa, there is hardly any mention of bin Laden by President Clinton in American news transcripts. For the most part, the first real discussion of the terrorist leader by the former president - or by any U.S. politicians or pundits for that matter - began after these bombings, and escalated after the American retaliation in Afghanistan a few weeks later.

At the time, the former president was knee-deep in the Monica Lewinsky scandal, so much so that the press was abuzz with the possibility that Clinton had performed these attacks to distract the American people from his extracurricular activities much as in the movie Wag the Dog.

Were there high-ranking Republicans that piled on this assertion? Hardly. As the Associated Press reported on the day of the attacks, Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R-Georgia) said the following on August 20, 1998:

Well, I think the United States did exactly the right thing. We cannot allow a terrorist group to attack American embassies and do nothing. And I think we have to recognize that we are now committed to engaging this organization and breaking it apart and doing whatever we have to to suppress it, because we cannot afford to have people who think that they can kill Americans without any consequence. So this was the right thing to do. [emphasis added]

Gingrich was not alone in his support. CNN's Candy Crowley reported on August 21, 1998, the day after cruise missiles were sent into Afghanistan:

With law makers scattered to the four winds on August vacation, congressional offices revved up the faxes. From the Senate majority leader [Trent Lott], "Despite the current controversy, this Congress will vigorously support the president in full defense of America's interests throughout the world." [emphasis added]

Crowley continued:

"The United States political leadership always has and always will stand united in the face of international terrorism," said the powerful Republican chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee [Jesse Helms]. [emphasis added]

It was vintage rally around the flag, just as they did for Ronald Reagan when he bombed Libya, for George Bush when he sent armed forces to the Gulf.

The Atanta Journal-Constitution reported the same day:

"Our nation has taken action against very deadly terrorists opposed to the most basic principles of American freedom," said Sen. Paul Coverdell, a Republican member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. "This action should serve as a reminder that no one is beyond the reach of American justice." [emphasis added]

Former vice president Dan Quayle was quoted by CNN on August 23, 1998:

I don't have a problem with the timing. You need to focus on the act itself. It was a correct act. Bill Clinton took-made a decisive decision to hit these terrorist camps. It's probably long overdue. [emphasis added]

Were there some Republican detractors? Certainly. Chief amongst them was Sen. Dan Coats of Indiana:

I think we fear that we may have a president that is desperately seeking to hold onto his job in the face of a firestorm of criticism and calls for him to step down.

Arlen Specter (R-Pennsylvania) also questioned the timing at first. However, other Republicans pleaded with dissenters on their side of the aisle to get on board the operation, chief amongst them, Gingrich himself. As reported by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the Speaker felt the "Wag the Dog" comparisons were "sick":

"Anyone who saw the bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, anyone who saw the coffins come home, would not ask such a question," said the House speaker, referring to the 12 Americans killed in the embassy bombings.

In fact, Gingrich did everything within his power to head off Republican criticism of these attacks as reported by the Boston Globe on August 23, 1998:

Indeed, Gingrich even saw to it that one of his political associates, Rich Galen, sent a blast-Fax to conservative talk radio hosts urging them to lay off the president on the missile strikes, and making sure they knew of Gingrich's strong support. [emphasis added]

That's the same Rich Galen, by the way, who is openly urging Republican congressional candidates to try to take political advantage of the president's sex scandal in their television advertising this fall.

Sound like Republicans were complaining about President Clinton obsessing over bin Laden? Or, does it seem that Mr. Clinton pulled this concept out of his... hat in front of Chris Wallace, and ran 99 yards with the ball, albeit in the wrong direction?

Regardless, in the end, sanity prevailed, and both Specter and Coats got on board the operation:

After reviewing intelligence information collected on bin Laden, Specter said: "I think the president acted properly." [emphasis added]

As for "neocons," one so-called high-ranking member, Richard Perle, wrote the following in an August 23, 1998, op-ed published in the Sunday Times:

For the first time since taking office in 1993, the Clinton administration has responded with some measure of seriousness to an act of terror against the United States. This has undoubtedly come as a surprise to Osama Bin Laden, the Saudi terrorist believed to have been behind the bombing of American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and to the regimes in Afghanistan and Sudan who provide him with sanctuary and support.

Until now they, along with other terrorists and their state sponsors in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya and North Korea, have manoeuvred, plotted, connived and killed with confidence that the United States would do little or nothing in retaliation.

So Thursday's bombing is a small step in the right direction. More important, it reverses, at least for now, a weak and ineffective Clinton policy that has emboldened terrorists and confirmed that facilitating terror is without cost to the states that do it. [emphasis added]

Does that sound like a "Bush neocon" claiming that Clinton was "obsessed with bin Laden" to you?

In reality, the only person that appears to have said that Clinton was fixated with the al Qaeda leader was Richard Clarke, who stated the following on CNN on March 24, 2004:

Bill Clinton was obsessed with getting bin Laden. Bill Clinton ordered bin Laden assassinated. He ordered not only bin Laden assassinated but all of his lieutenants.

Well, at least somebody felt Clinton was obsessed with Osama. But Clinton referred to Clarke quite favorably during his tirade.

Moving forward, conservative support for Clinton's Afghanistan attacks didn't end in the weeks that followed. On October 25, 1998, high-ranking Republican senator Orrin Hatch of Utah said the following on CNN:

You've seen the great work of the FBI and the CIA in particular with regard to the Osama bin Laden matters.

Yet, maybe more curious than the delusion by Mr. Clinton that Republicans were claiming he was obsessed with bin Laden is the fact that he believes he was. After all, if Clinton had been so focused on this terrorist leader that Republicans would have thought it was over-kill, wouldn't there be indications of this obsession in the record?

Quite the contrary, much as there is no evidence of any Republican expressing such an opinion, there is no evidence that anti-terrorism efforts were a huge focus of the Clinton administration. For instance, just five months after the attacks on the U.S. embassies in Africa, President Clinton gave a State of the Union address.

Think terrorism or the capture of bin Laden was a central focus to the supposedly obsessed former president? Hardly. In a one-hour, seventeen minute speech to the nation on January 19, 1999, this is all President Clinton had to say about such issues:

As we work for peace, we must also meet threats to our nation's security, including increased danger from outlaw nations and terrorism. CLINTON: We will defend our security wherever we are threatened-as we did this summer when we struck at Osama bin Laden's network of terror.

The bombing of our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania reminds us again of the risks faced every day by those who represent America to the world. So let's give them the support they need, the safest possible workplaces, and the resources they must have so America can continue to lead.

We must work to keep terrorists from disrupting computer networks. We must work to prepare local communities for biological and chemical emergencies, to support research into vaccines and treatments.

Furthermore, twelve months later, even though he spoke for almost an hour and a half during his final State of the Union address on January 27, 2000, according to a Nexis-Lexis search, the name Osama bin Laden was never mentioned. This appears almost impossible to believe given revelations that very morning about a connection between the individual apprehended trying to cross the Canadian border with explosives in December and bin Laden.

So much for obsession.

Sadly, this entire incident speaks volumes about how the press have given Clinton a pass for his transgressions, and, maybe more important, the danger of such negligence. When one watches this interview, it is easy to see a man that is unused to challenging questions from the media. After all, this is the first time that Clinton agreed to be on Fox News Sunday, and, as a result, he's become so accustomed to the softballs fed to him by folks like Tim Russert and George Stephanopoulos that he feels it's his right to not be challenged.

Just look at some of the disdain Clinton showed for his interviewer all because he was asked a question he didn't want to answer:

You set this meeting up because you were going to get a lot of criticism from your viewers because Rupert Murdoch is going to get a lot of criticism from your viewers for supporting my work on Climate Change. And you came here under false pretenses and said that you'd spend half the time talking about...You said you'd spend half the time talking about what we did out there to raise $7 billion dollars plus over three days from 215 different commitments. And you don't care.

Or, how about this wonderful statement by a former president:

And you've got that little smirk on your face. It looks like you're so clever...

Or this one:

So you did FOX's bidding on this show. You did your nice little conservative hit job on me.

Just imagine President Bush speaking this way to a member of the media when he is being grilled either during a press conference, or in the middle of any of his interviews since he became president. Or getting in the face of his interviewer and tapping on the host's notepad that's sitting on his lap.

Would this be acceptable? Not a chance. However, such was the behavior of America's 42nd president.
And, as much as he and his troops appear to be aggressively defending his actions to preserve his legacy, they have failed to recognize that such displays in front of a well-regarded member of the press will defeat their purposes no matter how much they try to rationalize them.

In the end, it's not clear which is more surprising: Mr. Clinton once again lying to the American people and disgracing himself so, or that he didn't realize that in his self-absorbed desire to revise history for the benefit of posterity, he was actually doing himself more harm than good.
The guy that ran the CIA Bin Laden unit (Michael Scheuer) during the Clinton years told the liberal announcer (Harry Smith) on the CBS This Morning Show that the only reason Bin Laden was alive today was that, Clinton, Berger and Clarke refused to kill kim.

Lefties want to blame Bush for not getting him in Bora Bora when Bush sent troops in there. What is interesting is Scheuer lays the blame clearly on the feet of Clinton who he says had 8-9 chances to kill Bin Laben and never sent even 1 US military person after him.

It is fun to watch the Clinton legacy circling the drain.
And, in fairness, I don't think that just having killed Bin Laden would have prevented 9-11 either.

The only way to have made any difference would be to have launched a "global war" such as Bush has. Ambitiously cutting off finance, military action, disrupting communication, taking apart the leadership...

Just having killed one man wouldn't have stopped anything. We do ourself a disservice when we think of the Islamic threat in terms of individuals.
I have stated this before and will again...........

History will prove without a doubt that Bill Clinton will be regarded as the worst president in American history. Just give him enough rope and he will eventually hang himself. It almost seems as if lately the only time he ever even opens his mouth is to change feet. Could I have done a better job, probably not, never claimed to be able to, and would never even try. Could I have done a worse job, HELL NO.
History will prove without a doubt that Bill Clinton will be regarded as the worst president in American history.

I wouldn't say that- but I will say that in comparison to the current and Regan administrations- Clinton is a complete pussy when it comes to fighting terror.

BTW, I watched that interview and he behaved like a complete jackass who was cornered and proven wrong- yet refused to concede that he blew it. He came close and he admitted that he while "he tried, but failed"- implying that it was as if it was all beyond his control and no matter what he did, Bin Laden is invincible and cannot die.

At the end, he would barely shake Chris Wallace's hand. Sore loser. OWNED.
Where are all the Clintonoids that are supposed to rush to his defense?

Why Clinton "Lost His Temper"
The former president knew what he was doing.

by William Kristol
09/25/2006 11:16:00 AM

LET'S DO A THOUGHT experiment: Perhaps Bill Clinton, an experienced and sophisticated politician, knew what he was doing when he made big news by "losing his temper" in his interview with Chris Wallace. Perhaps Clinton's aides knew what they were doing when they publicized the interview by providing their own transcript to a left-wing website as soon as possible Friday evening, and then pre-spun reporters late Friday and Saturday. Maybe it was just damage control. Or maybe Clinton did what he wanted to do when he indignantly defended himself, blasted the Bush administration, and attacked Fox News. What could Clinton have been seeking to accomplish? Three things.

1. Helping Democrats in 2006.

In the Fox interview, and in other recent interviews (Meet the Press, the New Yorker), Clinton has shown himself well aware of Republican efforts (engineered by the dastardly Karl Rove) to paint Democrats as unreliable in the war on terror. Clinton would have known that these were doing some damage to Democrats, and that Bush and Rove have had a few good weeks on this issue. And he would know that the Democrats haven't fought back well (e.g., they're now in a difficult position on the Bush-McCain detainees legislation).

In this interview, Clinton rallied Democrats. He reminded them of their talking points on Bush's alleged passivity in his first eight months in office (remember Richard Clarke!), and on the alleged distraction posed by Iraq from the more worthwhile war in Afghanistan. He nicely laid the predicate for the leaked portions of the National Intelligence Estimate that appeared in the press the next day. If the Bush-Rove war-on-terror offensive stalls out this week (and much of the media is committed to making this happen), and Democrats do well in November, Bill Clinton can take credit, at a crucial moment, for discrediting the terror issue as a mere political ploy, and showing Democrats how "to fight back" and how "to stand up to the right-wing propaganda machine" (in the words of Howard Dean).

2. Helping Hillary in 2008.

Hillary Clinton has been having problems with the left wing of the Democratic party. With this interview, Bill Clinton has the entire left wing of the Democratic party rallying to him. Some of this solidarity can presumably be transferred to Hillary. And the dangerous move of the left-wing of the party toward Gore and Edwards, and their rise in national and Iowa polls respectively, can perhaps be stopped.

3. Intimidating Critics.

Clinton wants to make it incorrect, or at least impolite, to criticize his record on terror. Chris Wallace stood up to him. Will others? Will his next interviewer raise the same set of questions? Will they be willing to take the criticism of being "conservative hit men" or part of the vast, Fox-centered right-wing conspiracy? Bullying and intimidation sometimes work. Clinton has used both effectively in the past. Now he wants to put out of bounds certain perfectly legitimate and straight-forward questions. Can we debate which party--based on their practice when in power--can better deal with the jihadist/terror threat? No, according to Clinton. That's illegitimate right-wing propaganda. Whose personal reputation benefits from putting such issues out of bounds? Which political party benefits? Which 2008 presidential candidate?

Bill Clinton is a smart (and calculating) politician.

--William Kristol
I think Bill Kristol, whom I highly respect, is wrong in his theory. If this was calculated, then why aren't any of his party members (except for the "smartest kid on the short bus" Howard Dean) defending him?

I watched that interview. Kristol's theory is interesting, but I know body language, and Willie was clearly angry and uncomfortable. That was the real BillyBoy towering menacingly over Chris Wallace. He probably thinks he hit a home run with that invective-laced load of crap, but reality is that he made himself look very juvenile and petulant. I've never seen or heard of any former President of the United States acting in such a disgraceful way. I was half expecting him to bang his shoe and tell Chris Wallace "we will bury you."
fossten said:
Where are all the Clintonoids that are supposed to rush to his defense?

Ask and ye shall receive Bush-ite... :)

If the Neocons did lay off the Lewinsky scandal and not made Clinton's going after Osama another Democrat "Wag the Dog" deal trying to distract media away from the Lewinsky, Osama might have been killed by Clinton and at least he has the integrity to say "I tried and failed", how often to do here a President admit failure these days? Having said that, Calabrio is right though, would Osama being killed back then have prevented 9/11 or another similar attack? Probably not.

If only he had a desk in front of him, he could have pounded his fist and looked into the camera and we would have had another Monica moment.

I missed the 'moment'. Caught Chris saying goodbye to Billy. Did see it on CBS site (most liberal propanganda website on the Internet) and that was Billy being Billy. He is so mad at (whom else -Karl Rove, LMAO) for succussfully exposing him. I just wish Wallace would have had the nads at that very moment to ask Bill if what Sandy Burglar, I mean Berger, put in his crotch had anything to do with the hunt for Bin Laden. Could have watched Bill have a heart attack live on T.V.
95DevilleNS said:
Osama might have been killed by Clinton

I think you need to read up on Michael Scheurer who headed Clinton's CIA division looking for Osama.

He has clearly stated again and again that Clinton passed on 8-9 opportunities to 'take' Bin Laden.

Billy didn't have the balls, and neither do the Democrats. They simply don't have what it takes to defend this Country. Oh, they'll lob some bombs and then go to their cocktail meetings and wack each other off, but that is about it. Plus, they'll only react AFTER the fact. Never, ever, before. And if is military personnel dying, they won't do a thing about it. The Dems and Libs in general hate the military. In their mind, they are the bad guys anyway, so seeing them die isa good thing in their sick, twisted minds.
95DevilleNS said:
Ask and ye shall receive Bush-ite... :)

If the Neocons did lay off the Lewinsky scandal and not made Clinton's going after Osama another Democrat "Wag the Dog" deal trying to distract media away from the Lewinsky, Osama might have been killed by Clinton and at least he has the integrity to say "I tried and failed", how often to do here a President admit failure these days? Having said that, Calabrio is right though, would Osama being killed back then have prevented 9/11 or another similar attack? Probably not.


I think this argument shows that Clinton's failure to kill Bin Laden had more to do with his failure as a leader than having anything to do with partisan politics. To say Clinton was distracted by republicans is merely an accuse. Considering everything that has been said about Clinton’s concern regarding his presidential legacy, it is more likely plausible that he balked at the notion of killing Bin Laden, fearing such an act may prove to be a mistake and ultimately tarnish whatever legacy he had hoped to leave as president. Whatever reason his decision to spare Bin Laden was based, it is clear Clinton failed to assume the responsibilities expected of a president by refusing to deal with the clear and present threat that Bin Land posed against the United States and the American people. Consequently, Clinton's leadership failures directly contributed to Bin Laden's success on 9/11. Though democrats wish to ignore this fact, it remains indisputable that Clinton is at least just as much to blame for 9/11 as President Bush.
95DevilleNS said:
Ask and ye shall receive Bush-ite... :)

If the Neocons did lay off the Lewinsky scandal and not made Clinton's going after Osama another Democrat "Wag the Dog" deal trying to distract media away from the Lewinsky, Osama might have been killed by Clinton and at least he has the integrity to say "I tried and failed", how often to do here a President admit failure these days? Having said that, Calabrio is right though, would Osama being killed back then have prevented 9/11 or another similar attack? Probably not.


You are ABSOLUTELY incorrect on every point. In fact, if Clinton had been able to keep his pecker in his pocket, there would not have BEEN a Monica scandal. In fact, if he had been focused on bin Laden instead of playing hide the cigar, he might have made different decisions. It's not the Republicans' fault that Clinton's "private affair" became public because he broke the law. In fact, the only reason there was a Monica scandal was because Clinton tried to use his Presidential power to suborn perjury and interfere with a legal trial, thus violating federal law.

In fact, Clinton knew that the CIA had bin Laden surrounded, and he refused to give the order to go in and take him. In fact, Clinton ON TAPE admitted that he had been offered bin Laden by the Sudanese but refused to take him (because he was a coward).

In fact, he doesn't have any integrity to say "I tried and failed" because he didn't actually try. He lied up and down in that interview. There was nearly nothing that he said that was true.

Clinton Takes the Stage

John L. Perry
Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2006

Bill Clinton is both a personal and national tragedy, a grievously wasted talent who blew his chance at greatness, forever an impeachable witness to history.

His cannily contrived appearance on Fox News Sunday, where he stole the interview away from straight-arrow journalist Chris Wallace, was the former president's latest failed effort to reinvent, resurrect, or redeem himself and his self-ruined reputation.

Clinton has been pining to rebut the rap he has carried around with him as the president who failed to go after Osama bin Laden when he had a shot. It was crystal clear Clinton has been boiling about this deep, deep inside. It all came out like magma spewing from a volcano.

Blaming It on Bush

In rapid fire, he rattled off riposte after riposte, trying to make a case that it was really he, not George W. Bush, who was bin Laden's authentic nemesis.

Maybe every word Clinton uttered during the Fox News Sunday interview was the gospel truth. Who knows whether he was telling the truth or lying again this time?

It's important, too, whether it was lies or truth. This had to do with war or peace, and may well have had significant relevance to America's ultimate survival.

It isn't every day this nation — indeed, the whole world — has the opportunity to listen to a former president, especially one during his successor's tenure, recount details of critical historical events of such gigantic importance.

Search for Truth

You want to believe what you are hearing, because you yearn to hear the truth. No one wants to think he is being told rubbish, not about the nation's vulnerability to terrorism. And certainly not by a former president. Good news or bad, you want what you are hearing from such a source to be accurate, and thus believable.

With Clinton, though, you never know.

To put this in context, imagine a rather mundane, straight-forward trial, the kind that takes place every day in the courthouses of communities all across America.

The judicial process is at work. Prosecutors and defense attorneys are striving to get the truth — the whole truth and nothing but the truth — spread out before a jury of the defendant's peers.

On the stand testifying is the defendant: a relaxed, affable, apparently sincere, well-groomed fellow (except for his short socks, which give him just the right homey touch).

Glib and Plausible

His presentation is articulate, dramatic, impressive, persuasive, his testimony devastating for the prosecution. The defense attorney sits down, satisfied with what the verdict will be.

On rebuttal, the prosecuting attorney rises and begins asking questions of the defendant, each one aimed at establishing him as an unreliable witness.

Then comes the closer:

"Is it not true," asks the prosecutor, "that you looked a television camera straight in the lens, took out a long index finger and waggled it, saying you never had sexual relations with a certain young woman?"

The defendant chews his lip.

"The witness will answer the question," the judge instructs.

"It is true," the witness finally admits.

The prosecutor continues: "And did you not admit later that this was a lie."

"Yes, and I also apologized. That made it all right. I said I was sorry."

"And is it not true that you were later held in contempt by a judge for lying under oath?"

"Yes, but . . ."

"Members of the jury, how are we to know when this witness is lying or when he is telling the truth?"

The same sort of tableau has to be playing out in the minds of all who saw Clinton's frankly masterful performance Sunday. Thanks to his actions in the Oval Office during his own presidency, how does anyone know when this fellow is lying or telling the truth?

Born to Act

You can't help liking the scoundrel.

What a star he could have been on the stage or the silver screen. As an actor he could have played almost any part — and had his audience wanting to believe every line.

Too bad for him; he opted instead for a slightly different theatrical venue. He determined to make his fame and fortune on the most exhilarating stage of all — presidential politics.

Heaven knows, Clinton has made a fortune, many times over, as the result of his tour of politics. As for fame, well, of that he has a gracious plenty, too. Trouble is, it is not the kind of fame you'd wish on your worst enemy.

By his own deeds, and from his own lips, orchestrated by his own digital baton, Clinton has doomed himself to an indelible reputation of "liar, liar, pants on fire."

The Blame Stops Here

The news media didn't do this to him. No vast, or not-so-vast, right-wing conspiracy or non-conspiracy did this to him. He did it to himself, all by himself.

And now he's stuck with himself, as he really is.

Whenever he opens his mouth — and especially when he double-clutches down into that "I'm sincere, I've been aggrieved, I'm a victim" gear of his — everyone who hears him has to be asking: "Yeah, but is this just another one of your whoppers?"

When he told something that turned out to have been not altogether accurate it was not because he had repeated what he had been told by experts who were supposed know better. Rather, it was because he had made up lies and knew better.

‘ . . . and the Truth Shall Make You Free'

The democracy could always use honest enlightenment about what really happened as history was in the making. Just one example: When former President Harry S Truman recounted why and how he fired Gen. Douglas McArthur and why he dropped the atomic bombs on Japan and how he felt about having done it, there was no credible reason not to believe his every word.

The saga of William Jefferson Clinton is at once a personal and national tragedy. He had so much to offer his country, its people and its history.

Instead, he chose, deliberately and cynically, to go down forever in history as an irredeemable liar — Clinton the unbelievable.

John L. Perry, a prize-winning newspaper editor and writer who served on White House staffs of two presidents, is a regular columnist for
additional point about Clinton-
He could have continued to screw around with interns, it only turned into a problem when he perjured himself and engaged in a conspiracy to have others engage in the cover up as well.

It wasn't about sex. The media covered it because of the sex, but that wasn't the real problem.
Heck, if I knew that was the issue with Klinton, (not getting laid), I would have hired hookers for him. Actually everybody in the world knew Klinton wasn't getting laid. He was married to Hillarity and who would poke that thing.:eek:

Anywho, to be President is a super stressful job. Probably the most stressful in the world. I want my President getting laid, just not in the Oval Office, defaming the very history that the office represents. But Klinton was so in love with Kennedy and the story goes that Kennedy wasn't Mr. Clean either, so I think that is where Bill got the idea for the Oval Office extra-curriculars.

Believe it or not, that is the only thing I am mad about. The Oval Office. I am not even mad about the lying to be truthful, especially in light of the fact of who he was married to when asked about it bt I am mad he went on T.V. on pounded his fist while looking us straight in the eye.
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Again, and again, and again Deville.................

[Edit by MonsterMark: personal attack] If you would just take the time to read the drivel that you post before you hit the submit button, you may once in a while be able to realize that you are talking out of your vertical mouth. You can't honestly believe that Clinton did not have the oppurtunity to get Osama on more than one occasion. He was just way to busy cigar banging interns to answer the question of whether or not the CIA ops that had Osama in their sites should pull the trigger. You need to take off those rose colored shooting glasses that you so proudly display and get new hearing aide batteries. [Edit by MonsterMark: Personal attack]
95DevilleNS said:
Ask and ye shall receive Bush-ite... :)

If the Neocons did lay off the Lewinsky scandal and not made Clinton's going after Osama another Democrat "Wag the Dog" deal trying to distract media away from the Lewinsky, Osama might have been killed by Clinton and at least he has the integrity to say "I tried and failed", how often to do here a President admit failure these days? Having said that, Calabrio is right though, would Osama being killed back then have prevented 9/11 or another similar attack? Probably not.

MAC1 said:
I think this argument shows that Clinton's failure to kill Bin Laden had more to do with his failure as a leader than having anything to do with partisan politics. To say Clinton was distracted by republicans is merely an accuse. Considering everything that has been said about Clinton’s concern regarding his presidential legacy, it is more likely plausible that he balked at the notion of killing Bin Laden, fearing such an act may prove to be a mistake and ultimately tarnish whatever legacy he had hoped to leave as president. Whatever reason his decision to spare Bin Laden was based, it is clear Clinton failed to assume the responsibilities expected of a president by refusing to deal with the clear and present threat that Bin Land posed against the United States and the American people. Consequently, Clinton's leadership failures directly contributed to Bin Laden's success on 9/11. Though democrats wish to ignore this fact, it remains indisputable that Clinton is at least just as much to blame for 9/11 as President Bush.

Republicans blame current failures on Democrats all the time, saying the Democrats greed for power handicaps the Republicans effectiveness in protecting the country, scan around the threads, especially about a year ago.

I also agree with you that Clinton isn't without fault, but the nonsense that Clinton caused 9/11 by himself is just that, nonsense.
bufordtpisser said:
[Edit by MonsterMark: personal attack] If you would just take the time to read the drivel that you post before you hit the submit button, you may once in a while be able to realize that you are talking out of your vertical mouth. You can't honestly believe that Clinton did not have the oppurtunity to get Osama on more than one occasion. He was just way to busy cigar banging interns to answer the question of whether or not the CIA ops that had Osama in their sites should pull the trigger. You need to take off those rose colored shooting glasses that you so proudly display and get new hearing aide batteries. [Edit by MonsterMark: Personal attack]

MonsterMark, no need to edit out anything he says, I'd rather hear what people post without censorship, even if it is a rant....

Bufordtpisser, once again you show yourself to be the clownshoes you are and a wanna-be bully. Keep at it though, it fits you well.
95DevilleNS said:
MonsterMark, no need to edit out anything he says, I'd rather hear what people post without censorship, even if it is a rant....

Bufordtpisser, once again you show yourself to be the clownshoes you are and a wanna-be bully. Keep at it though, it fits you well.

The part between the edits is totally accurate, though.
I am not a wanna be bully..............

95DevilleNS said:
MonsterMark, no need to edit out anything he says, I'd rather hear what people post without censorship, even if it is a rant....

Bufordtpisser, once again you show yourself to be the clownshoes you are and a wanna-be bully. Keep at it though, it fits you well.

I am the real thing. I am a bully. But then again I freely admit it. They can edit my posts all they want, because what I do post is what others would if they had the backbone to do so. I love people like you Deville, you all make the bully business so easy and profitable.
fossten said:
You are ABSOLUTELY incorrect on every point. In fact, if Clinton had been able to keep his pecker in his pocket, there would not have BEEN a Monica scandal. In fact, if he had been focused on bin Laden instead of playing hide the cigar, he might have made different decisions. It's not the Republicans' fault that Clinton's "private affair" became public because he broke the law. In fact, the only reason there was a Monica scandal was because Clinton tried to use his Presidential power to suborn perjury and interfere with a legal trial, thus violating federal law.

In fact, Clinton knew that the CIA had bin Laden surrounded, and he refused to give the order to go in and take him. In fact, Clinton ON TAPE admitted that he had been offered bin Laden by the Sudanese but refused to take him (because he was a coward).

In fact, he doesn't have any integrity to say "I tried and failed" because he didn't actually try. He lied up and down in that interview. There was nearly nothing that he said that was true.

On every point? Well, at least I scored 100%... I do not blame the Republicans for Clinton’s misdeeds, he had sex with Monica, it was his choice and it was wrong. But just as you have repeatedly blamed the Democrats for gimping Bush and cabinet for everything he does, therefore ultimately blaming the Democrats for our sh!t poor security, it works the same with the Clinton/Osama deal. Was Clinton only using the Osama issue during the MonicaGate trial as an attempted diversion? Sure, it's possible, but it is also possible that the Republicans going at Clinton’s jugular did distract him from the Osama issue, remember, it was a HUGE scandal, he was almost impeached.

If you are absolutely certain that Clinton could have killed Osama with a word, why didn't he then... What does being a "coward" have anything to do with it. He wasn't personally pulling the trigger, all he had to do was give the order, if you're going to say he was a coward even in that, he has given orders bomb and kill others during his Presidency, why so cowardly now with Osama?

Was Clinton the perfect president? Certainly not, but your bias clearly blinds you, the guy isn't the devil you make him out to be. Blame Clinton all you want, but killing Osama wouldn't have been a guaranteed deal that 9/11 wouldn't have happened. You also need to take into account when you hate on Clinton, 9/11/201, who was in the Oval office on that date? The blame needs to be shared if anything, the actions that lead to 9/11 didn't start the day Clinton took office, it goes back even further.
bufordtpisser said:
I am the real thing. I am a bully. But then again I freely admit it. They can edit my posts all they want, because what I do post is what others would if they had the backbone to do so. I love people like you Deville, you all make the bully business so easy and profitable.

I can imagine you sitting their, sticking out your chest in some sort of half-assed macho pose while you type that... Anyhow, I did ask MonsterMark to not edit your post directed at me in the future, hopefully he won't.

You do realize that to be an effective bully the person you're bullying needs to be intimidated, so far I am laughing at your pansyass, limp-wristed attempts. I'd ask for a refund from whichever Barnum & Bailey Bully School you attended, they failed in educating you in proper techniques. Then again, who do you blame for substandard products, the craftsmen or the piss poor material?
95DevilleNS said:
MonsterMark, no need to edit out anything he says, I'd rather hear what people post without censorship, even if it is a rant....

Come on guys. I love the heavy hitting but I just don't think the personal attacks serve any purpose. What happens if I let everything go as far as the name calling? Barry has already shown what a grown up is willing to do when it comes to childish name calling of fellow members, and at least to me, I don't think it reflects well on us all.

Attack the left and right all you want, just try to steer clear of the gutter when it comes to fellow member name calling. Hope that is not too much to ask.

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