clock on radio


Well-Known LVC Member
May 20, 2005
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anyone elses radio clock have a problem keeping time? It goes ahead on a rate of about one more minute a week. after about a month it is 5 minutes fast.

any ideas on how to fix?
i never noticed any difference, but since the clock and components are all internal to the radio, i would say you would have to replace the radio.
Mine does it too...and well...lets just say I don't poke along on the highway. I keep reseting mine....
yes I keep resetting mine too.

cableguynoe said:
Sound like you drive WAY too slow....your clock is
leaving you behind!:steering

lol, in my one car a few years ago the clock would always go slower and slower, I would say it had to do with how fast I go and time dilation and theory of relativity or something.

something like: when traveling at or close to the speed of light time will pass slower for you then for those standing still.
Mine did until I replaced it with this now it stays perfect:)


Just a weird idea from way back....

Older mechanical car clocks had a regulating mechanism in them. My 79 TA had it, man I miss that car, screaming chicken and all.

Whenever you changed the time this would tell the regulator that the clock was running too fast/slow which was why you had to change the time. MAYBE, our modern electronic clocks have a similar mechanism. The way you were supposed to adjust the regulation was to go past the desired time about an hour and then back up to it. This way the regulator was adjusted to slow down during step one and then speed back up in step two which cancelled out the speedup/slowdown.

Just a wild guess and it doesn't cost anything to try.

Good Luck,

Jim Henderson
Mine loses about 2.5 minutes per week. I don't bother with it, since it can't be trusted.
SoonerLS said:
Mine loses about 2.5 minutes per week. I don't bother with it, since it can't be trusted.

Mine lost time too... So I replaced it with this..

nice setups guys, i'm not sure if I want to replace my whole radio and etc though.... it would be nice but....

Jim its a long shot but i'll give it a try.
I really didn't have to change my radio to put the lincoln quartz clock in but once I started modding I couldn't stop. but I love the look that the quartz clock gives.
Here's a better picture of my clock


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