Cobra "R' hood


Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 4, 2005
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Who besides me would like 1 of these on the cheap ???????? Perhaps w/ this thread I'll get a response
driller said:
What's cheap? Will it make my car faster? :D

It will make it look faster ! . LoL, I get soo many compliments out here in Chicago from it. I'm very pleased. :Beer
As I said in a previous thread I'd like to talk to a fiberglass fabricator & propose that he make these hoods, if he thought it might be worth his while I think he'd considerate it. What I'm asking is, how many guys in here would like 1 of these hoods & if I can talk the fabricator into making them who would be willing to send this person a deposit. It would have to be enough guys that would warrant him to make prototype. Simple !!!
I'm in...stra dog's car kicks ASS! I have the same car, and have always loved the R hood...after seeing it on his car...I MUST have one.

I might have a source though...I'll check into it, and get back to you.
BlackIceLSC said:
I'm in...stra dog's car kicks ASS! I have the same car, and have always loved the R hood...after seeing it on his car...I MUST have one.

I might have a source though...I'll check into it, and get back to you.

Thanks Craig
I'm thinkin' it costs $500-$600.

Everything seems to cost $500-$600 on my car.

4.10s = $500

Exhaust = $600

Chip/MAF/Filter = $500

MMx Driveshaft = $500

Tires = $600

Converter $600

HIDs = $500-$600

The beat goes on.... :steering

Seriously, my hood and front bumper needs painted... what better time to upgrade? It's gotta be painted anyways. See how my mind works? :Beer
driller said:
I'm thinkin' it costs $500-$600.

Everything seems to cost $500-$600 on my car.

4.10s = $500

Exhaust = $600

Chip/MAF/Filter = $500

MMx Driveshaft = $500

Tires = $600

Converter $600

HIDs = $500-$600

The beat goes on.... :steering

Seriously, my hood and front bumper needs painted... what better time to upgrade? It's gotta be painted anyways. See how my mind works? :Beer

I like the way you think !!!!!!! I'm the same!!
Cubster said:
You'd be amazed how much faster.................zoommmmmmmmmmmmmm
Just makes it look like S H I T IF you know what Im saying. Im all for that stuff but don't mess with the lines dude the car is HOT. and there is such a thing as fixing it till it brakes. IE book shelf wings and stuff tike that. that is not what a lincoln is all about. you did not buy a MARKVIII so you could make it look like a stang. Keep it Lincoln. If it is custom made to fit then change it.
dertyclown said:
Just makes it look like S H I T IF you know what Im saying. Im all for that stuff but don't mess with the lines dude the car is HOT. and there is such a thing as fixing it till it brakes. IE book shelf wings and stuff tike that. that is not what a lincoln is all about. you did not buy a MARKVIII so you could make it look like a stang. Keep it Lincoln. If it is custom made to fit then change it.

Personally I think a wing on the Mark would be TACKY, ugh, however, the Cobra R hood would make the car look the way it performs, kinda like, OK I'm pretty, but I bite !!!!!! I think it would be a HUGH plus to its lines!!!

Cubster said:
Personally I think a wing on the Mark would be TACKY, ugh, however, the Cobra R hood would make the car look the way it performs, kinda like, OK I'm pretty, but I bite !!!!!! I think it would be a HUGH plus to its lines!!!


No way maby just rase the middle but leave the lines the same. make every thing bidder it would be ok, but Pretty but bites. no way I like my cars sexy.
I guess you guys never saw the spoiler that Geno is talking about. It is not even close to being tacky. It is very classy. Just adds a lil to the back of the car......

YO!!!! Geno.....hit them off wif a few pix....
Here are a few pix.......I could not wait....The first 2 are it just placed on the car, and the last is it 'glassed on the car....



no thanks

Can you say :ricesmile no thanks ill stick to my one ass i think it looks better
dertyclown said:
Can you say :ricesmile no thanks ill stick to my one ass i think it looks better

How is it rice....that is what I would like to know.....those idiotic freakin bleacher seats are rice....that is a very classy and tasteful addition the back of a Mark VIII.

To each their own I guess.......but I just do not see it, maybe I need to have it explained to me like I am 2 or something......please.
I can see why Clown thinks the lines are classy, and I agree. However, unless Clown wants to make a few payments on my ride, or help me stuff a tranny, mod the engine, or polish it...he really doesnt have a say in what I do to my car.

Clown, in some cases, form FOLLOWS function. If you are adding a Cobra intake to a Gen 1 mark VIII, you need to have a cowl hood. Either that, or hack the rear support for clearance. Or, shim the K-member to lower the engine. The Cobra R hood is a FINCTIONAL body panel...with added clearance for certain power adders.

For example, cigarette lighters dont look good stuffed into the ergonomically contoured center console area of a mark VIII...but you dont seem to mind. Black, ugly round knob, doesnt fit the design of the car, and is an eye-sore...but it powers your cell phone charger, and lights yo smoke! Form...follows...function!

Now that we got another "opinion" out of the way...I believe this thread was design to poll interest in Cobra R hoods, not bash them, and spoilers, and anything else UN-RELATED!

I'd like to have Geno's wing and the Cobra R hood. Yesterday I bought a used cobra R so I can go about it the old fashioned way...actually getting the "R" section cut and grafted onto my Mark's hood. A friend of mine here does some good custom work. Look around. I got this hood chipped in the front corner for $50. It's worthless to a mustang guy/gal but, it's just what I needed.
The wing is still a dream. Geno, I'm looking for someone to make it. Are you sure I couldn't throw you and extra $100 or so, to make me one??? hehehe
Those mark's with the wings are seriously nice, Especially the blue and purplish one. That wing looks super elegant and adds to the overall flow of the car's already sweeping lines. Where can I get that for my 94 mark?

also, where can I get an R hood fo my mark? :)
So Wheres The Hood Pix?????

There are quite a few in other threads, but none for the Gen 2's. No one currently makes them since it is more work involved than with a Gen 1.

Here are a few of my old car, not painted, and HID's installed as well.....



everybody is talk'n

everybody is talk'n about this wings, And I have fall'n in love with them. But the BIG ? is where can we get them ?

1wykdmk8 said:
Here are a few pix.......I could not wait....The first 2 are it just placed on the car, and the last is it 'glassed on the car....

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