Cobrastar Emblims for sale

not being nasty or anything, but why are these cobrastars so expensive? everytime i see them for sale there like 70 80. just curious
cuz there are no more. Geno made a few runs, sold them all, owns the copyright, and hasn't made anymore.
picture added.....
There a very nice piece & not cheaply made, Geno did a great job with them. If they don't sell I'll keep them for another VIII... Dave
Hey Dave it's Rich. I bought your '94. I thought you were sending them to me. I'm still interested but not for $75. Good luck with the sale!
Sorry Bro, I decided to sell them when I found them again in the top of the closet. ( I don't have big money like you do Rich :) How's the beast running? I hated the air ride when it would act up...
I'll buy them Send me a pm with all you info so I can send you a money USPS order
Still up for sale, It seems that people have a hard time sending money orders these days...( No Paypal) Dave.

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