Code reader


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 6, 2005
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East Hartford
Has anyone use a code reader made by INNOVA? I'm looking at their # 3140, since it can do OBD I, and OBD II. I have to pick one, and this sounds like it'll do the job. THANKS TONYyyy
Has anyone use a code reader made by INNOVA? I'm looking at their # 3140, since it can do OBD I, and OBD II. I have to pick one, and this sounds like it'll do the job. THANKS TONYyyy
Pretty sure all the Craftsman ones are rebranded Innova. I use one and I like the 3 light OBD ready feature. Red yellow green, if light is green you can get sticker
I have one of the later model Innova code reader/scanners. I Haven't had the opportunity to use it much (knocks on wood).
I have one of their craftsman re brands. If i were to do it again i would buy a substantially cheaper lap top based application and obd cable. Just read the obd1 codes with a test light it may take a little more effort but not much. Or if you don't have a test light use the check engine light. I wouldn't pay extra for an obd1 capable scanner.
No way to reading flashes anymore. Just buy OBD1 reader that spits out #'s for 20 dollars.
3 weeks ago I picked up an Innova 3130 OBD II scanner/code reader. I got it on ebay for $50. I like it. easy to use.
Thanks guys. I just ordered a 3140 Innova. I'll be keeping my 95, and I once paid a stealer $80 to find a problem. It'll for sure help on the gen 2's, and my pu also. Can't have enough tools. Good deal on the 3130 GM.
yeah I have one as well and have had it for years. All my friends borrow it all the time. It is only OBD2 even though my truck is a 1995 OBD1. I have had the truck for 15 years and only once did I have a code so I have not even thought of getting an OBD1 reader. I think I am going to get rid of the Innova as I have SCT2 units for two of my Marks and I have a Diablo for my Magnum so I have one too many readers.
If mine was OBD2 I would just get the bluetooth OBD2 dongle and get Torque for my Android phone. Since the bluetooth adapter is wireless you can pull live info and anything you want from the car at any time with your phone.
I'm old school. When I torque up my dongle, my wife thinks I'm an android, and when my tooth turns blue, I brush it till its white. Still use a pencil and paper, sometimes a ink pen. My Obummer cell phone is a POS, cant hear nothing on it, glad it's free, or I'd send it back. It must be 5 o'clock somewhere, think I'll have a toast to all us old farts out there. Have to get a new dictionary, too many new words out there.
Well I got my 3140 d code reader. Seems to work, and is heavy duty. I have to call them because it says to download the manual. I looked it up and was going to print it, but it's 140 pages long. Every tool I've bought, normally comes with a manual so you can use it properly. We'll see what they have to say later in the day. No manual--sending it back. TONYyyy
Got ahold of a nice young man from innova, and he's put a manual in the mail for me. Now I wont be sending the tester back. A proper way to run a company. He was the third person I talked to, the first two just said sorry.
I had to download the manual for my Actron scanner .. I guess that's the way all are headed .. My local garage charged me 300 frickin' dollars to hook up a diagnostic to find an issue with my wife's car a couple of years ago .. that's when I went out and bought one. I haven't been back to that place since .
Like I told the guy from innova, nomanual= no sale They have one on the way, or I send their stuff back. Confirmed it's on the way. Nice co to do business with

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