Codes...TPS,MAF,EGR....a few q's?


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 21, 2004
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I got a cel last night, a quick i went to work and got the code puller today. it said from memory i had bad oxygen mix...i forget the details, and im kinda pressed for time so ill post what the code means later. The first run test pulled codes 63 (low voltage from TPS), code 32 (closed or low voltage from EGR, or something like that) and a code 26 (Low voltage from MAF) I had my TPS replaced a year and 1/2 i dont know if that could be it...but thats the only logical thing to me...cuz if the TPS is off, then it could set up a chain, causing the MAF's voltage to actually be too low, when its good in reality...and making the gas mixture off, which in turn changes how much the egr is being used. The TPS is $24...but my hands are too big to get back there, so its gonna come out to like $140. The MAF looks clean, i dont see any dust on the filaments...and well, i dont even F'n know where the EGR is on the car, so w/e.

Any help would be nice.

Oh yeah, the reason why i wanted to check em out besides the CEL is because it either feels like its revin for nothing, or it feels like the motor is being over tax' that may be the trans, but im gonna try to see if any of this may solve it.
67Continental said:
maybe your alternator is dying?

i guess i would know if my headlights were dimming....OMG THEY ARE SO DIM! IT MUST BE DEAD!

Well im not certian, but im pritty sure its good....i replaced it a year and 1/2 ago....arround the same time as the TPS
MrWilson said:
i guess i would know if my headlights were dimming....OMG THEY ARE SO DIM! IT MUST BE DEAD!

Well im not certian, but im pritty sure its good....i replaced it a year and 1/2 ago....arround the same time as the TPS

i bought a brand new alternator, and had to replace it a month later....time doesn't necessarily mean anything - you should test your charging system with a voltmeter to make sure you are running enough current. It's easy enough to do. Low current, or unstable current can easily cause sensors to act weird.
Thread hijack

The 454SS PU is overrated. Lots of low end torque, but I lost to a 90 Sedan Deville with my 90 SS, once we got to 40MPH. Fuel mileage was horrible. Ride was OK, but you have to remember, it's a single cab.

/Thread Hijack.
67Continental said:
i bought a brand new alternator, and had to replace it a month later....time doesn't necessarily mean anything - you should test your charging system with a voltmeter to make sure you are running enough current. It's easy enough to do. Low current, or unstable current can easily cause sensors to act weird.

that is true, but...i havent had a problem with it since. But, since i can get it tested for free...and its so easy to take out, ill just do that tomorow.
Were the codes recent, or just stored in the memory? I would disconnect the battery, and drive it. If they come back, look for a problem. If not...........YAY!

Serously tho, if they are just stored codes from long ago, that would explain it. These cars get hiccups everynow and then, with nothing to really worry about.

94m5 said:
Were the codes recent, or just stored in the memory? I would disconnect the battery, and drive it. If they come back, look for a problem. If not...........YAY!

Serously tho, if they are just stored codes from long ago, that would explain it. These cars get hiccups everynow and then, with nothing to really worry about.


um...well first i pulled the memory codes...i just discarded them cuz they seemed like hickups....but then i did the KOEO (key on engine on) codes, and i got that...i cleared the codes (disconnected the bat and let it sit for a min) and i got the same code for the TPS, but a diffrent code for the EGR and the MAF...but still the same problem.

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