Coil On plug question..

lexdiamondz10304 said:
Does anybody know the symptoms when your coils are failing?
Your car will be running rough to say the least. Imagine it this way, your car isn't running on all cylinders......
hmm, well my car doesnt ride rough, the CEL isnt on, except that I dont like the acceleration, take offs are good, but I almost have to push the pedal to the floor to get the car to accelerate when im over 40 mph (Its an 02 v-6).. any ideas?
typically - I would start with fuel then spark then....

about about gas? fuel filter? plugs?
Nevermind, I found out what the problem was, I just came back from a "personal diagnostic run" at a dead end street near my house and it turns out, the car isnt the problem, is just that I was getting used to drivin like a grandma since theres too much traffic to floor it, LoL, and actually was surprised to the accel when you give it a little more gas. :L

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