cold weather frustrations...


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 14, 2005
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1999 towncar 70k. car was running fine until today. its been really cold lately(15 degrees). today i try and start it, it starts right up bogs down and dies instantly. it will only stay running if i keep my foot on the gas pedal and it dies as soon as i take my foot off of the pedal....
i should also note, the antifreeze has a kind of sludgey feel to it. i stuck something in the over flow to make sure the antifreeze wasnt frozen and when i pulled it out, it had this sludgey grittty feeling residue.
Might be a weak fuel pump, or clogged fuel filter, the weather has been damn cold here also!!!!
better not be a fuel pump. if its anything major, i will set fire to this car.
Check your vaccum lines , my 91 Town Car was acting that way a few months ago and a vaccum line was rotted out!!!
My 77 Mark's brake pedal went all the way down and bearly grabs the rotors. It does stop thankfully but only when it reaches the bottom, its never done that.
Nakoa said:
78... ok?

I thought you meant my 78 which I don't use in the winter, unless you were talking about something else. Sorry about the confusion :confused:
no, i was asking for help, trying to figure out whats wrong wiht my car and you were saying something about your brakes...
Oh well I'm sorry, all I know is winter, snow, & ice really screws with cars.

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