"Colin Powell Believes U.S. is Losing Iraq war"


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Apr 23, 2004
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High Bridge, NJ
Colin Powell Believes U.S. is Losing Iraq war

Sunday 31 October 2004

Secretary of State Colin Powell has privately confided to friends in recent weeks that the Iraqi insurgents are winning the war, according to Newsweek. The insurgents have succeeded in infiltrating Iraqi forces "from top to bottom," a senior Iraqi official tells Newsweek in tomorrow's issue of the magazine, "from decision making to the lower levels."

This is a particularly troubling development for the U.S. military, as it prepares to launch an all-out assault on the insurgent strongholds of Fallujah and Ramadi, since U.S. Marines were counting on the newly trained Iraqi forces to assist in the assault. Newsweek reports that "American military trainers have been frantically trying to assemble sufficient Iraqi troops" to fight alongside them and that they are "praying that the soldiers perform better than last April, when two battalions of poorly trained Iraqi Army soldiers refused to fight."

If the Fallujah offensive fails, Newsweek grimly predicts, "then the American president will find himself in a deepening quagmire on Inauguration Day."
Oh, I am so horrified. All these confidential sources of friends of Colin Powell. I bog kiss my xxx to Newsweak.
Yeah, stick your head in the sand and believe we aren't getting our asses kicked in Iraq.
Remember, we haven't won a war since WWII and you remember how we won that one right?
I got this email last week. I decided to post it just for some contrast.

"This is a note sent to Phillip Wood from one of his buddies in Iraq. Phillip is Shirley Wood Luce’s son. Even though Phillip and Phil are close friends, they don’t get to see each other too often.

Shirley reports that Phillip is finally getting to come home for 2 weeks in November. They will celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas before he has to go back.

I am sharing this because it says so much. I, for one American, take waaaaaayyyyy too much for granted. I griped when our museum air conditioning kept our building in the 80s. Can I imagine 130 degrees? NO!

SPC Schamehorn’s last line says it all. Well, Phil, I want you to know I AM TOO!!!

How about you guys? I know you are too!

God bless you all.

God bless those who are protecting our freedom around the world.

God bless America!

Ruth Ellen Henry

*deleted by Kbob* Museum

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well, not a whole lot IS happening actually. i'm in between missions right now, so not a whole lot going on. don't think that means days off though. oh no. the weather is finally cooling down. soon it will actually be chilly in the morning. the afternoons are much better. not 130 anymore. for those of you who didn't know, there's a flag football league going on. our time was completely dominating at the beginning with a 6-0 record. we went on a slump and a four game losing streak, but we put that to a halt last night with a big win over a good air force team. playoffs should start within the next week and a half, so we're pumped up about that. not TOO much longer over here and boy are we all glad about that. it will be tough not being home for the holidays, but our battle buddies standing next to us are as close to family as you can get here, so we'll be ok. so the cardinals are in the Series. being that I'm in the Missouri National Guard with all these Missourians, obviously you will be shunned if you cheer for the Sox. but St. Louis isn't doing so hot. someone shaped a big jackolantern out of wood, painted it orange, and put it on top of one of the buildings. at night it's got an orange light inside that you can see from a little distance. probably won't go trick or treating or anything. or perhaps we might dress up and knock on some high ranking officers' doors and ask for snacks. who knows what stessed out soldiers in crazy conditions will do. ha. anyway. not too much to tell you. talk to you guys later and be proud of your country. i am.

SPC Phil Schamehorn"

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