Collapse NGA!

What do you think of this guy, Pete?

I wasn't aware of him before your post, based on what I can read about him I don't know what to make of him. I think I found a copy of "Collapse" online so I'll give it a viewing later, but he seems nutty.

That doesn't mean everything he says is wrong.
But I don't think I'm going to agree with his final conclusions.
Sadly I missed his Pay Per View showing of this movie back in January but it's coming to video soon. You can pre-order the movie on Amazon and other sites. My bro saw it because I was at work and said it was very good and informative. He only comes off nutty because he's trying to be blunt and hit you with the facts hard, but pretty well done.
No, the nutty has to do with some of his actions, nothing related to the previews. I didn't watch all of those.

I wouldn't endorse this, but you can find Collapse online if you check the torrent websites.
dose he wear a tin foil hat

no but he does have a rubber duckie

duck hunt.jpg
I just watched the first half of the movie with lunch.

Very good.
Very troubling.
And very insightful.
Everyone SHOULD watch this film.
It's not complete, but it does frame some very important and true realities that no one is addressing in public right now.


I you have somewhere I can post a 700MB file, I'll share it.
send me the link to the site with the movie as I have yet to see the whole thing myself. Lol for once Calabrio ENJOYS one of my threads/ insightful :-D
send me the link to the site with the movie as I have yet to see the whole thing myself. Lol for once Calabrio ENJOYS one of my threads/ insightful :-D

I don't necessarily agree with all of his conclusions, but that's inevitable.
But overall, it's an important movie to watch.

It's probably not a good starting point for a person because it'd be good to have a strong foundation and context when watching it, but it's better than nothing. And it absolutely shouldn't be the end of your study and research. The movie covers a broad range of current events and there simply isn't enough time to explore all of them too deeply.

But, having just seen the end of the movie, I don't think I can really disagree with the broader theme. I have some differences, but the general theme and alarm is right.

Actually, a lot of it resembles much of what a few of us here have been projecting, often times just alluding to because it's uncomfortable to discuss openly.

I can discuss it further, but it'd be easier if you've seen it first.
I find it interesting that Goldstein uses the entire commentary regarding the movie as a vehicle to dis Glenn Beck. My own view is that, although Beck is as 'over the top' as Rush is, there's no possibility of refuting the information he offers.
I think Glenn Beck is doing incredibly important work right now.
And your right, there is no refuting the information that he's presenting.

Now, you are getting the information as HE understands it. And Beck is not a guy with an accredited background in history- but, I really think that's a benefit right now. He's not contained by the group think that accompanies such an education. He presents the information as he discovers and understands it. He also spend a lot of time and money on research. Sometimes his personal analysis is a couple degrees of, but most of the times he's spot on.

There are some similar themes in what Beck has been saying and Ruppert does, though there are also some significant differences.

However, if you're familiar with what Beck is doing and apply it to what Ruppert was saying, you'll be terrified but see how there is a way out of this, at least for future generations.
I find it interesting that Goldstein uses the entire commentary regarding the movie as a vehicle to dis Glenn Beck. My own view is that, although Beck is as 'over the top' as Rush is, there's no possibility of refuting the information he offers.
Just curious - how often do you listen to Rush?
Watched it this evening - not bad. Depressing, but then it is a somewhat heavy subject.

He shot down my plan to move into a log cabin with some cans of beans! :lol:


*goes out looking for seeds* :)
at least it's a brighter side to know ppl. It's best to work as a clan to ward off dangers and the educate yourself as a community to convert back to the Wild West days :p

I already am fit, I can easily pass as a medical expert. I've built shelters before as well as caught and made food. I have guns with plenty of ammo to spare. My family can knit including my younger bro who makes all his clothes out of hemp. Eletricity is no big deal as TV sucks nowadays anyways. Granite is very common in the US so finding dried up bark/grass is not hard. I could easily survive in the ending near...just it'll suck not to have the luxuries we do have..and the great food. But my older bro still have a self storage unit with over 1 ton of freeze dried food that lasts up to 100yrs (I forgot exactly how long) which can make for easy trade when we can't commute food anymore. Animals are plentiful in WA and weather is not too terrible that you might die overnight. I know how to make many natural remedies and bandages out of ferns and other plants. Huckleberries are plentiful here which make good for medicine especially as a LAX for if you ingest bad food so your body can quickly expell it.
You apparently don't really understand the movie, do you Pete?
It wasn't warning you to build a lean-to and eat huckleberries.

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