I think Glenn Beck is doing incredibly important work right now.
And your right, there is no refuting the information that he's presenting.
Now, you are getting the information as HE understands it. And Beck is not a guy with an accredited background in history- but, I really think that's a benefit right now. He's not contained by the group think that accompanies such an education. He presents the information as he discovers and understands it. He also spend a lot of time and money on research. Sometimes his personal analysis is a couple degrees of, but most of the times he's spot on.
There are some similar themes in what Beck has been saying and Ruppert does, though there are also some significant differences.
However, if you're familiar with what Beck is doing and apply it to what Ruppert was saying, you'll be terrified but see how there is a way out of this, at least for future generations.