very true geno very true. Im just so f'n feed up with how powerless my car is feeling. No one has a damned clue as to what it is, and the fukin code puller isnt any help. the eec i cant find anywhere, i figgure i may as well check out how much it is for new packs cuz that may or may not be my problem, if it isnt, oh packs. I came close to smoothing out the idle with the new plugs, but its slowly degrading (not to the point that you could realy notice a diffrence unless you were me) Geno, If you can find me that eec that would help a ton. and do you know of anybody that would be able to diognose/fix my roof?
yea i remember $379.99 last summer or something crazy like that.
let me ask you this also...when you say lifetime is that, is that a limited lifetime warranty...or is it, if im dissatisfied with how they are performing, i can get new ones for free?