computer question (again)


Dedicated LVC Member
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, Michigan
getting some weird application error

it goes as follows:
"The instruction at "0x75606e6a" referenced memory at "0x00000008". The memory could not be "read".

click on OK to terminate the program
click on CANCEL to debug the program

this thing keeps popping up every couple of minutes
Assuming that you don't have any hardware problems or viruses, what have you installed recently? I just finishing my vista build and after opening ares from my old hard drive (configured as a slave) it would give me that error everytime I booted the machine, because it was trying to autostart ares, which wasn't installed on the vista machine.

Download CCleaner from and run that for registry errors, there may be something there that is no longer needed which is trying to open. It can never hurt to run the CCleaner cleanup too.

If it still persists....

start -> run. type 'msconfig' and hit enter, under the startup tab disable any programs you don't NEED when windows starts up. (this was where ares was trying to start, causing my error message) A good rule of thumb for someone who isn't pc savvy is to leave anything alone unless you know what it is. Remember google is your friend.
So lets say I type in msconfig and I get... "Cannot find file, or one of its components"

(sorry to jack the thread, but since we're on the topic of screwed up computers :p )

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