Conti94 said:
I must agree that concealed weapons law may help. But It would have to be very strictly regulated so weapons do not get in the wrong hands.
You are close, but don't quite get it yet.
The wrong hands are the people who ignore the law and carry anyway!
Gun control laws do not keep guns out of criminal's hands, but out of the law-abiding ones.
The more strictly it is regulated, the tougher it is to do it legally will do nothing to criminals, except make them MORE likely to commit crime.
Anyone who is unsure, look at violent crime statistics from States with cc permits. They are very low when compared to States who don't allow it.
Washington, D.C. illegal to have a gun, unbelievable violent crime rates there, Chicago, New York, etc. A problem in all big cities regardless of cc permits?
Check out Cincinnati or another sizeable city where people can and do carry. The crime rates there are much lower. Canada is having problems after there guns were taken away (easy to find the legal ones that registered them in the past, still plenty of guns in criminal hands).
I honestly do not understand the anti-gun people's reluctance to at least look at the statistical evidence regarding crime and guns. While most are probably very sincere in their belief's, there are some hypocrites out there. One of the most noticable is Rosie O'Donnel, if you don't remember, she is very anti-gun for you and I.
Now, when she was asked on her show why her adopted children's bodyguards were licensed to carry (and did so), her reply was that her children were special, more likely to be a target. I don't know about you, but my children are every bit as special as hers.
I think it is more trying to convince themselves and others that they are morally superior by bashing gun owners.
I am including a link that I encourage everyone to read (I will not post the entire article as it is somewhat lengthy)
The link is not about guns, but about people ignoring reality and those are the anti-gun people