My tires are the white side wall symmetries. My dad bought them for the car last year before he decided to sell it to me. The tires are virtually new so I don't really want to get rid of them. However I noticed something when I had a blowout replaced on the one due to debris on the road. 2 of my tires both up front are 44 psi max cold and both rear were 35psi cold. Now the replacement is 44 max cold psi so I have 3 on the car. I usually run 80% of max cold on my tires but this poses a bit of a problem. Would it be ok to run all 4 at 35 psi. Its a bit wierd since I looked and of the 4 symmetry models there are 2 s speed rated black wall, 1 t speed rated bw & then the white wall s speed rated. With only the t speed rated bw showing 44 psi. Also somehow the wsw weighs 2 more pounds. Any ideas?