Constant Ticking, Tranny still shuttering.


Active LVC Member
Jul 14, 2005
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:confused: So I have had my car for one year, and loved it and still keeps kicking. First off what is this constant ticking I hear. I know its not my EGR valve and tube. I think it is coming from my valves and Im using 93 Octane . Is it possible that the timing needs to be adjusted or something and can i do it or are there some special tools. Second I replaced my Torque converter and im still getting shuttering under mild and medium acceleration, what would the next step be to fix these problems.

Pleas Help!!!

How much would all the parts cost for the J-Mod, and about how long does it take to do ???
My 95 cost like $125 back in 1999 - most of that was fluid and not knowing peple like Maxx at 5 star Ford and the guys at Team Ford. Took about two hours, but I am a lazy a$$ and took my sweet time, painted the trans, clear coated the new trans pan and cleaned up everything while I had the Mark in the air. Not a big deal. My 98 does not need the mod as in 98 as Lincoln updated the trans.

I had access to a lift, at the time, which made it soooo much easier.

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