You got your relief, no vote until after recess. So quitcherbitchen.
If you have integrity, you should be pleased as well.
Aren't we both in agreement that all of these bills should be carefully reviewed by the Representatives voting on them, REGARDLESS the party affiliation?
Quitcherbitchen? I'm not sure how to take your comment. As sarcastic but jovial or just snide and catty.
Delaying this vote isn't some kind of personal political victory. My "team" didn't score a point or keep you from crossing the ten yard line. It has to do with basic issues of liberty and government responsibility.
Any system where health care premiums increase 4x faster than wages is BROKEN.
And why are premiums increasing? What is going to be done that will prevent this from happening?
Are premiums increasing because the care is getting more expensive? Is the care getting more expensive because technology is getting better and more expensive? Are we seeing an increase in the quality of life and the quality of care associated with those increased premiums? Are the premiums impacted by the insurance costs that medical providers are forced to purchase, or because medical providers need to recommend extensive and often needless procedures to reduce their liability?
And are the increased premiums also largely shaped by simple S&D concepts? People with insurance use medical services as though there was no cost associated with it. Prices are large, people consume large amounts.
Usually, high demand leads to higher prices, and that results in a reduced demand. But because of the government and insurance middle man, prices continue to rise, but the demand remains artificially high as well. This is only made worse by the increasingly aged population.
So how does a single payer system, and lets be honest, that IS the ultimate goal here, reduce those expenses? Fixed prices?
Then we'll have increased demand and a LOWER supply.
"Just do something" is not the answer.
And there's no reason why we should be compelled to rush something foolish or socialistic through before the fall. Unless you want to avoid scrutiny. Unless you think you know what is best for the public and should pass it DESPITE them.
Ultimately, why do you think that the cost of medical cares isn't going to continue to rise after this "reform?"
The cost will surely continue to climb, unless we see rationing, the bill will just be read by the federal government.
And the cost will be passed on to us, or our children, or our childrens-children.... so long as it can be artificially sustained.
There are many more ways the system we have now is broken, but these are the most glaring. But then again, if you listened to someone other than hate merchants and liars like Glen Beck, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, you’d know that.
Hate merchants? Liars? I disagree with the characterization you've just presented. But more importantly, I'm again offended by the you're pathetic effort to try to insult or belittle me.
Fact is, johnny, you're not smart enough, nor are you clever enough, to effectively do that. And despite repeated efforts to engage you honestly and candidly, despite the effort in this thread to arrive at a some kind of principled common ground, you've instead decided to make this a personal attack.
Continuing down the path we are on, which is where the GOP wants to lead us, will destroy us as a nation.
I don't care where the GOP wants to lead us. I have no loyalty to that party.
I just to move in the direction of liberty, personal responsibility, and small government.
With or without the GOP. Some in the GOP don't share this commitment.
And unfortunately, the leadership of the Democrat party have demonstrated that they want to radical remake this country into something it was not intended to be as well.
Where do you want to go, Johnny?
A single payer medical system?
A system like in France? England? Canada? Which model works for you, Johnny?
Health care rationing? Doctors fleeing after their residency for more lucrative markets? A brain drain and the loss of innovation?
Or maybe we should just honestly examine the problems and come up with free market solutions?
And if nothing else, before committing to radical change like is being proposed, let's all collectively examine and debate it.
The so-called stimulus didn't need to be rushed through.
The cap/trade bills don't need to be rushed.
And this radical change in health care doesn't need to be rushed either.
Do you know how long the country debated the constitution before it was ratified?
Have you read the federalist and anti-federalist papers?
Should they have just written and passed that before reading it? Without public debate?
Of course, they only established the system of government... that only took six pages.
This health care bill is 1,018 pages.
BS: Yes, some dems are pushing for a single-payer system, but Obama is pushing back and has proposed only a public option, and paying a political penalty as a result of that position!
The public option basically phases itself out over time.
It's right there on page 16 of the bill, as discovered by Investor's Business Daily:
The provision would indeed outlaw individual private coverage. Under the Orwellian header of "Protecting The Choice To Keep Current Coverage," the "Limitation On New Enrollment" section of the bill clearly states:
"Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day" of the year the legislation becomes law.
So we can all keep our coverage, just as promised — with, of course, exceptions: Those who currently have private individual coverage won't be able to change it. Nor will those who leave a company to work for themselves be free to buy individual plans from private carriers. [/quote]
I know that there are some single-payer advocates upset over this, you're saying it's a political liability- but that's only because those people are either ignorant of what's going on or impatient... You and I both know that in "private" Obama surrogates are going are and explaining how this works.
That they wouldn't be able to pass a Single Payer system through in one swoop, so in classic leftist fashion, they are going to LIE to the public and pass it in a stealth way.
Are you serious?
You're not aware of the procedural rules that Pelosi and the Democrat Majority has put in place?
I find that hard to believe. I'm inclined to think that you're just trying to find busy work for me, looking up links. A task made more difficult by the fact that MSM sources rarely report that kind of thing.
Are you doubting what I'm saying? Saying I'm wrong or lying?
here's an example:
BS. I love this “inevitable consequence” crap. You must have one heck of a crystal ball.
You don't need a crystal ball when you've studied history, or in this case, current events. I suggest you do that.
Other countries have single payer systems and other public medical systems. Go look at the consequences. Tell me which system you like best.
Obama has never proposed “rationing”, nor the elimination of the availability of private insurance, so your argument is unfounded.
Because doing so RIGHT NOW would be politically suicidal.
However he HAS FREQUENTLY spoken of his support for a single payer system, and those in his administration and his surrogates are actively speaking about how they are setting up the frame work to slide the country into a single payer system.
So you're 100% wrong to say that my argument is unfounded. Everything that I'm saying has been and can be supported.
Additionally, the system we have now, that the GOP wants to maintain,
First of all, what system is that?
The GOP and people who don't support this Democrat/Obamacare/singlepayer madness don't necessarily want to maintain the system as it is. That is simply untrue and it's a false choice your putting forward.
It's not socialized medicine or this twisted mess we have right now.
The 1000+ fiasco isn't the ONLY possible alternative or reform that can be applied.
There are sensible options available that DON"T involve the government taking over a 6th of the economy.
If you are rich enough to afford insurance now, a public option will not reduce your ability to obtain health services. Even if we would end up with a single payer system (which is NOT being proposed, thus will not happen), who will stop you from obtaining any amount of health care that you can afford?
You're not recognizing the reality here.
IT IS GOING TO LEAD TO A SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM. That is how it's designed. Do I need to post the videos again? Did you not read the IBD article? And with that designed move to single payer, we will then encounter all of the problems associated with single payer systems.
Not to mention, how are we going to pay for it?
And the basic constitutional principle asking "Where does the federal government get the power to involve itself in the medical industry?
By the way, when the government is "paying for our medical care" - what activity will they not be able to regulate? Fatty foods, general diet, risky behavior, race car driving, sky diving, sexual practices, what? Do we have privacy when the government has all of our medical files? Do you trust them with that info?
I mean, I understand, you might be delusional enough to trust this fascist administration- but I'm not. But what about the next administration? Or the one before this one?
Do you not see how all of these programs being advocated by the political left in this country are RESTRICTING our freedom?
If anyone is pushing for shorter life expectancy, it would be the insurance companies and their GOP friends.
Seriously, you're argument has been reduce to this?
I hope you're a little embarrassed.
Your claim of HCR “bankrupting the country” is false. Obama has stated that it must pay for itself. Pulling that off will be a challenge, but if you don’t set that as a firm goal, you’ll never achieve it.
I guess you just have to have "HOPE."
But, can you explain where the money will come from to cover this huge expansion of government spending? Simple economics, and history, demonstrate that "increased efficiency" aren't going to save enough money... so where will the money come from?
Cost will have to be reduced through Rationing.
And funds will have to be raised by increasing taxes and fees.
Your claim that HCR will reduce the quality of care is false. If you have insurance now, you will be welcome to keep it.
Again, you're wrong here. The system is being set up to eliminate private insurance. I've demonstrated that already.
Without a public option, there will be no incentive for the insurance companies and health care providers to become efficient or improve the level of care.
Actually there is.
It's called a profit motive.
It's one of the reasons why the private sector is so much more productive that the public sector.
But if this is really about competition, why not pass laws that increase the competition in the private sector. Allow out of state companies to compete. Allow people in Tennessee to buy policies from companies in New York and vice versa. Stop forcing insurance companies to bundle needless, unnecessary, and excessive coverage into every package to keep the price down.
Why is the only answer nationalizing the industry?
Why do people like you always think that the answer to a problem is limited to handing over to the incompetent and corruptible federal government and, in turning over such a responsibility, handing over our liberty at the same time.
I find it amazing that you right-wingers
read: constitutionally minded capitalists.
will kick and scream for a “free market” that allows competition to drive innovation, then turn around and claim competition from a public option is “unfair” and will inevitably result in the destruction of the private sector. What’s wrong? Afraid of a little competition from a “government run” system?
The government doesn't compete in a free market system because it's subsidized by TAX MONEY. It also makes decisions based on political expediency. You're fundamental understanding of economics is pathetic and it's on display again.
And just as importantly- the bill regulates the private industry out of existence. Read the damn bill... or at least read the article I mentioned. Or talk to the administration surrogates who will tell you- the goal of the proposed medical reform is to move the country to a single payer system.
YouTube - Obama on single payer health insurance
Do you think Obama abandoned this principle?
And don't you think that he, and the people he's surrounded by, are cunning and thoughtful enough to orchestrate this to achieve their end goal?
You claim the government can’t run a quality healthcare system (despite evidence to the contrary: Medicaid, VA),
Are you kidding me?
I would use those two examples to demonstrate the governments inability to run a quality health care system.
The VA system is only responsible for a FRACTION of the number of people that a public system would include. And Medicaid is going bankrupt.
if that is so, what is there to be afraid of? If the government is incapable of running a good public option for health care, the public will naturally gravitate to the more efficient more cost effective system offered by the private sector, and the free-market forces are allowed to rule. Right now the consolidation of health insurers have resulted in an effective monopoly in the market place. Doesn’t that go against your conservative ideology?
You're making the mistake of presuming that this system will encourage competition. It doesn't.
You're making the mistake of believing that consumers will actually have choice in perpetuity. They won't.
If you honestly believe that competition and choice are designed into the system being proposed, then you're truly been mislead. And that was their political intention.
A single payer solution would not be accepted by the public. To get around that, and to avoid that debate, they're putting the frame work in place and disguising it. It'll take a few years, but this proposed health care reform is designed to radically change the system and implement a single payer system in the coming future.
I think we need fundamental changes to the way we pay for health care in this country. The systems that are in place right now are largely the result of the private sector reactions to bad government policy.
I've stated before, there are a number of steps that can be taken to fix this. And noting that this is a federalist system, individual states are certainly able to engage in bold reforms to their medical systems. It doesn't necessarily need to be undertaken by the federal government.
But we need to refuse the false choice that being presented-
it's not Obama/Pelosi care or the status quo.
all solutions do not need to come from the federal government.
And it does not need to be rushed through without adequate review, debate, and revisions.