Coolant cross-over cap/tube


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 21, 2004
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I still cant get this damn thing off. I tried a pipe wrench with a 6 foot pole on it for rediclous torque, and it still wont budge. It came closer to warpingthe tube rather than opening the cap. Do i have to push down on it and turn, or is there a clip or a bolt that holds it on or something?! im at my witts end for this damn thing. I figgure that it hasnt been open in 10 years, and that the heat has slowly made the tube expand in the cap and it wont let go. Tomorow im gonna take a plumbers torch to it and then try the pipe wrench again. If that doesnt work im gonna take a wheel zip and cut it in 2.

So, that brings me to my next question. Does anyone have an extra cap, or even a whole crossover tube? I saw one on ebay last week, but i failed to think ahead.
I have both. Not sure if I can find the extra cap, but I know that I have one......SOME where. I purchased a new crossover tube and a new cap, but found out that the cap comes with the new crossover tube before I ordered each seperately. I can take a pic of the extra xover tube if you like and post it tomorrow to see if you want it. It has the cap on it (not the new one).

Since I have 2 motors I do not necessarily need both xover tubes (one on the motor in the car, and the extra motor....the one on the motor in the car is the newest one I purchased a while ago).....lemme know.:D
Cut a notch into one side of the very top of the cap and then "gently" tap it around with a hammer and screwdriver. Then replace the cut cap with a new one.
I used a small cutting tool in my die grinder, and opened it up to a 3/8" size. Then used a 3/8" breaker bar. Came right off.
I used a 1/4" drive T-Bar setup as it allows you better control as you can then use two hands and body english to maximize torque on the cap. There is an o-ring on the cap that is holding it so tight. If you have a friend have him also use a large set of channel locks grabbing carefull the edge of the cap to also increase the torque to bust it loose. Besure to use diaelectric grease or such on the o-ring and threads when putting the cap back on. Hope this helps.
Is that cap the ONLY way to refill the coolant? What happens if you try to fill it through the overflow bottle?
you can maintain the level using the coolant bootle. But if you have to do any service to the hose, thermostat, radiator, or replace the coolant, anything taht result in air entering the closed system, you'll need to use the cross-over tube, per the instructions listed on the decal inside the engine bay. This is to burp out any air bubbles in the cooling system. The cross-over tube being the high point in the cooling system. It's the easiest way to confidently remove the air.

i couldnt find my plumbers torch today, so i went to get an atachment for a metal cutter for my rotozip, but i cant find the proper chuck for the fitment. I am going to take a freekin hammer to this thing. Next car i get is gonna be a vette, atleast ill be able to go fast for all the problems i have.
You are turning it the counter clockwise, right? I don't think I have ever heard of one frozen worse.
Spray some PB Blaster or some other similar rusted nut/bolt penetrator and then tap the tube with a hammer to set up some vibration so the penetrant can seep in. Repeat several times. Then back the pipe wrench with the 'helper' bar. And I hope you are turning counter-clockwise. Lefty loosy, righty tighty.
MrWilson said:
I still cant get this damn thing off. I tried a pipe wrench with a 6 foot pole on it for rediclous torque, and it still wont budge.

Dude seriuosly,a 6 foot extension?,that crossover tube would be in MY back yard somewhere,hold on let me go see if its there.:eek:

you could probably spin the whole car around with that much pipe,lol

sounds like in your case anyway,it would be better for you to just get a new tube.

I am with Mr Wilson on this one....the design of this thing SUCKS.
I need to get mine open so that I can replace the coolant after I change my oil filter housing gasket.
Would it have killed them to make it like a bolt, instead of the little 1/4" square?
ok, umm did you try a 1/4 ratchet?? it was mentioned in this post I think too. that little square ontop is meant for the ratchet.
BlackMark8Li said:
ok, umm did you try a 1/4 ratchet?? it was mentioned in this post I think too. that little square ontop is meant for the ratchet.

Yea, he tried it, and stripped it out....... I would just get a new tube assy, and anti sieze the crap out of the new cap before you put it on. If you can't find anyone else with a spare sitting around let me know, cause I have one in the garage.

on my old motor, i welded a nut to the top of it. then found out that all the heat loosened the cap itself.. came off super easy then... but atleast now i have a spare with a nut on it :D
I tried a ratchet, channel locks, and vice grips. I might try cutting a notch and using a punch.
stop being a little girl, make sure the pipe wrench is on just the cap, I twisted off so many extensions and broke a rachet, before it striped out and I got out the old pipe wrench, got it on good and got that :q:q:q:q off
Does someone have directions/tech article on swaping out the tube itself? Im just gonna do that and then shoot the old one outa a cannon, that will be its redemption.

and uh...duh, yeah im turnin it correctly.
Remove the two bolts securing it to the top of the engine, and pull it out.

One you get the bolts off, you may need to pry the tube lose using a long object. I suggest a wooden 2x4; the wood will have the strength to hold together under the stress while being soft enough to not damage the engine comonents.

You'll want 2 new o-rings for the new tube.

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