Coolant leak in middle of car


LVC Member
Dec 12, 2012
Reaction score
Hamilton, Ontario
So as the title suggests I have a coolant leak around the middle of the car, well its four drip marks as you can see from the pic uploadfromtaptalk1425479675605.jpg
Any idea what this could be?

The car is a 04 LS V6

Where the coolant drips down under the car says very little about where it is actually leaking from. You're going to have to open the hood and go looking for it.
"Leaking from the middle". I'm assuming you're saying that it's leaking towards the back where the transmission connects to the engine (where the torque converter would be). In this case, it could potentially be a freeze plug, or one of the billion of hoses back there. Pray to God that it isn't a freeze plug in the back, or you're going to have to probably pull the entire engine out (it's actually very easy to pull it out, about a 3-4 hour job), and hammer that guy back in place.
Freeze plug leaks are very uncommon (on this car), degas bottle and other plastic cooling system parts leaks are very common (with age).
Prior to sending my '03 LS to the scrap yard, I used the fluorescent dye sold in any major parts store to locate the leak(s). Put it in through the fill, drive it around normally for a day so it circulates, wait till it gets dark, then use a flashlight. I hope you only have one leak....unlike what I found. All the Best!
...I hope you only have one leak....unlike what I found. All the Best!

Yes, it does seem that most of the plastic parts start leaking at about the same time, which is why most of us advise replacing them all when the first one goes.
On the plus side, the V6 has fewer plastic parts than the V8.
When my degas bottle started leaking, the coolant traveled down the frame and fell around where the fender meets the door. Maybe a little further back. I'd check that first.
Prior to sending my '03 LS to the scrap yard, I used the fluorescent dye sold in any major parts store to locate the leak(s). Put it in through the fill, drive it around normally for a day so it circulates, wait till it gets dark, then use a flashlight. I hope you only have one leak....unlike what I found. All the Best!

My local parts stores didn't have any dye to sell me back when my Taurus' radiator was cracked. They did give me a free bottle from their service department, though.

If you just happen to have some lying around, use blue LEDs, purple LEDs, or a black light. Obviously the black light gives off UV light, but so do blue LEDs. The neon yellow will contrast exceptionally well from the blue/purple light. I had a blue LED strip lying around from my high school days, though (thankfully) I never did install it on my Taurus.

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