Coolant leak under the crank pulley?


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
Carpentersville, IL
Ok, my car's developed a pretty noticeable leak that's leaving the car from under the crank pulley. I DON'T see any fluid between the water pump pulley and the crank pulley.

Does this sound like a water pump? I think it is (using common sense), but I can't really get under the car to have a better look. And if it is, why the heck don't I see anything between the two pulleys? Just wondering if anyone's had this problem before I go out and buy a water pump for no reason.

Oh, the car's got 87k on it.

Thanks in advance!
Its the oil filter adapter, this holds back oil as well as coolant. Try tighting it up first (GENTLY) then replace the gasket if that doesn't work.
You mean tighten the oil filter, or the adapter? I'm not all that familiar with the underside of the car, as I've only been under it once (when I first got it) to change the oil. And my All Data CD is of no help trying to find this oil filter adapter.

Thanks again, man.
Ok, I found some info on it (with an exploded view of the parts involved) and now know what you mean. I'm gonna give it a little tightening to see if I can't hold it off until I can get to the shop and do this on a lift - much easier on the ol' back.

Thanks for the info, Geno!

EDIT: Here's the picture for anyone that might have a similar problem...

Mark VIII oil filter adapter.gif
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NYC LS8 -- What was the fix for this. I have 2003 LS V8 with similar symptoms. Everything is dry above the crank pully and wet below there, but I can't see a specific leak.

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