Coolant System Pressure Test


New LVC Member
Jun 19, 2014
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I have a 2001 Lincoln LS, V6 3.0 and have an overheating problem. During troubleshooting I was advised to pressurize the system to check for leaks. I'm not low on coolant, but assumed I better check anyway. Does anyone know the procedure to perform a coolant system pressure check?
The pressure test is not reliable (and it requires a pressure test tool kit). Antonio's advice is reliable. It doesn't matter exactly which of the plastic parts is leaking now, because they all start to fail at about the same time. If you replace only what is leaking now, you will be replacing something else next week.

Also, since you have a 1st gen, you also need to check and see if the hydraulic cooling fan is working correctly. The fan should move some air all the time the engine is running. It should get noticeably faster when you turn the AC on.

There are lots on threads on here about the LS overheating. Search them out.
Thank you for the advice. I did notice the fan operating, but doesn't get any faster when the AC is on!
Thank you for the advice. I did notice the fan operating, but doesn't get any faster when the AC is on!

Well, that's at least part of your problem (could even be all of it for now).

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