Cooling Fan not coming on


LVC Member
Apr 12, 2005
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So my 98 Mark VIII has worked pretty much flawlessly for the past 8 years when all of the sudden my AC quits working. :mad: Clutch is not coming on to engage the compressor. Further, my cooling fan is not coming on either. I get no power to the plug on the fan when I have the AC turned on.:shifty:


Thank you in advance.
I would check your maxi fuses, inside the power distribution box. Located inside the engine compartment. The fan and a/c clutch engagement are controlled by the VLCM, but if the car starts and runs its prolly not that.
Well, then remove the connector from the vlcm and see if you have power at the appropriate pins. If you do, then it's prolly the VLCM.

Edit: On second thought, does the fan come on after the engine reaches proper temperature. IF it does, you might have a bad a/c controller. Main pcm might not be getting a signal to turn on the a/c! Just another thought.

Thanks for the input man. I appreciate it.

The fan does not come on at all. Regardless of the temperature.

I will look through my factory shop manuals, I promise. But a quick question.
What is the VCLM and what does it do? Laymans version please.

I have been working on my fastback for the last several years and the Mark VIII is my first foray into the late model performance scene. So I appreciate your patience.
Variable Load Control Module. IF you look thru the grille, a little to the drivers side you should see a small black box with fins. At least that is where it is on the Gen 1. It receives commands from the main pcm via a databus.

Edit: The vlcm controls the physical operations of the cooling fan, a/c clutch engagement, and fuel pump. It is commanded by the pcm.
I would check your maxi fuses, inside the power distribution box. Located inside the engine compartment. The fan and a/c clutch engagement are controlled by the VLCM, but if the car starts and runs its prolly not that.

When my cooling fan stopped running, it turned out to be a bad VLCM. Everything else still worked fine.

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