cooling system and oil questions


LVC Member
Feb 19, 2014
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First off I'm sorry if these things have been answered before but I have to get up early for school tomorrow and so I have to have my car fixed by then, and I don't have time to read a lot of posts. This problem just started tonight, the temperature gauge was kinda jumping around, it would go up and then back down and shoot up again. The last time it did this it went way high and told me to shut the car off so of course I did. When I opened the hood the cap to the coolant tank was off! Idk how this happened but anyway, I'm 99% sure that the temperature gauge hopping around is because of air in the system. What is the best way to get all the air out? I'm pretty sure it's not hard. And on the way into work today the oil light on the gauge cluster came on and stayed on, I was about 5 minutes away from work so I didn't pay much attention. On the way home it was off at first and then it began sorta blinking on and off. What could cause this? My gravel driveway has had my car bottoming out at the end of the drive for a while, but I don't know if that is related or not. Thanks for you help and reading my looong story!
Search burping Mark Viii on Google for more on depth answer but basically you want to take the crossover cap off, take the overflow cap off then fill through the CROSSOVER until the overflow is showing full. Put the cap back on the overflow, tighten it, then top off at the crossover. Start the car, put the a.c. on max heat (90) and max fan. Let it run to normal temp. If the temp gauge doesn't move, shut it off asap (could mean no coolant going into the engine if I remember correctly). If it heats up normally, fan kicks on and the coolant level at the crossover is still good, put the cap back on and tighten it. You may likely need a new oring for that cap, fyi. Take it for a nice little spin, let It cool down then take the crossover cap off again and make sure it's still at the appropriate level. Top off if not.
If you let it cool down and the remove the cross over cap again I believe it will spew coolant like a fountain. You may not want to do that or your going to be doing it all over again.
Check your oil level. Make sure there's no water/coolant on the stick
I guess the tutorials I read where wrong lol. Good to know though.

Anyone have a proper guide?

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