Cop gave me a break


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 1, 2006
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I was coming home from work on I-66 and noticed a Tahoe in the left lane. I thought nothing of it and then realized I was going to miss my exit, so I accelerated to 95 and got over for my turn. Immediately the blue lights came on and I got pulled. When the cop came up I apologized and told him that I was thinking about something else and realized at the last second I was going to miss my exit, so I gunned it (which was the truth).
He shook his head and told me that he was tired and did not feel like writing a ticket but to slow down. He said "I am saving you a lot of money and hassle, so remember that the next time you want to speed". This was a Virginia state police officer. I think should go out and buy a lottery ticket after this.
Damn skippy, Virginia sucks. My buddy got a wreckless driving charge for doing 98 last year on our way back from Carlisle. He ended up paying $500 something for it. That's one hell of a break!
Lucky... nice when you can catch a break.

I bet because you were telling the truth he was shocked and just said screw it.
I agree with ford nut. Cops here seem to go easier on you when telling the truth when they pull you over.
^ I have always found this to be true. Anytime I ever get pulled over I just agree with the cops as much as possible and tell the truth when they ask "Why do you think I stopped you?"

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