Cowardly Murtha Confronted, Ducks into Elevator

It is disgusting that people of such public prominence and power are given a free pass to make comments like that directed at our soldiers. It was a sick point in our culture when, in an effort to be perceived as being "objective" or "enlightened", we began to cannibalize ourself. Or worse yet, attacking those who having volunteered to fight for liberty in our name.

Murtha is worse than a coward. And those like him are lower than that of a coward. He's defiant. He's holding steadfast to his lie. "Thankfully these men were wrongfully accused, and we should invest the same energy invested into destroying these soldiers into clearing their names and reputations." No, he continues to stand by his statement.
Looks to me like he didn't even know the status of the trial. And when he was updated by Mattera, he didn't stand by his statement, but instead mumbled some incoherent jargon and fled.

What a POS.

Waiting for the libs on this board to condemn his actions:

Waiting for the libs on this board to condemn his actions:

Joey will say something a little critical of Murtha, but that we should find out the truth about Hiadetha. And ultimately, he'll agree with Murtha.

And then some of the better read liberal types will instead make homosexual jokes about Jeff Gannon.
Looks to me like he didn't even know the status of the trial. And when he was updated by Mattera, he didn't stand by his statement, but instead mumbled some incoherent jargon and fled.

What a POS.

Waiting for the libs on this board to condemn his actions:

He'll respond after he discusses the situation with Moveon is now brainstorming to see if they can come up with something to help Murtha weasel out of an apology. :rolleyes:
A nice big fat discount for a full one page ad in the NYT should do the trick, eh?

Got any good pics for that, Bryan? :shifty:
Got any good pics for that, Bryan? :shifty:

What a coward.
Murtha should make good use of that tie for the shame he is and the abuse he has caused our good soldiers in harm's way.

Murtha redeploys (400 x 314).jpg
Notice when in the elevator how Murtha brags about his war vet status as if to say it makes him immune from criticism for defaming the U.S. military and those who proudly serve. He doesn’t want to admit being wrong and will use any accuse he can find to weasel out of an apology.

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