Custom Wood Grain Dash Progress - Pics Inside!


Active LVC Member
Sep 22, 2006
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Duncannon, PA
I'm going to document my progress so gar of my custom wood grain dash in this thread. I didn't like the look of any of the wood dash kits mostly because you can still see the original color on the edges and it looks cheap. They also don't cover the actual screen surround and the pieces behind the door panels. For this reason I've decided to see about making my own. I was going to go with water transfer printing but I couldn't find any suppliers. I saw some kind of thermo films also but quickly decided against it. I've come up with a painting technique that achieve an exotic wood finish. I perfected my 'formula' or 'technique' today and will start this thread with my sample pieces. I apologize for the bad pictures, they were taken with my camera phone.

The first picture is of a piece of MDF that I grained. It has 1 coat of clear coat and has not been wet sanded or buffed or anything. The second one is an actual interior panel from my old show car. It was replaced with a fiberglass center console and this was just junk really. It's pure ABS textured plastic. I sanded it smooth and applied the effect and it came out nice. I use the MDF to perfect my desired look. I then used the center console piece to try different finishing techniques for plastic pieces.

I'm waiting for the wife to get home with the car so I can get some pieces removed tonight. Hopefully I can have pictures for you guys tomorrow evening if I get done working early.


The pictures do it absolutely no justice. Once I get a good camera, I'm going to try and get better pictures. I hope to document the whole thing with pictures and since my garage is at my parents house I can use my mothers digital camera to do it.
Thats awsome, I read about this on VSC. wink....wink..

If you can get this down to a science maybe you can do a write up and save it to your PC. Someone here might need something like this e-maild to them one day, I might.

I want my wood grain to be finished in something like a nice cherry in the worst way.
I love my factory wood grain, one thing I noticed about the kits, is that it covers EVERYTHING, even things the factory wood grain doesnt.

Nice work, waitin on the finished project.
kinda reminds me of that "bowling ball" effect people used to put on their cars. Oh and I hope your wearing pants I noticed the pants and what looks like a studded belt on the floor! LOL
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wow I hate wood trim, but I like that a lot, looks great for paint. that is awesome.
Yea those were the shorts I wore to work yesterday and my belt. I can't stand to wear pants around the house.

Thanks for the comments. I'm really happy with the look.
I'm going back to my parents tonight to do the rest of it. Should have pictures later tonight. I'll be spending a good bit of time masking off the climate control buttons since I've not found out how to remove the plastic faceplate.
I think it'd be cool to wrap the trim in the same color leather as the seats.
Yea, I set in the new Audi S8 V10 today and damn that leather dash/doors/center consol/suede headliner are just plain sex.

I think it'd be cool to wrap the trim in the same color leather as the seats.
WOW, i must say that looks 100x better than i thought it would. Nice work, I cant wait for the finished product.

I would look into a junkyard and try to find a wood grain steering wheel, then paint that to match, might set it off.
I like it, maybe just a little too light for the black interior though.
Nice. That is exactly opposite of what I am doing, haha.

All my wood is going CF.

I notice you have NAV and a black only steering wheel. That gives me hope!
hmm well dont really like it, i guess is cuz the black interior but its a great job your doing, maybe after you finish i can take another look, or maybe if the color was a little bit darker.

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