Czechs asked to give blood in return for two beers


Dedicated LVC Member
May 8, 2004
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Saint Marys
PRAGUE, Sept 23 (AFP) - Czechs are being offered two beers in
return for their blood in an effort to recruit blood and bone marrow
Anyone donating blood as part of the "beer for blood" campaign
taking place in Prague Friday will receive two half-litre glasses of
beer in return.
"The objective is to recruit new regular blood donors and also
bone tissue donors," the initiative's organiser Jaroslav Novak,
editor of a Czech beer magazine, told AFP.
The campaign will be held as part of a fair dedicated to St
Wenceslas at the Vystaviste exhibition ground in the north of the
city. It will then travel to other parts of the country.
The Czechs are the world's largest per-capita consumers of beer,
knocking back 162 litres per person last year.
:Beer :give
1L Lager - 1Pt Blood = Not only FREE BEER but, proportionally affecting more than normal since you have less blood in your body... we might as well consider it a free Sixer!

I hear there are problems with their blood drive, as many phlebotomists are intoxicated and they're drawing the blood from the donors AFTER the donors drank their 2 free beers. j/k yuk, yuk, yuk
hottweelz said:
1L Lager - 1Pt Blood = Not only FREE BEER but, proportionally affecting more than normal since you have less blood in your body... we might as well consider it a free Sixer!

That is exactly what I was thinking! I'd do it.

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