Damn all the FL lincoln drivers


Active LVC Member
Jul 22, 2004
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Pensacola, FL
I recently went to the dmv with what all my friends thought was a dumb idea for a personalized tag. I figure dumb idea= noone will have it....but somebody did. The tag I wanted: dmndnbk was gone. Oh well, i guess it saved me a few bucks.
dmndnbk whats that supose to mean ?pritty sure no one had mine

trunk emblom 002 (Small).jpg
it's supposed to mean diamond in back

it's from a 70's funk song i think

and recently ludacris did a version of it....I don't really like ludacris but he had a really nice stock ( no chrome rims ) 63 (i think) continental in the video.

And by the way......I really like emblem on the back of your mark endrea... was it easy to do?
yup just go down to the local sign shop i hade a bunch of stuff made up for 20 bucks, i have more of those but im working on a much better design when ever i get around to doing it.
Markviiiedrea said:
yup just go down to the local sign shop i hade a bunch of stuff made up for 20 bucks, i have more of those but im working on a much better design when ever i get around to doing it.

so if i go to a sign shop they even make the plastic peice too, the reason i say i cause my emblem fell off and i dont have one now and i wondered where i could go to get a emblem done, i now not the dealer they want 70 for it

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