damn cats!


Dedicated LVC Member
Feb 21, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
no, not catalytic converters, felines... i've got two large male cats, they're indoor and outdoor cause i have a big patio that they can use to jump to other building rooftops, well last night i left the door open for them to get in and out while me and my girl slept. if i keep the door shut they drive me crazy trying to get out, so i just gave in this time and let them have their way. well i wake up this morning to find about a hundred muddy pawprints all over my black LS... lol.... it was hilarious i should have taken a photo. those bastards.
there was another car parked right next to mine too... no prints in sight... i wonder if the beauty of the LS drew them to it... haha
I have had that problem w/ every car w/ a couple of my cats. Freakin' pisses me off but my LS is rarely walked on because if its home its in the garage. Only time I leave it outside is when I am cleaning it up and if a cat comes near it I hit the alarm and they fly off lol.

My one cat willow is a pita when it comes to cars. No matter whose it is if its sitting there she has to get on it and sometimes in it.
Cats might walk in my yard if they are stupid. If I catch them I have a nice paintball gun that cats seem to hate.:)
steagle said:
there was another car parked right next to mine too... no prints in sight... i wonder if the beauty of the LS drew them to it... haha

Nah...your car is black. It was still warm from the day's heat.

Either that or they were pissed off at you!!
PM80 said:
Cats might walk in my yard if they are stupid. If I catch them I have a nice paintball gun that cats seem to hate.:)

I had a cat walk through my yard about a year ago, he didn't make it to the other side, my Huskies apparently didn't want him there.
One way to fix this problem...extra wax. Keeps my cat off of my car.
Cruelty to animals; now, that's intelligent. My punk-:q:q:qgot neighbor made his dog attack my cat when it was outside for a walk. Fortunately, I was on the other side of the shed at the time and heard it all. I got to the dog first, then I went over to my, now very obedient neighbor. One of the good things about being older is that carrying a cane has more uses than just for walking. The dog got the idea very quickly without any violence; the neighbor ran into his house. I wouldn't have held back on him. My pets are like very good friends; I'll protect them with my life if I have to.
chriswells78 said:
^^^How's that work, do they slide off better? LOL

Yeah he does, it's pretty funny. Only took a couple of times for him to learn. Much better solution than attack dogs, paint/pellet guns or the water hose. He's my buddy, he just needs to know where he should not be.;)
lol.. its crazy man ... its always the day that i wash and wax my car that i find paw prints starting from the center of the bonnet, down the center of the roof and then the trunk. it pisses me off when i see it but makes me laugh when i talk about it ot other people.
You can keep your nice pets all you want to. I have no problem with them in your yard. But when they climb on MY car in MY yard and leave those nice big scratch marks are you going to be there to pony up the money to repaint my car.
...pony up? Are you sure you're old enough to be on this web site, sonny? Go on now, go play with your Match Box cars and leave us adults alone.
PM80 said:
You can keep your nice pets all you want to. I have no problem with them in your yard. But when they climb on MY car in MY yard and leave those nice big scratch marks are you going to be there to pony up the money to repaint my car.
I agree. Currently I don't seem to have any problems with critters on my cars, however it would definately piss me off to find paw prints on my car. I have had scratches in the past caused by frickin over excited dogs and stupid stray cats thou. Thats just as bad as sitting on someones car, its really rude. Your pet your car fine, don't expect others not to get pissed about it. I personally don't like my cars all scratched up and ghetto lookin.
I have two dogs and I am respectful of other people. I don't just let my pets run wild on other peoples property if they go outside of my yard they are on a leash. It is the MATURE thing to do. Also if you stop to look there are alot of young people on this site. That was the whole point of this car to begin with to draw in a younger crowd to the lincoln name, but since you are so older and wiser you already know that.
PM80 said:
You can keep your nice pets all you want to. I have no problem with them in your yard. But when they climb on MY car in MY yard and leave those nice big scratch marks are you going to be there to pony up the money to repaint my car.

You are 100% dead on the money!

PM80 said:
I have two dogs and I am respectful of other people. I don't just let my pets run wild on other peoples property if they go outside of my yard they are on a leash. It is the MATURE thing to do. Also if you stop to look there are alot of young people on this site. That was the whole point of this car to begin with to draw in a younger crowd to the lincoln name, but since you are so older and wiser you already know that.

Most intelligent post on this thread.

Paulownian said:
...pony up? Are you sure you're old enough to be on this web site, sonny? Go on now, go play with your Match Box cars and leave us adults alone.

Comments like that are so juvenile I can't believe it. And I'm probably one of the oldest members here. There isn't ANYONE who loves animals more than I do. But let your cat or dog come into my yard and you're going to pay for any and all damages. Where do you get off with that comment and in your previous post you had the gall to talk about your neighbor's dog in your yard and what you did??? Let your animal come to my yard and jump on my car. See how far I stick that cane of yours where the sun doesn't shine. End of flame.
You remind me of my neighbor. I didn't get to this age by being stupid, or weak.

The post about the "pony up" was meant as a joke. Sorry you didn't get the humor. As for the other post, if your ability to read and comprehend are at the level of your age then you would have noticed that no humans, or animals were harmed in the incident.

To your cane comment I say the same that I have said to all of my opponents in the past - "Bring it on." Age doesn't change training; it doesn't change ability all that much, either. So, I'll lay down that useless cane and we can discuss this any time you feel is convenient.

Now, if you haven't noticed, I get aggressive when people get in my face. Otherwise, I'm a nice quiet guy. If you want to just forget all of this, I am willing. The best way would be to not post anymore on the subject.
yeah come on now fellas, this is a thread about cats
some of the posts are most concerning and frankly sickening. The points made about it being your property and thus allowing u to attack animals are for lack of a better word are "Retarded". Would you hurt a child if he hit a baseball and it hit your car?. The law recognizes that even in cases where someone is trying to steal your car in cases where you yourself are not threathened, it does not allow for deadly use of force to protect property. Why? b/c a human life is more valuable then property. so does animal life = human life?. I think not. is it more valubale then metal...YES>
-Here's a solution keep ur car in the garage,.
-However I don't believe a cat could scratch your car anyway. your just a punk who likes to pick on weaker animals.
Freakin neighbors cat likes to sleep on my black 71 mustang. I do like cats but.... I am soon converting a section of my downstairs into a garage for the stang. My lincoln is gold and dirt here is white so cat prints are harder to see. Oh well.
jared - lol great pic. and you're right, it's hard for cats to scratch up your paint because they walk on their pads, and only use the very tip of their claws to balance. even when they jump up onto something, they land on their pads. cats are a lot more careful than humans are ;)
This is crazy! I was sittin in my LS out front of my house with a few friends when all of a sudden a paw came tapping at the drivers window and scared the **** outta me. Turns out my big fat ass 25 lbs. cat crept up on the car and soon after came sliding down the windshield...funny as hell. It didnt do any damage to the car but it was hilarious...ever since I catch him on my car every now and then. Maybe cats like the sleek...predetor-like look of the LS.

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