damn i missed it


Apr 12, 2005
Reaction score
northern illinois
i just noticed that i missed my 3 year anniversary on lvc (4-12-05), and i wanna thank joey for having such a great site and all the members present and past for all the info and parts
:yourock: :dj: :Beer :V :wave :invasion: :woowoo2: :drunk: :headbang: :zgreenbou :wrench
Congrats Chicken :Beer :N :V :dj: :invasion: :wave :wave :wave :wrench
:Beer :N :hump: :dj: :drunk: :yourock: :ballon :bestwishe :wrench :zgreenbou :gr_hail: :headbang:


Glad to know ya' Chicken!
Happy Anniversary!!

Not to hijack your thread, but being a 4 year member this month I also want to thank Joey and the other founders of this site, along with all the members that make this place rock!
GREAT!! 3 years...Some day I'll be as old as you!!:D

:N :Beer :dj: :dancefool :hump: :drunk: :drunk: :dancefool :monkey: :wave :waving: :gr_hail: :gr_hail: :headbang:
Look at this way merijon:

You may be old in real years, but in LvC years you are merely a spring chicken like me! :D

Anyway, congrats to Chicken, Kbob and to the other LvC long time members!

:Beer :drunk: :dj: :dancefool

:wave :wave

C O N G R A T s C H I C K E N

May you continue to douse us in Ford tech knowledge for many a year to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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