damn , no drive , no od


Active LVC Member
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
alright what broke , is it something fixable or am i screwed
i noticed the trans didn't want to shift into drive at the track while using the nitrous , it worked fine under normal driving
so i decided to see how it was shifting (no nitrous) last night , well i shifted into drive it just revved up , now it only has first and second (reverse is fine also)
i am assuming it is something electronic , but i'm no transmission guy so i don't really know what it is
any ideas
Forward one-way clutch is history. If you replace it, make sure it is with the mechanical diode unit.

Time for a rebuild (call Geno) or hit up the boneyards for a used or take-out unit.

You can go over to the TCCOA and read up on the Jerry thesis under transmissions where he explains the different failure signs. Weakest link of these trans is what you just toasted. I feel for you. Good luck.

If you do rebuild it, it won't cost more to do it right. Call Geno.

thanks monstermark , i never do anything the easy way lol
K*A*B said:
alright what broke , is it something fixable or am i screwed
i noticed the trans didn't want to shift into drive at the track while using the nitrous , it worked fine under normal driving
so i decided to see how it was shifting (no nitrous) last night , well i shifted into drive it just revved up , now it only has first and second (reverse is fine also)
i am assuming it is something electronic , but i'm no transmission guy so i don't really know what it is
any ideas
the reason you have no drive is because the direct(third) clutch is smoked.the reason you dont have o/d is because the direct(third)clutch is used during o/d operation,inturn taking the o/d band out. the 2-3 accum. could of went bad,or the :nos: could of taken out the direct clutch. this drum is in the bottom of the trans and rides on the output shaft. soory about the bad luck.

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