Dash signal indicators not working 97 LSC


New LVC Member
Mar 15, 2006
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My signal and hazard lights work fine outside but the dash indicators do not. I can hear a flasher clicking but again there is no indicator working on the dash whether I have the left or right turn signal on or the hazard flasher on?
I can't seem to find a flasher underneath. Any ideas?
Have you checked the fuses yet? Does the dash light up when you throw the switch?
You wouldn't happen to be looking at the dash with the sun behind you? j/k.
I have disassemble the dash and have the instrument cluster pulled out. Checked the signal indicator bulbs and they look good. I am looking at it in the dark and there isn't the slightest indication of the bulbs coming on. I have pulled every single fuse and did a continuity check on them all. Then I rotated identical amp fuses just to make sure and all of them seemed perfect. This is really driving me nuts. I also checked the fuse for the lighting module that is located under the hood. I cannot figure this out and I don't have a dang wiring schematic to use. I purchased one of those manuals on a CD and it is totally worthless. No wiring information whatsoever. Otherwise I would check the connectors on the back of the cluster to see if power was going to the signal indicators on the cluster.

Thanks for your response.

BTW, all other lights work and the dash lights up when I turn on the parklamps and headlights. All other dash light indicators work. Only the signal indicators, (hazard indicators) do not work.
Unbelievable!!! I pulled the bulbs out with their bases and looked at them. I've probably checked several hundred automotive bulbs just in the last 3 years and these looked good. Filaments were not broken, bases just fine. I thought what the heck and stopped by the Ford dealer and picked up the only 2 they had in stock. Put one in, the indicator for that side worked. Put in the other, now they both work. Pulled them out and compared them with the old ones, used my magnifying glass with the built in light, no difference. I have no clue but I threw out the old ones and the problem is solved. I have never had two bulbs go out at the same time and I'm sure there is more to it than I am aware of. Now I'm going to finish getting the car inspected and make it legal once again.

Thanks to all of those that were trying to figure this out. I'm also going to purchase the hard cover manual as I have for all of my cars.

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