Daughter almost get's Busted in School...


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
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Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Some of you may remember my posts last year about my High School track star....

And for those who know her Track is her life...

Well Last Wednesday they brought the drug dogs into the school for a locker search..

Guess whose locker the dog hit on.. If you guessed my daughter's you are correct...

My daughter was called to her locker to be there for the search. Guess what they found.

If you guessed a sport bottle filled with lemonade you are correct...

When they opened the bottle of lemonade there was a terrible oder of alcohol (according to our attendance director and my daughter)... They both laughed and he asked her how long had the bottle had been in her locker (as there was mold growing on the surface of the lemonade). She said from before January.

Well because she's the daughter of a teacher and the coach's daughter they had the bottle tested.

So the Deputy took the bottle to be tested for alcohol. Bet you can't guess what he found.

If you guess it tested positive for alcohol you are correct...

Our attendance director couldn't believe that it had (as he knows how important track is to my daughter and that she's not a drinker, too afraid to get caught and lose her season) Also not that dump to have it in her locker.

Well we have a real %$$%$$^ of principle and he called her into his office to inform her that they found alcohol and what the consequences would be.

I was then called. I got to talk to my daughter who was hysterical claiming to me dad didn't do it and I'm not that dumb...

The attendance director still didn't believe the findings and went exploring.

I explained was there mold on the lemonade? Is there sugar in Lemonade? What do you get when molds feed on sugars? Hey dummy alcohol...

Well they kept my daughter in interrogations for the morning while I contacted chem labs and experts to prove that it is possible that a sealed container of lemonade kept in a dark place for a long period of time would produce alcohol. I bet you can't guess what I found out....

If you guessed yes it would produce alcohol you are right...

Well after my findings they called the Sheriff's Dept. to find out if they felt it was possible. Well the Sheriffs Dept called the crime lab and the crime lab said yes but that they didn't want to spend the time or money on testing it. They also asked if there was any doubt that this is what happened that my daughter wasn't bringing in lemonade spiked with alcohol to school.

The attendance director told the Sheriff's Dept. that he had no reason to believe that she would have brought in alcohol to school.

Well after about 4 hours it was decided that no charges would be made against my daughter.

What an ordeal...

Now had this been my son.. LOL... But he wouldn't have been dumb enough to bring it to school.... Although he was checked many times...

The lesson we can all learn. You can make alcolol in your school locker LOL...
Isn't that how the make "prison wine"?

In hish school, my friends and I were the "smart kids"(read: nerds) but a certain few always almost got in trouble for dumb stuff like that.
aaaah.. Mespock, once again your information becomes invaluable.

A similiar thing happenend to my friend in high school.. But he didn't have a smart father like you so not only did he get introuble at school, he got in even worse trouble at home. His parents NEVER believed him. If only I'd known this 13 years ago.. HAHA.

This is something that I need to remember when my son goes to school.
As I explained to the Attendance director (the principle will not speak to me as he knows what I think of him). My daughter runs into a lot of issues with other students because she doesn't get into some activities that others do.

Like I said she loves track, and doesn't want any extra illegal activities to interfere.

If she would go to more of the HS parties and spend more time with more questionable friends I would felt hey... if you screwed up then you screwed up... But also knowing that fruit juices can ferment under the right conditions, and a locker would qualify as a place were fermentation would happen.

Also knowing that it would not be unlike my daughter to leave something in her locker for a long time.. (once she tried keeping a gold fish as a pet in her locker). Boy did that stink... a bottle of moldy lemonade wouldn't surprise me.

And I WANTED girls! lol
Two daughters here both under 5 tho...
I love the idea of a teen involved in athletics like that. You must be proud mespock.
This story I will try to remember in like 10 years?
Thanx :)
you got lucky mespock. if it was one of the high schools i went to from 2002-06 there would have been no way around it. all the school officials there are crooked! if it happened at one of my old high schools there would have been no doubt your daughter was getting wasted in class/school they would have suspended her for three days at least and then once the results came back, it would have been either expulsion or another week or so of suspension and the school would have pressed charges on her and ruin everything going for her.
Wow, that is a hell of a story, well I am glad i never kept lemonade in my locker for to long when I was in school. At least it was just a misunderstanding and she did not have a Vodka lemonade stuffed in her locker Rich.

She tried keeping a fish in her locker?? LOL! Thats hilarious, the neighboring students of her locker must have loved that one...:shifty: :D
I think she was tipping a few at school and now she has a parent enabling her also. Not my little precious princess.

I think Rich needs to give her a Breathalyzer test when she gets home from school every day for the next 4 weeks and also have a family intervention and request her to go to a clinic to dry out and then attend AA meetings for the next 3 years to keep her clean.

It's always out in the boondocks that these kids waste their lives with the alcohol and drug usage. If only their parents cared a little more, these kids wouldn't have to reach out in such destructive ways.
I think she was tipping a few at school and now she has a parent enabling her also. Not my little precious princess.

Sorry Bryan this was a child of good parenting... and unlike those boys in New Berlin... LOL...

If I would have had any doubt she would have been dealing with this problem on her own as it was her who got herself into it.

Sorry but I am very proud of her and her accomplishments in High School academic and athletic.. you could only be lucky if those New Berlin boys turn out as good...
Wow, that is a hell of a story, well I am glad i never kept lemonade in my locker for to long when I was in school. At least it was just a misunderstanding and she did not have a Vodka lemonade stuffed in her locker Rich.

She tried keeping a fish in her locker?? LOL! Thats hilarious, the neighboring students of her locker must have loved that one...:shifty: :D

Try growing mold on Mike's Hard Lemonade...
Our Tax dollars hard at work -- yet again.

Lets take a kid with a great school record, and interroragate them for hours over some moldy liquid. Lets get the Sheriff and - for christ's sake - the CRIME LAB involved.

Gimmie a break. A little common sense involved tells you alot earlier that this was exactly what it was. A forgotton bottle of lemonade.

What did we waste here? $1000 for the day? How many people involved? 4, 5, maybe even 6 it sounds like who were probably consumed most of the day?

Ya think maybe we're a little TOO paranoid these days? In my days, It could have been a bottle of Jack Daniels, and I would have been suspended and my parents would have been called in to deal with it.

What BS. Sorry you went through this Rich.
Glad to hear that everything worked out good for your daughter. I agree with Joey a little common sense would have been useful here. Alcohol from moldy lemonade hmmm sounds like something i would have done in high school had i thought of it. :D
How well does mold grow on an rich alcohol product. If here bottle would have had been spiked with alcohol it would have had a great content of alcohol and I doubt it would have had mold growing on it.
Thats my point. A little common sense coupled with a little restraint. It jsut really irks me since I pay so much in taxes for schools and dont even have kids. Last thing I want to see is the money wasted on this kind of overprotective, police state kinda thing. What if the bottle was just "found" somewhere? Do we dust for fingerprints also? DNA on the rim of the bottle? WHERE does it friggin stop? The only time I remember seeing cops at my school was on Officer Friendly day - Now we have police dogs searching. And lets keep in mind, Rich lives in the middle of nowhere, podunk Wisconsen (no offense rich) - imagine whats wasted if this kinda garbage goes on in places like Chicago, Milwakee, New York, etc.

No child left behind, just the taxpayers.
Now we have police dogs searching. And lets keep in mind, Rich lives in the middle of nowhere, podunk Wisconsen (no offense rich) - imagine whats wasted if this kinda garbage goes on in places like Chicago, Milwakee, New York, etc.

No child left behind, just the taxpayers.

Yeah whats up with the dogs?? Boozin and drugs really a problem there or something?? It is rediculous to think that someone would bring something that they no they shouldn't have to school and then forget about it to the point it molds. When carrying the illegal crap your careful...LOL. Crazy story.
Wow, what a story. Glad you have a daughter with great character (and her Dad too), that makes it easier...most times.

Long story: My daughter's best friend 's brother is a Boyscout, er Eagle Scout (he is a sophomore in High school). His troop did some landscape work at another high school over a weekend. He accidentally leaves his backpack. The following Monday the other schools says they found it and have it safe and for him to come and get it.

His mother drives him over to get the backpack, the principle states your mother has to sign for it, as you are a minor...hmmm well ok - he get his Mom. She signs for it and out pop three Sheriff's deputies who arrest him. What for? you ask... he had his 3" Boyscout knife in the backpack. Oh yes big time trouble here...he is an A student, perfect attendance type of child.

Sorry the No tolerance policy does not care. Words of advice were get an Attorney and he may only serve 18 months behind Juvenal bars.

Come to find out it is automatic suspension for 3 weeks (resulting in automatic failure of the grade level), then they hold a hearing to see if actual criminal charges will be filed (100% of all offenders are expelled at this time). Note - you can never attend any public school in the county again with the weapons charge on your record. They have "special private school' you have to go pay to attend...

To make this long story longer thank goodness he got an Attorney, he was allowed back on probation (18 months) but he still failed the quarter. He will have to go to summer school to make it up. All for a Eagle Scout just trying to cleanup a school that was not even his to begin with. No good dead goes unpunished...
Yeah whats up with the dogs?? Boozin and drugs really a problem there or something?? .

Yes drugs are a problem here. One kid that day was busted for possession of Cocaine 2 others with open intoxicants in there cars.

They bring the dogs in at least twice a year. Usually bust a few kids for possession of pot.
Yes drugs are a problem here. One kid that day was busted for possession of Cocaine 2 others with open intoxicants in there cars.

They bring the dogs in at least twice a year. Usually bust a few kids for possession of pot.

Umm...there won't be any dogs at the beach party will there?


Thats pretty crazy...I guess you just don't here about it as much being a small town so you wouldn't think it.
Yes drugs are a problem here. One kid that day was busted for possession of Cocaine 2 others with open intoxicants in there cars.

They bring the dogs in at least twice a year. Usually bust a few kids for possession of pot.

pretty much same at my high school last year. they would run drug dogs around the parking lot and if the dog signaled the cop they would search the vehicle and pull the student out of class...usually resulting in no finds of any illegals most of the kids are smart there and don't bring that illegal :q:q:q:q to school. only the dumb kids were able to get caught the day they brought the drug dogs. one person had cociane possessions with intent to sell and they usually bust some few kids for weed. once again usually the kids that don't have enough sense to leave it off campus..
and there is well less than 1000 kids at this high school and around 1000 at the other high school, same procedures for both.

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