Dave are you One of The Statistics


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
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Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Complete StoryBUFFALO, N.Y. -

Just over 7 percent of American workers drink during the workday — mostly at lunch — and even more, 9 percent, have nursed a hangover in the workplace, according to a study.
if Young, single men are tied most often to workplace-related drinking, especially managers, salespeople, restaurant workers and those in the media, according to the findings by the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions.
The results, culled from telephone interviews with 2,805 employed adults from January 2002 to June 2003, appear in the current issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol.
Principal investigator Michael Frone said the national study was meant to help managers develop workplace policy on alcohol use and to open the door to exploring the causes and effects of workplace alcohol use.
Juice bar LOL!! Dave I have seen you drink. Don't tell us you don't.:D

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