death in Bay City Michigan


Well-Known LVC Member
Jan 5, 2007
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I am sure alot of you have seen the story of the 93 yr old man that froze to death, at the hand of the utility company. My question with this story that I am asking everyone's opinion is, how is this any different that someone shooting someone to death with a gun. To me this is murder the same as any other kind of murder. The difference here is we get the same ole same ole " it is a tragic thing, and I hope we can learn from this so it doesn't happen again". Shouldn't someone stand trial for manslaughter, how is it different.
I take it they cut of his electricity/gas due to non-payment? I don't know about Michigan, but in Oklahoma, it's illegal to cut off the utilities when the temperature is below a certain threshold just for that reason.
I live on the west side of michigan, and for the past couple of weeks it has been below zero. I've stayed over night in a house with no heat in michigan and I couldn't feel my toes for the redy of that week. From what I heard this man was not in a right state of mind, why was no one looking in on him?
This man left every thing he owned to a medical institute. When they found him he had his $1000 bill on the table and the check made out sitting right next to it. He left behind over 600k in his bank account.

The only thing good about this whole messed up situation is granholm changed it so they can't shut off anyones gas/electric during the winter now.

You could argue that he could have called, he could have went somewhere else. People don't realize the effects their actions will have in the long run. I'm sure someone said, Look this old bastard won't pay his bill, it's under 30 degree's out, just shut his :q:q:q:q off and let him freeze.

I think their should be some legal action for who ever gave the order for this. Electric company was not going to go out of business over this one bill.
State regulators on Wednesday issued emergency rules designed to protect more people against electricity or heat shutoffs in the winter.
What if they turn off the gas on a nice day and it gets cold later.
Should that be a crime too?

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