Defeated :(


Active LVC Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Kansas City
So I spent about 3hours washing and detailing my baby today.. interior looks great.. used some new meguiars car wash stuff that worked great... I shammy it and then let it dry for a bit before I go to wax it... Yea my extremely smart self didnt really check how clean the chamoi was... everything but the hood is now covered with dirty water streaks and I am livid! I have some spray wax that you just rub in that works pretty good but not sure I want to wax over the dirt... just really don't want to wash it again!!

Had to vent that a bit to some people who would appreciate it, my girlfriend just laughed =/.

On a side note. My new halos are in =).

Washed my car today and noticed a friggen cat destroyed it. If you own a cat, keep it in the damn house! I am SO pissed right now!

Your car looks nice, btw... :)
I am starting to see more LS's around here lately, and they do look sharp!!!!!
I'm in a dilemma... Be smart and save my money a bit longer, or splooge and lower it 1.5", get lower profile tires *can get any tire made at cost, any tire*, and navigation.... I want to do it so bad lol...
that's why I always dry with a squegee. I'm surprised more people don't do this. much faster and always perfect. then touch up with a rag or chamois.
KC_Valentine said:
So I spent about 3hours washing and detailing my baby today.. interior looks great.. used some new meguiars car wash stuff that worked great... I shammy it and then let it dry for a bit before I go to wax it... Yea my extremely smart self didnt really check how clean the chamoi was... everything but the hood is now covered with dirty water streaks and I am livid! I have some spray wax that you just rub in that works pretty good but not sure I want to wax over the dirt... just really don't want to wash it again!!

Had to vent that a bit to some people who would appreciate it, my girlfriend just laughed =/.

On a side note. My new halos are in =).


Hey man nice picture. I was just curious where did you get your Angel Eyes from and how much did it cost? Thanks
beaups said:
that's why I always dry with a squegee. I'm surprised more people don't do this. much faster and always perfect. then touch up with a rag or chamois.

Water Blade
I would be careful with the chamois and the squeege, if you get dirt under them there is no give and you'll just scratch your whole car up. I stick with a white cotton towel or microfiber towels.
lookin good. way to represent KC =D
im plannin on gettin some angel eyes. you got aim kc valentine?
hit me up sometime 'im ur conscience'
The California Water thing ever to dry your car off.
ya, very nice picture. it looks like a pro shot.

angel eyes? is that the ring around the light? any are they brighter?
KC_Valentine said:
I'm in a dilemma... Be smart and save my money a bit longer, or splooge and lower it 1.5", get lower profile tires *can get any tire made at cost, any tire*, and navigation.... I want to do it so bad lol...

god I hope you meant splurge, not splooge...LOL
Fla02LS said:
The California Water thing ever to dry your car off.

Haha i knew others used them. i use it to get the majority of the water off fast then go over it with a microfiber cloth.
What I do is use my Californa Dry Blade to get the majority of the water off, then go over it with a clean towel. If there are towel fibers stuck to the car after that, Spin Dry:N

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