Definition of Terrorism?


Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 14, 2005
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Have you ever stopped to think about the root cause of terrorism, what it means, and who are the terrorists terrorizing our country today?

All definitions given are from the Merriam-Webster website at

Terrorism - the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

Systematic - 1: relating to or consisting of a system
2: presented or formulated as a coherent body of ideas or principles <systematic thought>
3 a: methodical in procedure or plan <a systematic approach> <a systematic scholar> b: marked by thoroughness and regularity <systematic efforts>
4: of, relating to, or concerned with classification

Terror - 1: a state of intense fear
2 a: one that inspires fear : scourge b: a frightening aspect <the terrors of invasion> c: a cause of anxiety : worry d: an appalling person or thing; especially : brat
3: reign of terror
4: violent or destructive acts (as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands <insurrection and revolutionary terror>

Coercion - the act, process, or power of coercing
Coercing - 1 : to restrain or dominate by force <religion in the past has tried to coerce the irreligious — W. R. Inge>
2 : to compel to an act or choice <was coerced into agreeing>
3 : to achieve by force or threat <coerce compliance>

Who in America does this sound like? To me it sounds like the Bush admin. are the true terrorists out to terrorize the American people. To terrorize the American people into a war that our "cause" was found to be faulty (failure to locate the dreaded WMDs). Which by the way Iraq and any other country on the planet has as much right to possess as the US. Which is the only country to have ever used a nuclear device in anger. And we did it twice.
They (Bush) was elected in 2004 because of the threat of another terrorist attack. Or because the company Diebold, that conducted the electronic voting in several key states, including Ohio, guaranteed a Bush victory before the election was held. Yet another reason why voting needs to be on paper, all votes need to be counted, and only citizens in the country on election should be allowed to vote, or perhaps made to vote. (but all of that is beside the point of this thread which is to allow me to vent because most people talk about the terrorists terrorizing the US don't realize that since 2001 the only terrorist terrorizing the US is our own government who doesn't want to relinquish power. But, it's closing time so I'll be back tomorrow. good day.
Seriously, you've made all of us stupider for having read that idiotic post.
Ha! I didn't read it, I skipped to the replies. I've retained my intelligence! Hoo-rah! :D
fossten said:
Ha! I didn't read it, I skipped to the replies. I've retained my intelligence! Hoo-rah! :D

We can all be thankful, as we'd sure hate to see the "stupid" Fossten. :)
daves2000ls said:
Who in America does this sound like? To me it sounds like the Bush admin. are the true terrorists out to terrorize the American people. To terrorize the American people into a war that our "cause" was found to be faulty (failure to locate the dreaded WMDs). Which by the way Iraq and any other country on the planet has as much right to possess as the US. Which is the only country to have ever used a nuclear device in anger. And we did it twice.
They (Bush) was elected in 2004 because of the threat of another terrorist attack. Or because the company Diebold, that conducted the electronic voting in several key states, including Ohio, guaranteed a Bush victory before the election was held. Yet another reason why voting needs to be on paper, all votes need to be counted, and only citizens in the country on election should be allowed to vote, or perhaps made to vote. (but all of that is beside the point of this thread which is to allow me to vent because most people talk about the terrorists terrorizing the US don't realize that since 2001 the only terrorist terrorizing the US is our own government who doesn't want to relinquish power. But, it's closing time so I'll be back tomorrow. good day.

I know I won't shed a tear if YOU happen to be the next victim of islamic jihad. In fact, I will find comfort in the realization that a muslim radical will have done all the rest of us a favor. Wow, what a heavy soul you have! What a burden you have to carry! Stunning!:mad:
MonsterMark said:
I know I won't shed a tear if YOU happen to be the next victim of islamic jihad. In fact, I will find comfort in the realization that a muslim radical will have done all the rest of us a favor. Wow, what a heavy soul you have! What a burden you have to carry! Stunning!:mad:

Yeah, this guy really hates this country, in a Ward Churchillian way.
Who in America does this sound like? To me it sounds like the Bush admin. are the true terrorists out to terrorize the American people.


I think you better go back to your dictionary and look up "ding-bat".
daves2000ls said:
Have you ever stopped to think about the root cause of terrorism, what it means, and who are the terrorists terrorizing our country today?

All definitions given are from the Merriam-Webster website at

Terrorism - the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

Systematic - 1: relating to or consisting of a system
2: presented or formulated as a coherent body of ideas or principles <systematic thought>
3 a: methodical in procedure or plan <a systematic approach> <a systematic scholar> b: marked by thoroughness and regularity <systematic efforts>
4: of, relating to, or concerned with classification

Terror - 1: a state of intense fear
2 a: one that inspires fear : scourge b: a frightening aspect <the terrors of invasion> c: a cause of anxiety : worry d: an appalling person or thing; especially : brat
3: reign of terror
4: violent or destructive acts (as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands <insurrection and revolutionary terror>

Coercion - the act, process, or power of coercing
Coercing - 1 : to restrain or dominate by force <religion in the past has tried to coerce the irreligious — W. R. Inge>
2 : to compel to an act or choice <was coerced into agreeing>
3 : to achieve by force or threat <coerce compliance>

Who in America does this sound like? To me it sounds like the Bush admin. are the true terrorists out to terrorize the American people. To terrorize the American people into a war that our "cause" was found to be faulty (failure to locate the dreaded WMDs). Which by the way Iraq and any other country on the planet has as much right to possess as the US. Which is the only country to have ever used a nuclear device in anger. And we did it twice.
They (Bush) was elected in 2004 because of the threat of another terrorist attack. Or because the company Diebold, that conducted the electronic voting in several key states, including Ohio, guaranteed a Bush victory before the election was held. Yet another reason why voting needs to be on paper, all votes need to be counted, and only citizens in the country on election should be allowed to vote, or perhaps made to vote. (but all of that is beside the point of this thread which is to allow me to vent because most people talk about the terrorists terrorizing the US don't realize that since 2001 the only terrorist terrorizing the US is our own government who doesn't want to relinquish power. But, it's closing time so I'll be back tomorrow. good day.
:D :D I'm sorry, but this post is hilarious!
02lincolnlsv8 said:
I cant believe i wasted my time reading that!!!
:D I didn't. Once I skimmed over the definitions I quickly went to the punch-line below--Then I busted out laughing.

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