Degas Bottle


LVC Member
Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
San Antonio
Hey guys,
Had some cooling issues..Replaced degas bottle, all pieces to thermostat housing, thermostat....Did fine for about 6 months im guessing....But noticed a puddle where all degas problems start....Replaced it with a doorman last week, and what do you know? Its leaking on drivers side door again...Could it have gone bad this quick???Keep in mind car is running fine but noticing leak now again......Where can I get a good oem one that wont kill my wallet?
It could be that the cap is not on the bottle tightly or it is stripped. The dorman bottles are junk for this reason and dont last long. Get a motorcraft degas bottle and be done.
Hey guys,
Had some cooling issues..Replaced degas bottle, all pieces to thermostat housing, thermostat....Did fine for about 6 months im guessing....But noticed a puddle where all degas problems start....Replaced it with a doorman last week, and what do you know? Its leaking on drivers side door again...Could it have gone bad this quick???Keep in mind car is running fine but noticing leak now again......Where can I get a good oem one that wont kill my wallet?

Yes. The Dorman bottle SUCKS!!! Try Rock Auto or There is also Ford Parts Giant.
OR . . .

It could be one of those lines behind the Degas bottle. Did you replace em with a screw clamps ??
If those screw clamps are tightened and isn't the problem. I'd start thinking there might be a hole
or tear in somewhere in those two hoses when your yanking and tugging out that Degas bottle.

That was my issue, I was pulling like "there was no tomorrow" on those hoses just to get my hands
and channel-lock pliers around that (1) hose with the spring clamp. Luckily, no leaks almost a year now.
And mine was a Dorman that I got through AMAZON.

If you can let it sit for a day or two and I'd completely dry everything around that area then come
back to it after some time, to see if it can pin point out -What area or What hose may or maybe not
leaking before I get another Degas bottle.

Last important step is to have the cooling system pressurized properly !!! Don't just fill-up and throw
the cap back on and think it's gonna re-pressurize correctly once you crack open a line. The test is
pretty easy as long as you do it step by step. That's me...
I had that problem after I replaced the degas bottle with a aftermarket one about 3 weeks later.

It was the cap. Bought a new cap from auto zone. Think it was a Stant. Re bled the system and no more problems 3 moth later still ok.
My degas literally just failed today - the aftermarket one. Knowing it would I already have a motorcraft one sitting in my basement I'll put in. Before I joined the forum I changed it out with an autozone one, after reading all the forums and seeing all the horror stories I ordered the OEM one and was just waiting for it to fail. Took about 11 months.

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