Democrat Blogger Calls for Shooting of Rush, Ted Nugent


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Apr 24, 2005
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Democrat blogger wants to shoot Rush Limbaugh
Also calls for volunteer to assassinate Ted Nugent

Posted: July 8, 2007
9:51 p.m. Eastern

© 2007

A Democratic Party blogger says he wants to shoot Rush Limbaugh and is calling for volunteers to assassinate rock star Ted Nugent, who champions the Second Amendment.

Hart Williams, a former writer for porn magazine Hustler and who now toils for the Democratic Daily ['nuff said about his creds], was waxing incoherent about a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed by Nugent, complaining that it was likely ghost-written.

"How we can remain 'civil' in the face of this is beyond my ken," wrote Williams. "I will only reiterate what I've said WHEN they manage to inevitably push their litany of hatespeak into actual bloodletting, and full-blown civil war (for there is no other place that this hatred of American against American can go), well ... I've got dibs on Rush, as soon as it's legal and lawful to shoot him. Whoever wants Ted Nugent is welcome to him, but I would prefer that you would call it now, so as to conserve on ammunition. We will need to manage it prudently. But when the day comes that they have finally set brother against brother, and sister against sister in the name of their pocketbooks, I won't approach exterminating them with anything approaching remorse. They've already told me what they think of me, of my friends and of my peers. Now, I'm returning the favor. Put that in your pipe and have the WSJ editorial staff show you how to smoke it, Nugent. Courage."

The Democratic Daily is the brainchild of Pamela Leavey, whose claim to fame is working as a volunteer writer for during the 2004 election cycle. Her site describes her as a writer, entrepreneur and single mother living in Southern California.

Williams identified himself as a former editor of Hustler, who, among other duties, read letters from readers on their "real-life" sexual experiences.


So much for Democrat/Liberal TOLERANCE FOR DIVERSITY. :rolleyes:
I couldn't help but notice that the guy decided to take on Rush instead of the Nuge. If he was any kind of man, he would head up to Michigan and hunt the Nuge on Ted's land, mano y mano.

What did I say about the civil war brewing here in the U.S.?

It's a comin!
I'd never heard of this site, let alone the author. So why should I give a flying f*ck what he writes? I will point out however that he says "I will only reiterate what I've said WHEN they manage to inevitably push their litany of hatespeak into actual bloodletting, and full-blown civil war..." The idea of a Civil war is something people like Bryan relishes. I have no doubt he has wet dreams about shooting liberals from his rooftop.

Speaking of wet dreams, what this guy writes isn't any more offensive than the standard tripe that comes from your favorite female impersonator, Ann Coulter's phlegm-covered keyboard:

"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building."

When asked to clarify:

"Of course I regret it. I should have added, 'after everyone had left the building except the editors and reporters.'"

I'm sure I can come up with much more inflammatory rhetoric from some right-wing web sites. But who really cares?

And as for that tired old "so much for liberal tolerance" followup:

1. This guy speaks for himself, not me.
2. Tolerance doesn't mean being tolerant of intolerance and hatred (or even stupidity). Telling someone he is going to hell for being gay, a Muslim, an atheist, or a liberal may be your belief, but it shouldn't be surprising that those views might offend some people. While you have every right to say those things, don't expect everyone else to sit silently by and "tolerate" it. Once you throw the first volley, you're fair game.
Difference is, Ann Coulter is speaking 'tounge in cheek', while this blogger isn't.
Oh please. You can't be that gullible.

If you could read Coulter without those liberal blinders on, u would see that her writing is full of humor. Plus, she loves to get under liberals skin, and she does it by using their own arguing tactics against them. This is a prime example of that. Your reaction to it only further proves the point. She can't make a joke at a liberal's expense, but liberals, in all seriousness can call for assasinations of people they disagree with and no one says anything. U r proving your own double standard and hypocracy here.
2. Tolerance doesn't mean being tolerant of intolerance and hatred (or even stupidity).

acctually, yes it does. U don't get to redefine what a word means to suit your own ends. Do u even see the inherent fallacy in what u just implied intolerant of intolerance?! U would have to be intolerant of yourself, as u r being intolerant. Liberals view tolerance as a virtue, but only one that their political enemies must posess. again, liberal double standards and hypocracy...
If you could read Coulter without those liberal blinders on, u would see that her writing is full of humor. Plus, she loves to get under liberals skin, and she does it by using their own arguing tactics against them. This is a prime example of that. Your reaction to it only further proves the point. She can't make a joke at a liberal's expense, but liberals, in all seriousness can call for assasinations of people they disagree with and no one says anything. U r proving your own double standard and hypocracy here.
Dude, I get it, OK? I don't believe Coulter honestly was endorsing someone bombing the NYT any more than I believe this blogger is endorsing killing Limbaugh. THAT was my point. Quite frankly I think they've both crossed the line though, because there are wackos on both sides who do take them seriously.

And by the way would it freaking KILL U to type out the word "you" and "are" every once in a while? Everybody make spelling mistakes, but I can't stand reading something that looks like it was written by a twelve year-old. Those things are jarring. You're obviously an intelligence guy, so why resort to those shortcuts?
Dude, I get it, OK? I don't believe Coulter honestly was endorsing someone bombing the NYT any more than I believe this blogger is endorsing killing Limbaugh. THAT was my point. Quite frankly I think they've both crossed the line though, because there are wackos on both sides who do take them seriously.

And by the way would it freaking KILL U to type out the word "you" and "are" every once in a while? Everybody make spelling mistakes, but I can't stand reading something that looks like it was written by a twelve year-old. Those things are jarring. You're obviously an intelligence guy, so why resort to those shortcuts?

Dude. Go take a chill pill. Jeez. Talk about intolerance. :rolleyes:
The idea of a Civil war is something people like Bryan relishes. I have no doubt he has wet dreams about shooting liberals from his rooftop.
Hummm. A coin flip between TommyB and JohnnyB?:F (Kidding.............................................................................Like it really needs to be said; but I will, for all the koolaid drinkers sake.) What a conundrum me has.

Civil war is coming. Better put your head back in the sand while Pelosi and Reid watch guard.:rolleyes:
The next terrorist attack will be the test. When it comes, there will be the cowards who want to surrender our way of life in order to feel "safe" and those who will fight to preserve freedom and democracy in defiance of the danger. I'll be counting myself among the latter. If the former win, then the terrorists will have accomplished their mission. It's as simple as that.
So what you are saying is the Democrats and the liberals will legislate our safety. I have to agree with that. The left will take away all our freedoms under the guise of safety, exactly what they have accused the right of doing. Tisk, tisk.
The next terrorist attack will be the test. When it comes, there will be the cowards who want to surrender our way of life in order to feel "safe" and those who will fight to preserve freedom and democracy in defiance of the danger. I'll be counting myself among the latter. If the former win, then the terrorists will have accomplished their mission. It's as simple as that.

Have you seen what Manhattan is doing? Putting 3,000 cameras on street corners to "watch for terrorism." Say bye-bye to whatever ragtag freedoms you had left, New Yorkers. I will NEVER set foot in that state as long as I live.
I couldn't help but notice that the guy decided to take on Rush instead of the Nuge. If he was any kind of man, he would head up to Michigan and hunt the Nuge on Ted's land, mano y mano.

What did I say about the civil war brewing here in the U.S.?

It's a comin!

I'd be wary of taking on Ted, dude is one gun toting, hunting nut... I bet he'll be head spokesman of the NRA when Heston kicks it.

You're nuts...
I'd be wary of taking on Ted, dude is one gun toting, hunting nut... I bet he'll be head spokesman of the NRA when Heston kicks it.

You're nuts...

Actually, if you've ever heard Ted Nugent speak, you would know that although he is a fervent 2nd Amendment supporter and a lover of hunting, he is anything but a nut. He is articulate, passionate, and intelligent, and he debates the issue better than just about anyone else. I'm tired of people who are ardent supporters of the Constitution being called 'nuts.' It's sickening and ignorant.

By the way, Charlton Heston is no longer the head of the NRA, Mr. Van Winkle.

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