Democrat Congressman in LA in trouble


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Apr 24, 2005
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Amid Katrina Chaos, Congressman Used National Guard to Visit Home

Two Heavy Trucks, Helicopter Were Involved in Lawmaker's Trip at Height of Crisis


Rep. William Jefferson visited his New Orleans home after Hurricane Katrina with the assistance of National Guard troops. (


Sept. 13, 3005 — Amid the chaos and confusion that engulfed New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina struck, a congressman used National Guard troops to check on his property and rescue his personal belongings — even while New Orleans residents were trying to get rescued from rooftops, ABC News has learned.

On Sept. 2 — five days after Katrina hit the Gulf Coast — Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., who represents New Orleans and is a senior member of the powerful Ways and Means Committee, was allowed through the military blockades set up around the city to reach the Superdome, where thousands of evacuees had been taken.

Military sources tells ABC News that Jefferson, an eight-term Democratic congressman, asked the National Guard that night to take him on a tour of the flooded portions of his congressional district. A five-ton military truck and a half dozen military police were dispatched.

Lt. Col. Pete Schneider of the Louisiana National Guard tells ABC News that during the tour, Jefferson asked that the truck take him to his home on Marengo Street, in the affluent uptown neighborhood in his congressional district. According to Schneider, this was not part of Jefferson's initial request.

Jefferson defended the expedition, saying he set out to see how residents were coping at the Superdome and in his neighborhood. He also insisted that he did not ask the National Guard to transport him.

"I did not seek the use of military assets to help me get around my city," Jefferson told ABC News. "There was shooting going on. There was sniping going on. They thought I should be escorted by some military guards, both to the convention center, the Superdome and uptown."

The water reached to the third step of Jefferson's house, a military source familiar with the incident told ABC News, and the vehicle pulled up onto Jefferson's front lawn so he wouldn't have to walk in the water. Jefferson went into the house alone, the source says, while the soldiers waited on the porch for about an hour.

Finally, according to the source, Jefferson emerged with a laptop computer, three suitcases, and a box about the size of a small refrigerator, which the enlisted men loaded up into the truck.

"I don't think there is any explanation for an elected official using resources for their own personal use, when those resources should be doing search and rescue, or they should be helping with law enforcement in the city," said Jerry Hauer, a homeland security expert and ABC News consultant. if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) { document.write("<div style=\"float:left;\">"); } else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mozilla") > -1) { document.write("<div>"); }

Jefferson said the trip was entirely appropriate. It took only a few minutes to retrieve his belongings, he said, and the truck stayed at his house for an hour in part to assist neighbors.

"This wasn't about me going to my house. It was about me going to my district," he said.

Two Heavy Trucks and Helicopter Involved

The Louisiana National Guard tells ABC News the truck became stuck as it waited for Jefferson to retrieve his belongings.

Two weeks later, the vehicle's tire tracks were still visible on the lawn.

The soldiers signaled to helicopters in the air for aid. Military sources say a Coast Guard helicopter pilot saw the signal and flew to Jefferson's home. The chopper was already carrying four rescued New Orleans residents at the time.

A rescue diver descended from the helicopter, but the congressman decided against going up in the helicopter, sources say. The pilot sent the diver down again, but Jefferson again declined to go up the helicopter.

After spending approximately 45 minutes with Jefferson, the helicopter went on to rescue three additional New Orleans residents before it ran low on fuel and was forced to end its mission.

"Forty-five minutes can be an eternity to somebody that is drowning, to somebody that is sitting in a roof, and it needs to be used its primary purpose during an emergency," said Hauer.

Coast Guard Cmdr. Brendan McPherson told ABC News, "We did have an aircraft that responded to a signal of distress where the congressman was located. The congressman did decline rescue at the time so the helicopter picked up three other people.

"I can't comment on why the congressman decided not to go in the aircraft," McPherson said. "Did it take a little more time to send the rescue swimmer back a second time? Yes … You'd have to ask the congressman if it was a waste of time or not." The Louisiana National Guard then sent a second five-ton truck to rescue the first truck, and Jefferson and his personal items were returned to the Superdome. if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) { document.write("<div style=\"float:left;\">"); } else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mozilla") > -1) { document.write("<div>"); } Schneider said he could not comment on whether the excursion was appropriate. "We're in no position to comment on an order given to a soldier. You're not going to get a statement from the Louisiana National Guard saying whether it was right or wrong. That was the mission we were assigned."

Jefferson insisted the expedition did not distract from rescue efforts.

"They actually picked up a lot of people while we were there," he said. "The young soldier said, 'It's a good thing we came up here because a lot of people would not have been rescued had we not been in the neighborhood.'"

Jefferson's Homes Searched in Unrelated Investigation

In an unrelated matter, authorities recently searched Jefferson's property as part of a federal investigation into the finances of a high-tech firm. Last month FBI officials raided Jefferson's house as well as his home in Washington, D.C., his car and his accountant's house.

Jefferson has not commented on that matter, except to say he is cooperating with the investigation. But he has emerged as a major voice in the post-Katrina political debate.

"The levee system that had protected New Orleans for hundreds of years had failed," he said on the House floor on Sept. 7. "Our city was inundated, 80 percent of it, with deadly water. Thousands of lives were lost, many drowned, trapped in their homes. Others were lost trying to escape the fury."

Last week, Jefferson set up a special trust fund for contributions to his legal defense in light of the FBI investigation. A senior federal law enforcement source tells ABC News that investigators are interested in learning if Jefferson moved any materials relevant to the investigation. Jefferson says he did not.

ABC News' Sarah H. Rosenberg, Chris Isham and Ted Gerstein contributed to this report.
Where did everybody go? Raveneyes, all you people that were talking about the RACISTS in the media, what's the problem?

Don't you realize that this black Congressman, who lives in an affluent neighborhood, used the military to help him retrieve his belongings from his home while they were trying to rescue people?

I'll tell you right now, if this were a white Congressman, you people would be outraged, having a hissy fit, screaming racism.

Come on, people, no comment, or are you all REVERSE racists?

Boston Herald
Accusers should be under a cloud
By Star Parker
Tuesday, September 13, 2005

``The charges of racism-inspired foot-dragging isn't just nonsense. It's pernicious nonsense.''

This is how the New York Daily News called it regarding charges from the usual black leaders that New Orleans rescue efforts were slow because the victims were black. The News is right. Except it's even worse than the paper appreciates.

What we are seeing is a black political public-relations operation geared to obfuscation, stoking hatred and fear, and nurturing helplessness among blacks. Such efforts keep black pols powerful, diversity businesses prosperous and blacks poor.

How, when black politicians themselves played a prominent role in what happened, can we be talking about racism?

The first line of authority in emergency management, all agree, is local. It appears that Ray Nagin, New Orleans' black mayor, was grossly negligent. Buses that could have evacuated 12,000 citizens per run were not used and left on low ground and flooded.

Where was black Congressman William Jefferson, who has represented New Orleans for eight terms?

It had been known for years that the 17th Street Canal levee was not capable of withstanding a Category 5 storm. Upgrading it would have required federal funds, and therefore it was in Jefferson's area of responsibility.

In an interview on ``Hannity and Colmes,'' Jefferson indicated he had been involved in failed efforts over the years to get these funds. However, given the risks to which his constituents were exposed, one would think that the congressman would have been making a lot of noise about this.

But Jefferson is a busy man. He's been the target of an FBI sting operation investigating possible public corruption.

Sean Hannity asked Jefferson, given his knowledge of the condition of the levee, when ``we knew the storm was coming, why didn't we get the people out?''

Jefferson's reply: ``Well, I'm not sure I know the answers to all those questions.''

Jesse Jackson is now touring Louisiana. Where was he as Katrina thundered toward New Orleans, with a population 70 percent black and poor? He was in Venezuela embracing President Hugo Chavez, who the week before was in Cuba visiting Fidel Castro and who also includes among his friends Zimbabwe despot Robert Mugabe. It's time for those who really care about blacks to ask hard questions and be honest about the answers.

Our government mechanism for dealing with emergencies must be repaired. The emergency management task for blacks is to get ourselves out of poverty.

If we allow political opportunists to again allege racism to deflect our attention from solving the real problems of fixing our families and educating our children, surely more tragedy awaits us.

Oh, and Phil, are you now going to say that the Boston Herald is a RWW paper?
You know what I hate. When a black man is racist, somehow he's a "reverse" racist. What the hell is that about? That's the biggest load of crap and I can't stand it. Like Racism "belongs" to white people? Please.
Where's the outrage? If this were a Republican, he would have TV crews following him everywhere!

Jefferson downplays stop at his New Orleans house


[font=Arial, Helvetica]Capitol news bureau [/font]

During a National Guard-led tour of his hurricane-ravished district, U.S. Rep. William Jefferson asked to stop at his New Orleans home, a guard spokesman said Wednesday.

Lt. Col. Pete Schneider, public affairs officer for the Louisiana National Guard, told news reporters that the guard was assisting Jefferson in his check of damage Sept. 2, four days after Hurricane Katrina struck.

Guardsmen were getting around the Democrat's congressional district in a truck designed to navigate the high waters that crippled the New Orleans area for days during post-hurricane flooding.

Residents were banned from visiting their homes because of high waters and other dangers.

Schneider was asked about the issue during a briefing at the Office of Emergency Preparedness. The tour was first described Tuesday on the ABC News program "Nightline."

"He asked to be taken to his residence," Schneider said of Jefferson, who represents the state's 2nd Congressional District.

Jefferson downplayed the episode and said that, like anyone, he wanted to check on the condition of his home and neighborhood in Uptown New Orleans.

"If I could have done it by myself, I would have done that," Jefferson said in a telephone interview Wednesday.

National Guard officials said conditions were too dangerous for him to travel without an escort because of snipers and other problems, he said.

Asked if he received a privilege not available to most, Jefferson said, "If you were an elected or appointed official, you would have been escorted around town."

Schneider said Jefferson entered his New Orleans residence and took out some unspecified items. Jefferson said he removed a computer and some bags for his children, who attend schools in New York and Boston.

Schneider said that during the stop at the Jefferson residence, the National Guard truck got stuck. One guardsmen then signaled a nearby military helicopter, which dispatched a diver for what was initially thought to be a rescue mission at the Jefferson home.

Schneider noted that the guard has provided assistance getting around the New Orleans area to a wide range of officials, including President Bush. He said he was not aware of any other requests by officials to visit their homes.

Asked if Jefferson's request was unusual, Schneider said, "You would have to ask Congressman Jefferson's office."

Jefferson said he and others tried to wave away a helicopter rescue diver -- he thinks it was a U. S. Coast Guard operation -- but was unable to do so. He said a third-story door on his home was kicked down in the confusion on whether a rescue was needed. Federal agents recently raided Jefferson's New Orleans and Washington homes and his car and cited an ongoing criminal investigation. Federal officials have not provided details. Jefferson has declined comment on the probe.

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fossten said:
Where's the outrage? If this were a Republican, he would have TV crews following him everywhere!

The pendulum has swung...the Dem's are powerless in the white house and one is going to bother with some small inconsequential thing that may be easily explained away when there are bigger fish to fry...much more so because it could have been any congressman who did that I'm sure party lines don't form along the corrupt/not corrupt boundary.
fossten said:
Where did everybody go? Raveneyes, all you people that were talking about the RACISTS in the media, what's the problem?

Don't you realize that this black Congressman, who lives in an affluent neighborhood, used the military to help him retrieve his belongings from his home while they were trying to rescue people?

I'll tell you right now, if this were a white Congressman, you people would be outraged, having a hissy fit, screaming racism.

Come on, people, no comment, or are you all REVERSE racists?

Sounds to me like you are dredging up a small, somewhat insignificant incident and trying to twist it into a racial-based argument. Are you more hung up on the fact that this congressman was being transported by the military (for his own protection) through his district when he made a small side-trip stop at his house to pick up some personal items, or are you disgusted by the fact that this black man lives in an affluent neighborhood?

And WHY would "us people" be having a "hissy fit" and screaming "racism" if he was white?? You are really grasping here.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Sounds to me like you are dredging up a small, somewhat insignificant incident and trying to twist it into a racial-based argument. Are you more hung up on the fact that this congressman was being transported by the military (for his own protection) through his district when he made a small side-trip stop at his house to pick up some personal items, or are you disgusted by the fact that this black man lives in an affluent neighborhood?

And WHY would "us people" be having a "hissy fit" and screaming "racism" if he was white?? You are really grasping here.

This wasn't a "small side-trip." This took a helicopter and TWO five-ton trucks out of the rescue loop for several hours so he could get three full suitcases and a freezer-size box.

You've got to be kidding. All the media fuss over racial divides and Kanye West yelling about how the "wealthy whites" were able to get out of the city with Bush leaving the "poor blacks" to die, and you don't have a clue?

Just like you fibs to downplay something that undercuts your pet media's usual anti-republican position.
fossten said:

This wasn't a "small side-trip." This took a helicopter and TWO five-ton trucks out of the rescue loop for several hours so he could get three full suitcases and a freezer-size box.

Dude, you need to have your reality perceptors checked:

After spending approximately 45 minutes with Jefferson, the helicopter went on to rescue three additional New Orleans residents before it ran low on fuel and was forced to end its mission.

Jefferson went into the house alone, the source says, while the soldiers waited on the porch for about an hour.

It took only a few minutes to retrieve his belongings, he said, and the truck stayed at his house for an hour in part to assist neighbors.

Schneider said that during the stop at the Jefferson residence, the National Guard truck got stuck. One guardsmen then signaled a nearby military helicopter, which dispatched a diver for what was initially thought to be a rescue mission at the Jefferson home.

So about an hour of time was spent retrieving his belongings and getting the truck un-stuck, during which the guardsman (NOT Jefferson) waived down a rescue helicopter and tied them up for 45 minutes. This is so typical of you to twist facts and exagerate the truth to make your agument. And you wonder why you have absolutely no credibility with the sane people here on this board?

National Guard officials said conditions were too dangerous for him to travel without an escort because of snipers and other problems, he said.

So WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM with that? Are you contending that wandering alone around NO was NOT dangerous for him?

fossten said:
You've got to be kidding. All the media fuss over racial divides and Kanye West yelling about how the "wealthy whites" were able to get out of the city with Bush leaving the "poor blacks" to die, and you don't have a clue?

Media fuss? Was not West's message squelched? And here YOU are trying to perpetuate the "race" issue? Here's a dollar, go buy a clue for yourself.

fossten said:
Just like you fibs to downplay something that undercuts your pet media's usual anti-republican position.

It's kinda hard to "downplay" a non-issue. The fact that this story ever made print proves your last assertion to be false.

NOTE TO ALL concerning this race issue that seems to keep being dredged up on this board: I highly recommend viewing the movie "Crash", which vividly illustrates that EVERYONE, no matter who you are or where you've come from, occasionally exhibits racist / biggoted / predjudiced (whatever you want to call it) tendancies towards people who are different from ourselves. We are all human, it is in human nature to be predjudiced to some extent. In this PC world we live in, we have been conditioned to suppress those tendancies, expecially in public. However, as exemplified here, life doesn't always work that way. So it helps the betterment of mankind if we also acquire at least some ammount of tolerance to racist / biggoted / predjudiced remarks or actions from others. Sooner or later you will be confronted with a racist / biggoted / predjudiced remark sometime in your life (and unfortunately more often than you'd like). Just know where to draw the line.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Dude, you need to have your reality perceptors checked:

After spending approximately 45 minutes with Jefferson, the helicopter went on to rescue three additional New Orleans residents before it ran low on fuel and was forced to end its mission.

Jefferson went into the house alone, the source says, while the soldiers waited on the porch for about an hour.

It took only a few minutes to retrieve his belongings, he said, and the truck stayed at his house for an hour in part to assist neighbors.

Schneider said that during the stop at the Jefferson residence, the National Guard truck got stuck. One guardsmen then signaled a nearby military helicopter, which dispatched a diver for what was initially thought to be a rescue mission at the Jefferson home.

So about an hour of time was spent retrieving his belongings and getting the truck un-stuck, during which the guardsman (NOT Jefferson) waived down a rescue helicopter and tied them up for 45 minutes. This is so typical of you to twist facts and exagerate the truth to make your agument. And you wonder why you have absolutely no credibility with the sane people here on this board?

Obviously you can't count. Your own quotes account for at least two hours and 45 minutes. You also conveniently censor the part about the guardsman having to knock down his door thinking he was in trouble.

As far as the race issue, if you check, you will see that I didn't bring up the race issue. It was your new biscuit buddy Raveneyes who started calling people racists. But checking things out isn't your style, so I know you won't bother.
fossten said:
Obviously you can't count. Your own quotes account for at least two hours and 45 minutes. You also conveniently censor the part about the guardsman having to knock down his door thinking he was in trouble.

As far as the race issue, if you check, you will see that I didn't bring up the race issue. It was your new biscuit buddy Raveneyes who started calling people racists. But checking things out isn't your style, so I know you won't bother.

Obviously you can't READ. Those quotes are of accounts of the SAME HOUR of time spent at Jefferson's house. I know I should know better, as comprehension isn't your style.

"Convieniently CENSOR"?? You mean this?

Jefferson said he and others tried to wave away a helicopter rescue diver -- he thinks it was a U. S. Coast Guard operation -- but was unable to do so. He said a third-story door on his home was kicked down in the confusion on whether a rescue was needed.

I OMMITTED it as it is irrelevant to the argument you are trying to make. But NOW that you mention it, this tid-bit of omitted text is a testament to the fact that Jefferson was trying to waive-off the helicopter (so it could presume it's intended mission), and that the helicopter crew was confused over whether a rescue was required at his house. Therefore the 45 minutes the helicopter "wasted" at Jeffersons' house was on the 'copter's crew's dime, NOT Jefferson's. Thanks for bringing this point up because it just makes your arguement weaker yet!
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Obviously you can't READ. Those quotes are of accounts of the SAME HOUR of time spent at Jefferson's house. I know I should know better, as comprehension isn't your style.

"Convieniently CENSOR"?? You mean this?

I OMMITTED it as it is irrelevant to the argument you are trying to make. But NOW that you mention it, this tid-bit of omitted text is a testament to the fact that Jefferson was trying to waive-off the helicopter (so it could presume it's intended mission), and that the helicopter crew was confused over whether a rescue was required at his house. Therefore the 45 minutes the helicopter "wasted" at Jeffersons' house was on the 'copter's crew's dime, NOT Jefferson's. Thanks for bringing this point up because it just makes your arguement weaker yet!

No no...Johnny it's that NEW MATH they teach in christian home see to account for 7 days being the whole creation time of the world you have to take each hour in each day and multiply it by seven since that's the holy number and then multiply the number of hours you get from that by seven years for each hour since God's time is so valuable...

Fossten, go take a reading comprehension class...the truck was at his house for an hour, during which the helicopter stopped at the house and left. If you don't believe us call the news agency and ask them to clarify the article for you.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
I OMMITTED it as it is irrelevant to the argument you are trying to make. But NOW that you mention it, this tid-bit of omitted text is a testament to the fact that Jefferson was trying to waive-off the helicopter (so it could presume it's intended mission), and that the helicopter crew was confused over whether a rescue was required at his house. Therefore the 45 minutes the helicopter "wasted" at Jeffersons' house was on the 'copter's crew's dime, NOT Jefferson's. Thanks for bringing this point up because it just makes your arguement weaker yet!

Actually, it's a testament to the fact that Jefferson knew the helicopter crew wouldn't let him stow his stuff aboard. He didn't want to be rescued by helicopter, he wanted to cart his belongings away by truck.

Funny, I didn't know you were there. Your arguement is


Ex-Political Aide Pleads Guilty to Bribery
Former Aide to Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., Pleads Guilty to Bribery, Implicates Congressman

The Associated Press

ALEXANDRIA, Va. - A Louisiana congressman demanded bribes in exchange for his help in promoting a pair of business deals in Africa, according to court documents filed Wednesday with a guilty plea by one of the congressman's former staffers.

Brett Pfeffer, 37, a former legislative director to Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting bribery of a public official and conspiracy. He could get 20 years in prison when sentenced March 31.

A spokeswoman for Jefferson declined to comment.

Specifically, Pfeffer said in federal court that a congressman demanded bribes in exchange for his assistance in brokering two African telecom deals.

Court documents did not identify the congressman by name, referring to him only as "Representative A." But the documents make clear that Jefferson is the congressman.

According to the documents, Pfeffer was employed as a legislative assistant by the congressman from 1995 through 1997. That is when Pfeffer served as a legislative aide to Jefferson, holding titles that included legislative director.

Pfeffer agreed to cooperate with prosecutors and testify if needed.

The conspiracy took place in 2004 and 2005, years after Pfeffer had left Jefferson's office, according to authorities.

Pfeffer said in court that a congressman had solicited his assistance in promoting business opportunities in Nigeria and Ghana. The congressmen demanded 5 percent to 7 percent of the newly formed African companies in exchange for his help promoting the deal to African government officials and others, according to Pfeffer.

Prosecutor Mark Lytle said the congressman and Pfeffer traveled to Ghana in July to promote a similar deal there.

Pfeffer's attorney, Paul Knight, declined to comment.

Court records give no indication how much money Jefferson stood to receive. That amount will be determined later as part of Pfeffer's sentencing.

Prosecutors have been investigating Jefferson in connection with a telecommunications deal involving a Kentucky-based company that specialized in providing high-speed Internet access over Nigeria's copper telephone wires.

The FBI raided Jefferson's home in August and, according to published reports, carted off cash from a freezer.

The FBI also raided the Maryland home of Nigerian Vice President Atiku Abubakar, seeking documents connecting him and his wife to the congressman and the telecommunications deal.

Jefferson was elected to the House in 1990, becoming the first black congressman from Louisiana since Reconstruction. He represents most of New Orleans, including sections of the city that were hardest hit by Hurricane Katrina.

He was criticized after the hurricane for receiving a National Guard escort to check on his flooded home at a time when federal resources were sorely strained.

Jefferson's spokeswoman, Melanie Roussell, declined to comment on the plea bargain except to confirm that Pfeffer worked for Jefferson in the mid-1990s. Jefferson's lawyer, Mike Fawer, said he would not comment until he had spoken to Jefferson, who was traveling in Europe.
The FBI raided the Maryland residence of the sitting Vice-President of Nigeria and came up with a freezer full of cash.

What do you want to bet was in Jefferson's box? Box full of cash from Nigeria? Good guess. Hey, if you had a box full of cash sitting in your abandoned house, I bet you'd race home with half the military as your escort to retrieve it too. :rolleyes:

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