Democrat hypocrisy in Foley case


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Apr 24, 2005
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Investigate This

October 2nd, 2006

Yesterday I outlined the peculiar and suspicious genesis of the Foley matter which is the Dem-Media’s scandal of the day.

Now Speaker Hastert has asked for an investigation by the Department of Justice, while Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is asking for a House Ethics Committee investigation to find out what the Republican House leadership knew and when they knew it. (Not very original is it?)

She’s insisting the Republican leadership be placed under oath, and suggesting that by failing to act earlier they endangered children.

I think there should be an investigation, but the subject of it should not be the Republican leadership which—like the newspaper which had the comparatively mild emails between Foley and a former page — could not investigate further because the parents of the 16 year old who had initiated the correspondence wanted to protect his privacy. These emails, which led to a warning to pages to keep a certain distance from Foley, were of a far different character than the explicit IM messages, which were only revealed to the House leadership after appearing in the press.

Once the House leadership was appraised of the incriminating messages, Foley was in effect cashiered out.

The important matter requiring investigation is how a recently-created anonymous blogger got the email correspondence which the boy’s parents had insisted be kept quiet. And how the blog site, which had virtually no posts and no traffic suddenly caught the attention of Foley’s opponent who immediately asked for an investigation.

How it is that ABC ran with a story based on this blog when a year earlier even the BDS-afflicted Daily Kos rejected as improbable the story that Foley was a predatory troller of interns.

Is it at all believable that overnight after ABC broadcast and published the innocuous email correspondence it was suddenly sent years-old, salacious Instant Messages purportedly between Foley and men (ages and identities not disclosed)? Why were these IM messages ready to be sent off and published at a moment’s notice?

Is it believable that Brian Ross, who has written so many stories that didn’t hold up—including his insistent claim that Speaker Hastert was under DoJ investigation in the face of vehement denials from both Hastert and the DoJ—would write a fair account of the incident?

Is it believable that Soros’ C.R.E.W. did not share the email correspondence it had with ABC, and time the release of them and the announcement that they had forwarded them to the FBI for investigation, to coincide with the ABC story? The IM’s carried the far more salacious content, and their provenance is still murky. When and how did C.R.E.W. come into possession of the IM’s, and when did they contact the FBI?

The timing of the two-step release is critical to the political efficaciousness of the operation. The public is being led to conflate the different sets of correspondence (mildly inappropriate emails versus salacious IM messages), leading most people to believe the sexually explicit stuff was what Hastert had seen.

All that the House leadership saw was “overly friendly” emails. No smoking gun, but cause for concern. Had the leadership done more at the time, it might well have been accused of launching a witch hunt on the flimsy basis of too-friendly emails. This is perfect bait for Democrats anxious to portray Republicans as prudes obsessed with homosexuality and willing to launch attacks on anyone even remotely suspected of deviating from their uptight norms. Imagine the Saturday Night Live skits.

Keep in mind that Democrat Rep. Gerry Studds was re-elected five times to the House after acknowledging a sexual relationship with a male page who was a minor, receiving a censure from the House (not expulsion, as was demanded by Newt Gingrich, but voted down by the Democrat majority). The Democrats did not demand his resignation for conduct far more serious than the emails seen by the GOP leadership, and even the salacious IM’s.

Note that this 2-step pattern of conflation is similar to what we saw in the Plame case, where Joseph Wilson was interviewed as an anonymous source for 2 stories which made very sensational charges. He then wrote a far more muted Op Ed for the New York Times. The result was that everyone read the three pieces together, lending weight and audience to the sensationalism of the anonymously-sourced material, and allowing Wilson later to deny what had only appeared under cover of anonymity.

Can you conceive of why the leadership would have deliberately sat on something scandalous like the IM messages in 2005, knowing it could break in the following election year? I can’t. But unless you pay very close attention to press reports, that is the impression you get from the media coverage.

On the other hand, given all the circumstances I can easily see that people who are power hungry could have come into possession of salacious correspondence which might affect the Republican leadership’s decision not to act against a member on the basis of all they had—simply “overly friendly” correspondence—and hold it to make it public five weeks prior to the election. If this scenario is true, we have a most amateurishly implausible route, via an anonymous blog, taken to launder the information chain, and hide the fact that it was they, not their opponents, who cared not at all for the welfare of the pages and interns on the Hill.

Think that’s harsh?

Consider this helpful summary from Gateway Pundit when deciding which party has demonstrated a greater concern for protecting the young people who work in the Capitol:

Representative Foley did not have sex with the minor, did not have sex with the young man in the Oval office, did not put him in a high level security position he was not qualified to handle after a major terrorist attack on the country, was not married at the time, did not run a prostitution ring from his apartment, did not turn his back on Congress when he was accused of having sex with a minor, did not run and get re-elected several times in a democratic stronghold after this news broke, Representative Foley no longer sits in Congress, and the page did not disappear and end up dead after an ongoing relationship with Representative Foley…

For those concerned “quite rightly” about the mud slinging that has begun and will continue for the weeks leading up to the election, I have a very good suggestion:

Stop listening to the news. It’s going to be all trash. The Democrats know that you will not vote for a party with no program and no probity if you think about it, so they and their media enablers will be running round the clock smoke and mirror sideshows to distract you from thinking rationally.

Or you can ignore me, and fall for such dubious smears. In which case you can count on every election for the rest of your life getting sleazier and sleazier until only a handful of diehards will bother to vote. Oh, and if you stay home from the polls this time, Nancy Pelosi will be third in line of succession to the Presidency.

Clarice Feldman is an attorney in Washington, DC and a frequent contributor to American Thinker.

Clarice Feldman
Monday, Oct. 2, 2006 10:21 p.m. EDT

Dems Hypocrites on Sex Scandals

While they react with fury over the scandal involving former Rep. Mark Foley, Democrats maintain a discreet silence over the numerous sex scandals that have rocked their own party.

And unlike Republican scandals like Foley's, where shame and resignation were the outcome, the Democrats' shameful behavior were either blithely ignored or jocularly accepted.

For example, former Chicago Democratic Congressman Mel Reynolds received a commutation of his six-and-a-half-year federal sentence for 15 convictions of wire fraud, bank fraud and lies to the Federal Election Commission. He also was convicted of having sex with an an underage campaign volunteer. But Jesse Jackson added Reynolds to Rainbow/PUSH Coalition's payroll.

Moreover, Reynolds was among the 176 criminals excused in President Clinton's last-minute pardon spree.

As Deroy Murdock, a columnist for Scripps Howard News Service, wrote back in 2002: "This is a first in American politics: An ex-congressman who had sex with a subordinate, won clemency from a president who had sex with a subordinate, then was hired by a clergyman who had sex with a subordinate. His new job? ... Youth counselor."
Of course, Murdock's "president" reference was to Clinton, who admitted to inappropriate sexual behavior with White House intern Monica Lewinsky; the "clergyman" was Jackson, who also had an affair with a former Rainbow/PUSH Coalition aide.

After receiving Clinton's pardon, Reynolds became a consultant for the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition on prison reform. He was employed as the community development director of Salem Baptist Church in Chicago.

More notorious was the case of Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., In 1989, male prostitute Stephen L. Gobie admitted that Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., knew that Gobie had operated a prostitution service out of Frank's Capitol Hill apartment. Frank, an openly gay member of Congress, confirmed that he had Gobie as a roommate in his apartment. Frank said he fired Gobie when he learned that clients were visiting his apartment.

Was Frank told by the Democratic leadership to resign his seat as Foley was forced to do?

Not at all. That was 17 years ago, and he is still a member of Congress, a respected member of the Democratic minority and is slated to assume the chairmanship of a key House committee should the Democrats recapture control of the House.

When former Rep. Gerry Studds admitted having sex with a teenage page, nobody in the Democratic leadership demanded he resign, nor did he offer to resign. He had a joint press conference with the boy and bragged about their affair. He was renominated by the Democrats and re-elected six times before retiring.

As Rush Limbaugh noted Monday, "The truth is that the people on the left who are acting all outraged and stunned and angry, they don't see what Clinton or Barney Frank or Gerry Studds did as repugnant. In fact, they view those things as private matters that didn't affect anybody's work, and it's nobody's business what somebody does with their private life, particularly when it comes to sex."

Unless it involves a Republican. Then it's a matter of outrage and hypocrisy.
One thing that should be clarified is that the affairs of Studds (what a name lol) and Clinton involved people over the age of consent. Contrary to what the author tries to imply, Studds' boy toy was 17, and thus was of legal age. I do find it odd that the author overlooked another congressman, Republican Dan Crane, who was also involved in a sex scandal with a 17 year-old (female) page the same year as Studds.

What all of these men did was reprehensible (taking advantage of young subordinates), but none of them broke the law. Their "victims" were all consenting adults in the eyes of the law.

Foley's target was not of legal age however. While we should all be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise (and I do), we don't know if he did or didn't have sex with this page or with any others. So it's a little early to start comparing his actions with those of Democrats past. The mere fact that he was making sexual advances towards a minor, whether written or physical, puts him a category of his own.

Mel Reynolds is another matter, and it pisses me off that Clinton pardoned him, even though he did serve his time for the sex charge (he was serving an additonal term for campaign finance wrongdoing when he was pardoned). I have no defense of that one, nor do I intend to come up with one.

As for Hastert, it was the right-wing Washington Times that was the first to call for his resignation:

And as for the timing of this thing, a person would be a fool to believe that this was not politically motivated. But if you are going to tell me that the Republicans are not just as guilty, if not more so, than Democrats in this filthy kind of business, you are either a damned fool or a damned liar.

But none of that's really important. The crux of the matter is that these things wouldn't keep coming up if were not for the misconduct of these corrupt, slimy motherfcukers. The only person Republicans have to blame for this mess is Mark Foley. Not ABC News, and not the Democrats.

Besides, I'm sure the Republican slime machine has a bombshell or two to drop before November. Just wait and see.
You can always tell how desparate a party is by how far they have to resort to smear the other side on any given issue.

Bill O'Rielly labels Foley a Democrat.


Both Fair & Honest.
95DevilleNS said:
Bill O'Rielly labels Foley a Democrat.
Both Fair & Honest.

I love it. Bout time it was turned around. The media and Dems have been doing this for years. Too bad we don't control all the newspapers. I would love to see that (D-Fl) published in huge caps on the front page.

Of course, then we would retract the error several weeks later on page 6 next to a suppository ad.

Man, the Left has been doing this for YEARS and YEARS. How does it taste. Nice and nasty, eh. Only problem is, this is one time for the Right, versus the hundreds of times daily for the Left.

Fair and Balanced indeed.
O'Reilly did no such thing but it was on FOX. There was a mistake with the text and it was corrected immediately. This does happen pretty frequently. It's not like O'Reilly runs backstage to the production both and edits/captions all the video..

And, let's be honest, homosexual pedofile in office- it probably seemed like a forgone conclussion it was a democrat. :p
MonsterMark said:
I love it. Bout time it was turned around. The media and Dems have been doing this for years. Too bad we don't control all the newspapers. I would love to see that (D-Fl) published in huge caps on the front page.

Of course, then we would retract the error several weeks later on page 6 next to a suppository ad.

Man, the Left has been doing this for YEARS and YEARS. How does it taste. Nice and nasty, eh. Only problem is, this is one time for the Right, versus the hundreds of times daily for the Left.

Fair and Balanced indeed.

I think it is funny, since most people know that Foley is a Republican due to the wide media coverage; O'Reilly and Fox news come off as petty jackasses. Sure there will be the far right-winger that will believe this no matter what, even if a retraction is made. But that is no loss, people like that are to far gone anyhow.

Nice point of view though, you cry when someone else does it, yet you're happy when you're guy does it, wrong is wrong in my opinion.
And that looks like an easy mistake to make. I thought all gays and lesbians associated themselves with the Democratic Party for aren't they the party of compassion understanding.

Looks like it is the Dems that are gay bashing now.
MonsterMark said:
And that looks like an easy mistake to make. I thought all gays and lesbians associated themselves with the Democratic Party for aren't they the party of compassion understanding.

Looks like it is the Dems that are gay bashing now.

He is not being bashed for being a homosexual; he is being bashed for being a pedophile. BIG difference there. I think it is the Right that is using his sexuality as an scapegoat for his pedophile ways.
95DevilleNS said:
I think it is funny, since most people know that Foley is a Republican due to the wide media coverage; O'Reilly and Fox news come off as petty jackasses. Sure there will be the far right-winger that will believe this no matter what, even if a retraction is made. But that is no loss, people like that are to far gone anyhow.
Do you think that there was an attempt to deceive, or just a screw up? If you watch Fox News, or any cable news, you're abundantly aware of the guys political party. No one saw that and said, "Damn pedophile Democrat." Be serious. It was obvious to everyone there was a screw.

End of issue.

Nice point of view though, you cry when someone else does it, yet you're happy when you're guy does it, wrong is wrong in my opinion.
IT WAS A MISTAKE. There was no attempt to trick anyone. It was an error.

The problem with this story is that it's not about "catching a creepy, possible pedophile." The problem is that it's now a Republican/Democrat issue. To misrepresent the party makes zero sense.

Move on.
Calabrio said:
Do you think that there was an attempt to deceive, or just a screw up? If you watch Fox News, or any cable news, you're abundantly aware of the guys political party. No one saw that and said, "Damn pedophile Democrat." Be serious. It was obvious to everyone there was a screw.

End of issue..

Possible and I am done with the so called mistake. Like I said, I thought it was funny.

Calabrio said:
IT WAS A MISTAKE. There was no attempt to trick anyone. It was an error.

The problem with this story is that it's not about "catching a creepy, possible pedophile." The problem is that it's now a Republican/Democrat issue. To misrepresent the party makes zero sense.

Move on.


You're right on that and he is a pedophile. He tried to solicit sex from an underage person, that is a crime and makes one a pedophile.
95DevilleNS said:
He is not being bashed for being a homosexual, he is being bashed for being a pedophile. BIG difference there. I think it is the Right that is using his sexuality as an escapegoat for his pedophiling ways.



Everyone from the President through the House Speaker on down has moved to have him formally investigated by the FBI, or organizations OUTSIDE the congress.

Foley is not, nor has he ever been, protected or excused by the Republican party.

But if you want to go that route, let's look into the sorted recent history of the DNC.

When the Democrats controlled the congress, Gerry Studs admitted to having taken his 17 year old page to a tropical island and having sex with him. The Democrats didn't move to have him removed from office. Quite to the contrary.

When they attempted to censure him, he defiantly turned his back on it. AND THEN HE WON RELECTION IN MASS. SIX MORE TIMES!!!
From Newsbusters:

Drudge: Foley IMs Were Prank Gone Awry

Posted by Matthew Sheffield on October 5, 2006 - 14:57.

Just as PJ Gladnick and I were hypothesizing that Democrats were behind the Mark Foley page scandal, Matt Drudge is reporting this:

According to two people close to former congressional page Jordan Edmund, the now famous lurid AOL Instant Message exchanges that led to the resignation of Mark Foley were part of an online prank that by mistake got into the hands of enemy political operatives, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal.

According to one Oklahoma source who knows the former page very well, Edmund, a conservative Republican, goaded Foley to type embarrassing comments that were then shared with a small group of young Hill politicos. The prank went awry when the saved IM sessions got into the hands of political operatives favorable to Democrats. This source, an ally of Edmund, also adamantly proclaims that the former page is not a homosexual. The prank scenario was confirmed by a second associate of Edmund.

The news come on the heels that former FBI Chief Louis Freeh has been named to investigate the mess.

Whoops. Why am I not surprised.
So this was all about some young boys having fun with an elder statesman? How cruel! So it turns out these young (whispers) Republicans were gay bashing one of their own party; having a little fun with a sex-crazed homosexual. Who has the last laugh now?
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Yeah, kinda like a Freudian slip?

Possibly. When I think homosexual potential pedophile congressman, I usually think Democrat too.
fossten said:
Drudge: Foley IMs Were Prank Gone Awry

Posted by Matthew Sheffield on October 5, 2006 - 14:57.

Just as PJ Gladnick and I were hypothesizing that Democrats were behind the Mark Foley page scandal, Matt Drudge is reporting this:

According to two people close to former congressional page Jordan Edmund, the now famous lurid AOL Instant Message exchanges that led to the resignation of Mark Foley were part of an online prank that by mistake got into the hands of enemy political operatives, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal.

According to one Oklahoma source who knows the former page very well, Edmund, a conservative Republican, goaded Foley to type embarrassing comments that were then shared with a small group of young Hill politicos. The prank went awry when the saved IM sessions got into the hands of political operatives favorable to Democrats. This source, an ally of Edmund, also adamantly proclaims that the former page is not a homosexual. The prank scenario was confirmed by a second associate of Edmund.

The news come on the heels that former FBI Chief Louis Freeh has been named to investigate the mess.

Whoops. Why am I not surprised.

Now it was just an online prank... Foley already admitted to it and said there is no excuse for his conduct. Then he went on to sheepishly blame alcoholism and being molested by a priest he won't name who worked for a church he won't disclose. Why would he do this is if was all just a misunderstanding?
95DevilleNS said:
Now it was just an online prank... Foley already admitted to it and said there is no excuse for his conduct.
No, he said there was no excuse for his conduct. He hasn't addressed the specifics of the "IMs." He's conviently been in rehab since the story broke earlier this week.

Then he went on to sheepishly blame alcoholism and being molested by a priest he won't name who worked for a church he won't disclose. Why would he do this is if was all just a misunderstanding?
The issue is no Mark Foley. No one denies that he is creepy.

The issue is "was there a cover up." And the answer is no.
The real issue should be focused on the media conspiring with activist Democrats to hurt the Republican party immediately before an election and dominate the news cycle.

Gas prices are falling.
The stock market has set two new records.

But the media is fixated on "Page-gate" as it's being called on the liberal websites. Which of course is absurd, given the record of the Democrats regarding children and sexuality.
95DevilleNS said:
Now it was just an online prank... Foley already admitted to it and said there is no excuse for his conduct. Then he went on to sheepishly blame alcoholism and being molested by a priest he won't name who worked for a church he won't disclose. Why would he do this is if was all just a misunderstanding?
This is true. If the AOL instant messages (whatever they contain) were meant to be pranks then why didn't Foley just say so? I still haven't seen any quotes taken from the e-mails or the AOL messages attributed to Foley. I must be looking at the wrong news programs or something because so far there is nothing but claims and little by way of facts. In other words, there has been a tremendous amount of condemnation heaped upon Foley and Hastert, yet very little actual facts are known by way of what was said, timing, who knew what, etc.
MAC1 said:
This is true. If the AOL instant messages (whatever they contain) were meant to be pranks then why didn't Foley just say so?

The joke was on Foley. The 'kids' were leading him on. Read some of the emails. They were toying with the guy. Getting his hopes up that he might be able to 'score' a young boy to satisfy his sickness.

The 'pages' were playing with the sick, twisted a-hole.

Remember when you used to do phone pranks? (brings back great memories for me. We did some of the best. Trivia music contests, you name it.) The internet is now the new means of having that fun.

I feel sorry for Foley. If he were a Democrat, he could turn this into one heck of a speaking tour with premo speaking fees.
Calabrio said:
No, he said there was no excuse for his conduct. He hasn't addressed the specifics of the "IMs." He's conviently been in rehab since the story broke earlier this week.

The issue is no Mark Foley. No one denies that he is creepy.

The issue is "was there a cover up." And the answer is no.
The real issue should be focused on the media conspiring with activist Democrats to hurt the Republican party immediately before an election and dominate the news cycle.

Gas prices are falling.
The stock market has set two new records.

But the media is fixated on "Page-gate" as it's being called on the liberal websites. Which of course is absurd, given the record of the Democrats regarding children and sexuality.

Are you absolutely certain there wasn't any attempt at a cover up? I can see it happening and not because I think Republicans are pro-pedophilia, but simple because they know a story like this would hurt them politically as a whole. The fact that they have thrown the "you too" argument out there and included of all things Clinton in it should let you know how desperate they are in this scandal. Now Rush has gone on and said it was a prank and hinted at a Democrat conspiracy.

Not exactly sure what you mean by saying "given the record of the Democrats regarding children and sexuality"? If you mean Gerry Studs, that happened 24 years ago or Mel Reynolds, that happened 12 years ago. Both are despicable, but how does that take away from the Foley incident? Do the Republicans now have a 'get out of jail free' card because of it?
MonsterMark said:
The joke was on Foley. The 'kids' were leading him on. Read some of the emails. They were toying with the guy. Getting his hopes up that he might be able to 'score' a young boy to satisfy his sickness.

The 'pages' were playing with the sick, twisted a-hole.

Remember when you used to do phone pranks? (brings back great memories for me. We did some of the best. Trivia music contests, you name it.) The internet is now the new means of having that fun.

I feel sorry for Foley. If he were a Democrat, he could turn this into one heck of a speaking tour with premo speaking fees.

You feel sorry for a would be pederast... I feel sorry for you then.
95DevilleNS said:
You feel sorry for a would be pederast... I feel sorry for you then.

Well, let's see.

Ted Kennedy killed a young girl and never paid a dime for it and he is the godfather of the Dems in Congress.

Studds was censured and received 3 standing ovations from Democrats in Congress for what he did.

Barney Franks ran a whore house for gays and is highly regarded by the Left.

James McGreevy hires his gay pal and is now on the speaking tour talking about his 'ordeal'.

Bill Clinton was a lifelong sexual harrasser and not only stained a certain blue dress, but the office of the President and he is like a rock star to the Left.

So ya, I feel sorry for Foley. If only he were a Dem, he would have been put up on su a pedestal instead of forced to quit and could have gone on a lifelong speaking engagement. Now as it stands as a Republican, he will go down in shame, never to surface again.

Republicans won't put up with this b.s. Democrats celebrate it as some kind of badge of honor.
I suppose this is a hoax too?

Internal Poll Suggests Hastert Could Devastate GOP
Thursday, October 05, 2006,2933,218043,00.html

WASHINGTON — House Republican candidates will suffer massive losses if House Speaker Dennis Hastert remains speaker until Election Day, according to internal polling data from a prominent GOP pollster, FOX News has learned.

"The data suggests Americans have bailed on the speaker," a Republican source briefed on the polling data told FOX News. "And the difference could be between a 20-seat loss and 50-seat loss."

Most GOP lawmakers have stood by Hastert, pending a full airing of the facts in his handling of the Mark Foley affair, in which the former Florida representative was caught exchanging salacious messages with teen pages in Congress. The new polling data, however, suggests that many voters already have made up their minds.

The GOP source told FOX News that the internal data had not been widely shared among Republican leaders, but as awareness of it spreads calculations about Hastert's tenure may change. The source described the pollster who did the survey as "authoritative," and said once the numbers are presented, it "could change the focus" on whether the speaker remains in power.

While internal GOP polls show trouble for Republicans, the newest AP/Ipsos poll also showed that half of likely voters say the Foley scandal will be "very or extremely important" when it comes time to vote on Nov. 7. By nearly a 2-1 ratio, voters say Democrats are better at combating corruption.

The same pollster who provided the gloomy news on Hastert's effect on GOP candidates nationwide did send out an advisory on Tuesday to rank-and-file Republicans that they might consider canceling appearances with Hastert in their districts. Hours later, Rep. Ron Lewis of Kentucky announced he was canceling a fundraiser scheduled for next week where Hastert was supposed to be the headliner.

Other Republicans, however, continue to stand by Hastert.

Rep. Doc Hastings of Washington, who runs the House ethics committee, offered his unabashed support during a briefing on ethics panel activities.

"I think the speaker has done an excellent job," Hastings said, later adding that his remark "is not related to the matter at hand here."

FOX News' Major Garrett contributed to this report.

I find it interesting how the RWWs who have been so quick to crucify homosexuals for making a "lifestyle choice" are so willing to give Foley a pass and accept his excuse of molestation. HYPOCRITES.

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