Democrats are the real insurgents


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Apr 24, 2005
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Democrat Insurgency in the U.S.
Michael Reagan
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I've been wondering why there is something familiar about the behavior of the Sunni insurgency in Iraq, and suddenly it dawned on me that we have our own similar insurgency right here at home – it is called the Democrat Party.

Think about it. Both are operating under the same motivation – an unrequited lust for lost power. And both will do just about anything to retrieve it.

Remember, under Saddam Hussein's long rule, his fellow Sunnis – a distinct minority in a nation with a vast Shiite majority – were the kings of the hill – and incredibly cruel monarchs to boot.

Saddam may have ordered the atrocities, but it was the Sunnis who carried them out, torturing, beheading and otherwise brutalizing the Shia and the Kurds and looting the nation's treasure.

They were very well compensated for their services – and since being ousted by the U.S. invasion and the deposing of their benefactor they have been unable to accept their current powerlessness.

They are, as the liberals like to say, "in denial." They just can't live with their loss of authority and act as if they can somehow regain what they lost by mounting an insurgency against the new Iraqi government.

It's a case of "anything goes," as demonstrated by their recent idol, the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Killing their fellow Iraqis - including women and children - by the hundreds, destroying the infrastructure, and depriving their fellow Iraqis of electricity, water and income from oil are all acceptable methods of expressing their lust for power.

What it all comes down to is a willingness to tear down their own house if they can't assert absolute ownership of the premises. It's what is known as a "rule or ruin" strategy.

Here in America we have a similar situation – a political party that for years dominated Capitol Hill. They ruled the roost for so long that they began to believe they had some divine right to control the House and Senate.

They got to run the committees, with senior members reveling in the title "Mr. Chairman" with all the perks that went with the title. Only they were allowed to introduce legislation or hire committee staff – the minority had to go to them, hat in hand, to get even a tiny minority staff.

Thankfully, they weren't able to torture or behead the Republican minority at will, but they never let it be forgotten that they were in charge and if Republicans wanted the key to the men's room they'd have to bow and scrape to get it.

Like the Sunni insurgency in Iraq, the Democrats cannot accept their minority status, even though when the GOP took over, Newt Gingrich refused to impose the kind of absolute, anti-minority rule his party suffered under the Democrats. They were treated as colleagues, not serfs whose presence was to be barely tolerated. Since then, the Democrats have shown not one whit of gratitude.

Like the Sunni insurgency, the national Democrat party and its congressional contingent has demonstrated time and again that they will willingly sacrifice the welfare and security of the American people to get their way.

As Michael Barone has written: "It comes down to this: A substantial part of the Democratic Party, some of its politicians and many of its loudest supporters, do not want America to succeed in Iraq. So vitriolic and all-consuming is their hatred for George W. Bush that they skip right over the worthy goals we have been, with some considerable success, seeking there - a democratic government, with guaranteed liberties for all, a vibrant free economy, respect for women - and call this a war for oil, or for Halliburton.

"Successes are discounted, setbacks are trumpeted, the level of American casualties is treated as if it were comparable to those in Vietnam or World War II. Allegations of American misdeeds are repeated over and over; the work of reconstruction and aid of American military personnel and civilians is ignored."

In the end, all that matters to them is regaining the power the American people took from them in 1994, and, thank God, have kept it out of their hands ever since.

©2006 Mike Reagan.
You know, looking at your past ten threads or so, I think you have finally gone over the edge. 'Libs this', 'Dems that', 'RRWRAAAA'!

My advice, take a vacation, preferably somewhere tropic; have a few drinks and do not think about politics even in the slightest.

"Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will."

Yoda circa 'A long long time ago...'
I don't know about a "dark path", but to me it's been a good week for America.

- Zarqawi killed
- Iraq fills cabinet positions
- Bush fools media while showing up to boost morale of Iraqis and US Military
- Ann Coulter's book hits #1 on Amazon (where's Markos' book, btw?)
- Fitzy fails to charge Rove with anything despite Lefty frenzy

Seems like you lefties only get quiet when good things happen to America. Wonder why that is? Maybe you guys are on vacation with your wacko buddy Olbermann? Or are you all finding safe haven on Huff 'n' Puff or Daily Kos?

Good for America=Bad for Liberal Democrats​
fossten said:
I don't know about a "dark path", but to me it's been a good week for America.

Which explains why very few of our brethren on the Left are posting at this time.

That to me says volumes.
No, I think we've all gone weary of this site turning into the FOSSTEN SHOW.
barry2952 said:
No, I think we've all gone weary of this site turning into the FOSSTEN SHOW.

1. That's hilarious coming from Mr. Bush Approval Thread.

2. Why don't you do something about it, big boy, instead of cowering and hiding just because your side loses OVER AND OVER AGAIN?

"You can't HANDLE the truth!"

- Jack Nicholson, A Few Good Men
barry2952 said:
No, I think we've all gone weary of this site turning into the FOSSTEN SHOW.

Feel free to speak up. You have full posting privileges.

I'm willing to listen.
95DevilleNS said:
You know, looking at your past ten threads or so, I think you have finally gone over the edge. 'Libs this', 'Dems that', 'RRWRAAAA'!

My advice, take a vacation, preferably somewhere tropic; have a few drinks and do not think about politics even in the slightest.

"Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will."

Yoda circa 'A long long time ago...'

I agree. Both conservative and dems want the same things - in different ways - I am growing very tired of the contant inflammatory attacks on Democrats.
Joeychgo said:
I agree. Both conservative and dems want the same things - in different ways - I am growing very tired of the constant inflammatory attacks on Democrats.

Defend yourselves, just as we did when you thought things were going your way.
Joeychgo said:
I agree. Both conservative and dems want the same things - in different ways - I am growing very tired of the contant inflammatory attacks on Democrats.

Anyone who has listened to the democrats must recognize that they and conservatives are far apart on the substantive issues.

For example, democrats want higher taxes and a socialist government agenda. To this end, democrats can't even admit that Bush's tax cuts were good for the economy. Instead, they disparage tax cuts by stating that the rich are not paying enough taxes--Which, by the way, is an absolute false statement.

On moral issues, liberals and conservatives are far apart as well. For example, take partial birth abortion; the democrats can't even agree to ban this heinous practice. The partial birth abortion issue is just one example of how far the democrats have strayed from the party of FDR and Kennedy. Like I said in another post, radicals such as Dean and Polosi have infiltrated the Democratic Party and have severely damaged it. I doubt that either will go any further in the political arena than where they are today. Unfortunately, since the democrats don’t have true political leadership they are willing to accept Dean and Polosi or, should I say, tolerate them. Make no mistake, both are hurting the party because they not only lack common sense on important issues, but also, they fail to demonstrate good faith and moral courage during a time of war. Democrats better wake up and understand that it is in the best interest of their party to throw these radical types out of office.

Sadly, the truth is that the democrats have nothing to offer which is why they have resorted to attacks and disparaging comments on a daily basis.

There is much more here, but the point is, liberals and conservatives are about as far apart as ever regarding what is best for the Country, whether it be foreign policy or domestic policy. Don’t kid yourself!
MAC1 said:
Anyone who has listened to the democrats must recognize that they and conservatives are far apart on the substantive issues.

I have to tell you how highly I respect the fact that you express your opinions in your own words.

Joeychgo said:
Both conservative and dems want the same things - in different ways - .
That statement is so far from the truth. The Left continues to choose to oppose and obsfuscate just for the sake of doing so. They have taken the term "opposition party" to a whole new level. And when did this divide rear up you say? Back in 1994 when Republicans and conservatives finally had a chance for their voices to be heard. [Hat tip to Bill Clinton. Thanks Bill and Hillary, couldn't have done it without ya]. Now with the internet and other media outlets, we continue to be heard and the Left continues to loose its strangehold over the mainstream media.

So do we want the same things in different ways? No way!

Joeychgo said:
I am growing very tired of the contant inflammatory attacks on Democrats.
The Left can dish it out but they sure can't take it. How do yu think we feel with the constant, non-stop bombarded of twisted truth on an hourly basis?
Joeychgo said:
I agree. Both conservative and dems want the same things - in different ways - I am growing very tired of the contant inflammatory attacks on Democrats.

You've GOT TO BE KIDDING, Joey. After all the filth the left spews on this site (some of it hoaxes, btw) regarding Rove, Bush (Shrub, BuSh, Shrubya, Repugs), NSA spying (lie), machine-gun Alito, Cheney (whose daughter is a lesbian), conspiracy theories, ad nauseum, finally some of the action starts going the other way and now you have a problem? Don't be a hypocrite, Joey. Tell these libs to take their medicine and be men instead of the whining castrati they sound like.

MonsterMark said:
Feel free to speak up. You have full posting privileges.

I'm willing to listen.

And I'm willing to continue making fools of all of you. :N
MAC1 said:
Anyone who has listened to the democrats must recognize that they and conservatives are far apart on the substantive issues.

For example, democrats want higher taxes and a socialist government agenda. To this end, democrats can't even admit that Bush's tax cuts were good for the economy. Instead, they disparage tax cuts by stating that the rich are not paying enough taxes--Which, by the way, is an absolute false statement.

On moral issues, liberals and conservatives are far apart as well. For example, take partial birth abortion; the democrats can't even agree to ban this heinous practice. The partial birth abortion issue is just one example of how far the democrats have strayed from the party of FDR and Kennedy. Like I said in another post, radicals such as Dean and Polosi have infiltrated the Democratic Party and have severely damaged it. I doubt that either will go any further in the political arena than where they are today. Unfortunately, since the democrats don’t have true political leadership they are willing to accept Dean and Polosi or, should I say, tolerate them. Make no mistake, both are hurting the party because they not only lack common sense on important issues, but also, they fail to demonstrate good faith and moral courage during a time of war. Democrats better wake up and understand that it is in the best interest of their party to throw these radical types out of office.

Sadly, the truth is that the democrats have nothing to offer which is why they have resorted to attacks and disparaging comments on a daily basis.

There is much more here, but the point is, liberals and conservatives are about as far apart as ever regarding what is best for the Country, whether it be foreign policy or domestic policy. Don’t kid yourself!

What they both want - in 'theory' is what is best for the country.

What they both want, in reality, is to line their own pockets and the pockets of their friends.

All the rest is BS.
fossten said:
You've GOT TO BE KIDDING, Joey. After all the filth the left spews on this site (some of it hoaxes, btw) regarding Rove, Bush (Shrub, BuSh, Shrubya, Repugs), NSA spying (lie), machine-gun Alito, Cheney (whose daughter is a lesbian), conspiracy theories, ad nauseum, finally some of the action starts going the other way and now you have a problem? Don't be a hypocrite, Joey. Tell these libs to take their medicine and be men instead of the whining castrati they sound like.

Please - Look at the title of most of your posts! More often then not - they are like headlines of the NY Post! Sensationalism at its finest.

Let me ask you something - when was the last time you DISCUSSED an issue? When was the last time you opened your mind to ideas instead of shoving the left position down other's throats?

Whenever you find an article that attacks the dems - you push it as factual, but if the same publication attacks the left, then they are the liberal press. Please. Dont talk to me about being a hypocrite.

What I would like to see, Honestly, is an exchange of IDEAS. Not the trading of attacks. Notice how rarely I jump in here and post? Mostly, because I find the content boring. It goes nowhere, and getting some of you to actually discuss something, is near impossible.

Lighten up guys.
Joeychgo said:
What I would like to see, Honestly, is an exchange of IDEAS. Not the trading of attacks.

It is almost impossible to have a meaningful discussion based on the merits. It really is. I place the blame squarely on the shoulders of the media and the minority party (Dems).

Remember before 1994. Didn't we supposedly have 40 years of political peace.

I mean, the Dems held the House and Senate. Sure, there were debates but in the end, the Dems held all the power. At that point, the term was always called bi-partisanship. What that meant was, Repubs, you can say your peace but at the end of the day, it is our way or the highway. And that is the way the 2 parties existed for 40 years. Here comes Clinton and Clinton and they manage to piss people off so severely that within 2 years of taking office, they hand over control of the House to Conservatives. Now that Conservatives and Republicans have control, you would think that the Dems would play the same way Repubs had to for 40 years. Well no way in hell is that gonna happen. The Left owns this Country. The Left knows what is best for this Country. [Ie: Take ALL your money and decide how much of it they feel like giving back]. I could go on and on ad-naseum.

So although I appreciate your attempt to take the higher road, in reality, what we are really talking about is the mean-spiritedness of the Left in this Country and the fact that they are not willing, nor capable, of accepting the fact that they are not in the drivers seat anymore. Hence the continued machinations about Bush lying and Bush is an illegitimate president and all that.

I listened to allot of talk radio the last couple days logging thousands of miles around our great Country in my simply marvelous Lincoln Mark VIII [which continues to be a flawless driving machine] and I hit upon a couple of stations that had 2 d.j.'s, one a Liberal and one a Conservative. The liberal would spew the hate speech talking points and the Conservative would smack it down (sounds like Fossten doesn't it). They would try their best to be civil to each other while using the callers from both sides as their targets but in the end, it is a transparent attempt to 'get along' that just doesn't play well.

What needs to happen is to have one side control the agenda and get their own way. Boom. The Country moves in that direction. Things don't work out, hey, vote them out and let the other party get a crack. BUT, people are Soooo ingrained with party affiliation that that will never happen. People now vote almost exclusively based on party affiliation. People have no idea what the issues are. People hear the sound-bites and look to the media to see what the polls tell them they should think (the herd mentality). That is where we are. We cannot discuss ideas based on the merits. If we did, Conservatives would have complete control and the liberal movement would be squashed. Any other proposed alternate reality is disingenuous at best.
MonsterMark said:
It is almost impossible to have a meaningful discussion based on the merits. It really is. I place the blame squarely on the shoulders of the media and the minority party (Dems).

Oh please. So your saying you and I cant have a meaningful discussion here about the issues because of the media and Democratic party?
Joeychgo said:
Please - Look at the title of most of your posts! More often then not - they are like headlines of the NY Post! Sensationalism at its finest.

Let me ask you something - when was the last time you DISCUSSED an issue? When was the last time you opened your mind to ideas instead of shoving the left position down other's throats?

Whenever you find an article that attacks the dems - you push it as factual, but if the same publication attacks the left, then they are the liberal press. Please. Dont talk to me about being a hypocrite.

What I would like to see, Honestly, is an exchange of IDEAS. Not the trading of attacks. Notice how rarely I jump in here and post? Mostly, because I find the content boring. It goes nowhere, and getting some of you to actually discuss something, is near impossible.

Lighten up guys.

Don't look now, Joey, but you're attacking me now. Obsess much? I never hear you say stuff like this to Johnny or Phil, but they haven't presented or debated one single idea since I've been here.

If you would fire as many bullets in their direction as you do in mine concerning post etiquette and actually MODERATE the discussion for a change (you know - do your job!), we might actually stick to the subject now and then. But you do the same thing that you accuse me of doing, except from the liberal side. How are you part of the solution?

Doing this drive-by criticizing of me certainly doesn't address the problem; in fact, it becomes part of the problem.

By the way, there are several threads where I discussed issues. Go read the immigration or gas price threads. Not that I should have to answer to you anyway. Why don't you go bash Johnny, barry, or Phil now? I know you don't have the guts to do that to your buddies. :mad:
fossten said:
By the way, there are several threads where I discussed issues. Go read the immigration or gas price threads. Not that I should have to answer to you anyway. Why don't you go bash Johnny, barry, or Phil now? I know you don't have the guts to do that to your buddies. :mad:

To be clear - this is directed at everyone, not just you fossten.

As far as the other threads - I read so much about Dems this - Libs that - I dont ever hear your arguments. Im too busy thinking - "There he is, bashing the dems again". to hear your points. So, I tend to not read them as thouroughly because its the same ol same ol. You have yourself to blame if your opinions are ignored because you encapsulate them in this "Them vs Us" speech pattern.
Joeychgo said:
...Let me ask you something - when was the last time you DISCUSSED an issue? When was the last time you opened your mind to ideas instead of shoving the left position down other's throats?
What I would like to see, Honestly, is an exchange of IDEAS. Not the trading of attacks. Notice how rarely I jump in here and post? Mostly, because I find the content boring. It goes nowhere, and getting some of you to actually discuss something, is near impossible.

Lighten up guys.

That is the only reason to have this political forum. A rational discussion. For whatever reason, a little nudge gets taken as a nuclear war, and the nonsense starts. Just look at the language of those kinds of responses.

Both sides should be equally responsible for maintaining a fair equilibrium.

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