Democrats first 100 days: 300 investigations & 600 oversight hearings


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Oct 14, 2005
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White House raps Hill probes
By DEB RIECHMANN, Associated Press Writer Thu Jul 5, 5:26 PM ET

WASHINGTON - The White House on Thursday pushed back against congressional investigations of the Bush administration and said lawmakers should spend more time passing bills to solve domestic problems.

In a constitutional showdown with Congress, the administration claimed executive privilege and rejected demands for White House documents about the firings of eight U.S. attorneys.

The House and Senate Judiciary committees have set a deadline of 10 a.m. next Monday for the White House to explain its basis for the claim.

The administration has not said when or if it will respond. Spokesman Scott Stanzel said Thursday the White House has received a many requests for information since Democrats took control of Congress in January and has turned over 200,000 pages of documents.

"They've launched over 300 investigations, had over 350 requests for documents and interviews and they have had over 600 oversight hearings in just about 100 days," Stanzel said.

Democrats were dubious of the figures but did not offer their own.

"His numbers are as faulty as the intelligence they used to make their case for war," said Jim Manley, a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.

"In the last six years, all they've had is a rubber-stamp Congress. Since January, Democrats have demanded accountability, a change of course and transparency," Manley said.

Stanzel said he arrived at the numbers by canvassing departments and agencies about the number of inquires and investigations initiated by Congress since the Democrats took control.

The assertion of executive privilege was the latest turn in an increasingly hostile standoff over the Iraq war, executive power, the war on terror and Vice President Dick Cheney's authority.

Subpoenas have been delivered to the offices of Bush, Cheney, the national security adviser and the Justice Department about the administration's warrantless wiretapping program.

In a letter to Congress last week, White House counsel Fred Fielding said the administration had rejected subpoenas for documents through the claim of executive privilege. That letter also made it clear that neither former presidential counsel Harriet Miers nor former White House political director Sara Taylor would testify on Capitol Hill next week, as directed by the subpoenas.

Stanzel said Congress has "a lot to show in terms of activity and requests and letter-writing, and that sort of thing, but not much to show in the way of real legislation."
So I guess you approve of an obstructionist, anti-war, petulant, do-nothing Congress, Johnny? Color me unsurprised.
Whaaaa whaaa whaaa whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. :blah:

I'm hardly crying about it, most of us were able to foreshadow before the elections that a Democrat congress would do nothing more than obstruct and tie up the busy executive branch of the government in ridiculous fishing expedition investigations in anticipation of the 08 elections.

This isn't crying. It's more like "told you so" to anyone who voted for the Democrats or stayed home to "Send a message."

In the last week, England narrowly averted three terrorist attacks, terrorist conspiracies that will reach our shores are being planned in hospitals by Islamic European doctors, but the Phantom of the Opera is going to launch an investigation as to whether the Libby commutation was o.k.?

Why exactly? Right or wrong, it's the Presidents constitutional power. So what do they expect to find, other than headlines in the NY Times?
Johnny knows you weren't crying. He just couldn't, as usual, think of anything intelligent to say, so he chose to troll instead.

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