Democrats reach another new low...

It can be expected... they were voted in to do a job, a job they said they would do and they're failing.
It can be expected... they were voted in to do a job, a job they said they would do and they're failing.
And that job was to what, surrender in Iraq?

And now the leader of the Dems, Ms. Klinton says the 'Surge' is working and we need to stay in Iraq another 2 years.:rolleyes: Plus another 'prominent' Democrat who voted against the war is also saying we need to stay in Iraq if we here in the U.S. want to stay safe. :rolleyes:

Whichever way the wind blows.....
WTF? I Believe she said something along the lines that 'the surge is working, it's just too late in the war and that the troops still need to come home.' Also, something about "preparing for the new war."

P.S. If/When she wins the election and the Clintons are once again where they rightully belong, The White House, I expect you to at least be respectful of Mrs. President and the First Husband's position. Oh, what fun times we'll have!
WTF? I Believe she said something along the lines that 'the surge is working, it's just too late in the war and that the troops still need to come home.' Also, something about "preparing for the new war."
Oh, I see. So she wants to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, eh? Here we are winning the war, and she admits it, but then flips around and says we should surrender anyway. Whew! And this woman wants to be the leader of the free world? Excuse me while I go puke.
P.S. If/When she wins the election and the Clintons are once again where they rightully belong, The White House,
That is a very typical liberal mindset. Democrats shouldn't have to earn their positions, they deserve them by birthright. Why are we even bothering to hold elections?

I expect you to at least be respectful of Mrs. President and the First Husband's position. Oh, what fun times we'll have!

You mean like posting phony, debunked stories about her IQ like you did about Bush? :D
P.S. If/When she wins the election and the Clintons are once again where they rightully belong, The White House, I expect you to at least be respectful of Mrs. President and the First Husband's position. Oh, what fun times we'll have!
Republicans should treat any democrat president the same way democrats treated President Bush. Don't you think that's fair, Deville?
Oh, I see. So she wants to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, eh? Here we are winning the war, and she admits it, but then flips around and says we should surrender anyway. Whew! And this woman wants to be the leader of the free world? Excuse me while I go puke.

That is a very typical liberal mindset. Democrats shouldn't have to earn their positions, they deserve them by birthright. Why are we even bothering to hold elections?

You mean like posting phony, debunked stories about her IQ like you did about Bush? :D

I did the cliff-notes version, I'm sure there was more to it than that, bring a bucket though.

It was a joke.

I fell for an email scam, I admitted it. She's a genius though.
Republicans should treat any democrat president the same way democrats treated President Bush. Don't you think that's fair, Deville?

Sure, I think that is fair... My point though, and I think you weren't around when Monster said it, but he used to beat the lib-dems in here about not respecting the Presidential seat, regardless of who held office.


To all...

Politics has become disgustingly dirty these last few years... I do not recall the Bush-Clinton nor the Gore-Bush campaigns being this dirty. The mud flinging on both sides about the candidates is unbelievable, it's turned into a "who can dig up more dirt" contest. When did it start on this level and who threw the first stone?
I did the cliff-notes version, I'm sure there was more to it than that, bring a bucket though.

It was a joke.

I fell for an email scam, I admitted it. She's a genius though.

If Hillary is such a genius, why won't she go on Fox News and answer any tough questions? After all, she's the smartest woman in the world, so she should be able to run rings around "those people." Smacks more of cowardice than intelligence.
If Hillary is such a genius, why won't she go on Fox News and answer any tough questions? After all, she's the smartest woman in the world, so she should be able to run rings around "those people." Smacks more of cowardice than intelligence.
Most democrats won't go on Fox because won't be able to handle tough questions, particularly from Shawn Hannity. Democrats are about perception rather than facts. Take for example all the promises they made and the results after being elected. It was all about perception--And now we're seeing the facts. :rolleyes:

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