Democrats tell minimum wage earners to drop dead


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) [yes, I know] - Democratic senators blocked their own goal on Thursday of raising the U.S. minimum wage for the first time since 1997 after Republicans added a huge tax break for the rich to the legislation, actions sure to reverberate in this election year.

On a 56-42 vote, the Republican-led Senate failed to get the 60 votes needed to clear the way for final congressional passage of the minimum wage increase and a big cut in inheritance taxes for wealthy Americans.

The hard-fought battle was a defeat for Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee, a possible 2008 Republican presidential candidate, who crafted the package last week with fellow Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives.

The House had already approved the bill to raise the $5.15-per-hour minimum wage to $7.25 over three years.

Democrats, who have long pressed for a somewhat stronger minimum wage increase, have vowed to keep pushing for the pay raise, making it a centerpiece of their effort to take control of the U.S. Congress in the November election.

"They (Republicans) can get 6.6 million Americans an increase in their basic minimum wage as long as we promised that the fattest of cats in America would get a great big bowl of tax cuts," said Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois, the second-ranking Democrat in the Senate.

Organized labor blasted the Republican maneuvering and called on Congress to approve a stand-alone minimum wage increase to help keep some low-paid workers out of poverty.


Does anyone else besides me understand that the minimum wage increase is nothing more than another tax on business? When will these idiots in Congress wake up and realize that the cow cannot survive by feasting on its own udder? :mad:
I guess you're referring to the Estate tax repeal?????
Funny, you have no problem with congress repeatedly voting themselves a raise, but have a problem with raising the MW which has nowhere near kept up with inflation.
97silverlsc said:
I guess you're referring to the Estate tax repeal?????
Funny, you have no problem with congress repeatedly voting themselves a raise, but have a problem with raising the MW which has nowhere near kept up with inflation.

What full time job pays minumum wage? Other than for reasons of class warfare, why misrepresent the minimum wage as though it's supposed to be a living wage? Fast food restaurants don't even pay minimum wage.
97silverlsc said:
I guess you're referring to the Estate tax repeal?????
Funny, you have no problem with congress repeatedly voting themselves a raise, but have a problem with raising the MW which has nowhere near kept up with inflation.

Name one time where I've said I have no problem with Congress repeatedly voting themselves a raise. You won't find it.

Strike one.

The minimum wage doesn't have anything to do with inflation, nor should it.

Strike two.

The estate tax repeal has nothing to do with the minimum wage hike, so why did Democrats vote against their own goal? What do you have against repealing the Death Tax?

Strike three.

You're out again. Go hate somewhere else.
Calabrio said:
What full time job pays minumum wage? Other than for reasons of class warfare, why misrepresent the minimum wage as though it's supposed to be a living wage? Fast food restaurants don't even pay minimum wage.

Explain to me how $7.15/hr is a living wage today, let alone 2 years from now.
fossten said:
Explain to me how $7.15/hr is a living wage today, let alone 2 years from now.
Not about to argue that-
nor do I think it be?
Minimum wage is usually for part-time entry level, unskilled jobs, primarily held by teenagers. Democrats often argue that the minimum wage should be a living wage, not me.
fossten said:
Explain to me how $7.15/hr is a living wage today, let alone 2 years from now.

Typically, when the minimum wage goes up, most wages follow suit. (on the lower levels)

A company paying $8 an hour now, would likely go to $9 or $10 if the minimum wage was increased to $7+.

The estate tax repeal has nothing to do with the minimum wage hike, so why did Democrats vote against their own goal? What do you have against repealing the Death Tax?

Come on Fossten. If it had nothing to do with it, then why did republicans add it to the min wage bill?

Are you really this dumb, or do you just think everyone else is? They added it to force the Dems to either give them the estate tax repeal, or get people saying they are not for a min wage hike. It was a no win situation for the Dems and all politics for the Republicans.

And before you jump down my throat, I would love to see the estate tax repealed. But this was politics, nothing more.
Joeychgo said:
They added it to force the Dems to either give them the estate tax repeal, or get people saying they are not for a min wage hike. It was a no win situation for the Dems and all politics for the Republicans.

And before you jump down my throat, I would love to see the estate tax repealed. But this was politics, nothing more.

Yeah- it was a lose/lose for the Democrats. And it's about time the GOP started applying some political strategy while in the majority.
Calabrio said:
Yeah- it was a lose/lose for the Democrats. And it's about time the GOP started applying some political strategy while in the majority.

My only problem is that the ones who ultimately lose -- are the American People. Nobody won here - except the Republicans.
I cannot honestly thing of one job (other than servers makeing 2.15) that pays minimum wage. Even the chittiest of jobs pay at least $6 an hour
Joeychgo said:
Typically, when the minimum wage goes up, most wages follow suit. (on the lower levels)

A company paying $8 an hour now, would likely go to $9 or $10 if the minimum wage was increased to $7+.

Come on Fossten. If it had nothing to do with it, then why did republicans add it to the min wage bill?

Are you really this dumb, or do you just think everyone else is? They added it to force the Dems to either give them the estate tax repeal, or get people saying they are not for a min wage hike. It was a no win situation for the Dems and all politics for the Republicans.

And before you jump down my throat, I would love to see the estate tax repealed. But this was politics, nothing more.

I'm not disputing anything you've said, except to say that your first sentence ignores the fact that business costs go up to reflect the hike, or more entry level jobs get outsourced overseas. You think that's a good thing?

I have no problem with the Republicans using politics to expose the hypocrisy of the DemocRats. That's what they did, pure and simple. The minimum wage hike was pure politics and a tax hike, nothing more.

If you don't believe me, why not raise the minimum wage to $20/hr? Or $50/hr?

I can't believe and I must admit how ill informed some of you are here on this forum, of all places.

Come on, quit drinking the media Kool-aid.

Hell, if even CNN can get it right, albeit buried so know one sees it, surely some of youze can figure it out.

This was a win-win for America and Democrats shot it down. They hate any individual having success in this Country (except themselves) that they sh!t on the very people they purport to support.

If I was a Democrat loyalist I would say "f"you to the Democrats and find another party, even if it is any party except the Republicans.

Here it is Republicans looking out for the little guy and once again Dems crap all over their constituents. This happens time and time again. A black is a Republican, of course he is a uncle Tom. A Democrat President says he will have the most diverse Cabinet in history and it turns out lilly white, but a Republican actually goes out and does it and he is of course pandering racially.

I personally do not understand how anyone could live with themselves being a Democrat. This party is soooo foul and so pathetic and so hateful, I would be ashamed to link my identity with them.

97silverlsc said:
I guess you're referring to the Estate tax repeal?????

Here's CNN take...
The estate tax and minimum wage bill would, by 2015, increase the amount of an estate exempt from taxation to $5 million for an individual and $10 million for a couple. Estates worth up to $25 million would be taxed at capital gains rates, currently 15 percent and scheduled to increase to 20 percent. The top tax rate on larger estates would fall to 30 percent by 2015.

Oh big deal. We can't double tax dead people. Boo f'in hoo.

Get a life lefties. You just dropped the biggest log on your own party. It's 120 degrees and there is no breeze. Enjoy.

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