Democrats, the Party of Negativity


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Yep, sure would hate to be a Dem. Don't know how they get out of bed in the morning with so much doom and gloom hanging over their heads.

Saturday December 10, 2005--The Rasmussen Consumer Index, which measures the economic confidence of American consumers on a daily basis, slipped two points on Saturday to 109.7.

Huge partisan differences remain when it comes to the economy. The Rasmussen Consumer Index among Republicans is at 144.2. Among Democrats, its just 79.1. Among those not affiliated with either major party, the Index is at 104.3.

Fifty-nine percent (59%) of Republicans rate the economy as good or excellent. Just 17% of Democrats share that view.
Other than a Democrat President, what would it take for them to view the economy as good? I'd love to have them specify what indicators will demonstrate a strong economy.

Is it unemployment, growth, job creation, ect... just let us know.

Now it is true, in many of the "blue states" the economies are softer. But do you want to know why? 60 YEARS OF FAILED LIBERAL ECONOMIC POLICY, primarily in the cities. There's less taxation, regulation, legislation, and welfare in the red states, and it's not a coincidence. There's also something that economists call "brain drain" taking place in the blue states, that's where the creative and educated people are fleeing cities like like Detroit and heading to the red states where there is greater economic potential.
Calabrio said:
Other than a Democrat President, what would it take for them to view the economy as good? I'd love to have them specify what indicators will demonstrate a strong economy.

Is it unemployment, growth, job creation, ect... just let us know.

Unions, Unions, Unions.

Inorder for them to view the econmony as good, all jobs would have to be unionized, the stock market will out have disappear, and the CEO's would have to make less than the workers.
the_ancient said:
Unions, Unions, Unions.

Inorder for them to view the econmony as good, all jobs would have to be unionized, the stock market will out have disappear, and the CEO's would have to make less than the workers.


You left out one:

All jobs should be government jobs EXCEPT media.
Lol, with all the dumping on the Left, look who's being negative.... Why not just say the Left is the right hand on Satan, it's what you really want to say anyways.
95DevilleNS said:
Lol, with all the dumping on the Left, look who's being negative.... Why not just say the Left is the right hand on Satan, it's what you really want to say anyways.

"The Left is the right hand ON Satan"?
fossten said:
"The Left is the right hand ON Satan"?

Lol, come on now, you're not that stupid, you should be able to clearly see a typo. But I'll clarify it for you.......... 'right hand OF'...........
fossten said:

You TOTALLY missed my point.

The Left is on the RIGHT?


I guess so since I did not say 'The left is on the right'........

I said 'The Left is the right hand on Satan.' Taking into consideration that I meant OF instead of ON with my typo.

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