Desperately need help! CC reading -39F!


Active LVC Member
Jun 24, 2005
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Okay my air conditioning has been working great up to about 1 hr ago. I installed 2 monitors and a DVD player the rear monitor gets its power from the cig lighter. The other 2 get their power from a switchable 12v source in the radio harness. Everything is grounded the way it should be. Everything was also put back together the way it should be. I take the car for a sping and I notice the outside temp is reading -39F! I try to turn the air on and needless to say it blows hot. Actual temp outside is about 80F. What can cause this? Also are there any particular fuses to check? I really need the help of all you "senior members". Thanks in advance!:confused:
You gotta post some info about your car before we can help (although I have a good idea what the problem is).
had this happen once before when I pulled my radio. turned out I didn't get the harnesses back in all the way in the back of the climate control module. Once I did it SLOWLY climbed back up to the real temp. took 20-30 minutes.

ToddG said:
You gotta post some info about your car before we can help (although I have a good idea what the problem is).

I don't know what kind of info is needed. It's a 2000 LS8. Everything works great except the climate control. Last night when this first happened I took the car for a short drive (2-3 minutes). The outside temp still stayed the same -39F/C the numbers didn't change when I switched between F/C. I took everything back apart and double checked the CC harnesses and they were in fine. I also checked to see if any wires were pinched and they were not.??? I'm stumped!!
beaups said:
had this happen once before when I pulled my radio. turned out I didn't get the harnesses back in all the way in the back of the climate control module. Once I did it SLOWLY climbed back up to the real temp. took 20-30 minutes.
20-30 minutes while you were driving or did you just let the car sit?
Forget all about it!!!! I checked it about 5 minutes ago and the temp went back to normal! Why do these cars have to be such a pain in the ass? Thanks anyway
I just sat. Take the harnesses OFF than put back ON. And I did this while the car was on (I know that's bad but it worked).
I had this happen when I had the radio out too. I removed the radio and CC and reinstalled. Then it said it was 140F or something like that. It slowly returned to normal as well.
gray1g said:
The outside temp still stayed the same -39F/C the numbers didn't change when I switched between F/C.
It's a rounding artifact. FYI, -40 degrees is the crossover point between Fahrenheit and Celsius--ie, -40F and -40C are the same temperature. -39 is close enough that when you round to an integer for the display, -39F and -39C show as the same temp.
if -32F is 0 centrigrade how are -40 and -40 the same? doesn't make sense.....
you're right, my bad:) 4 days straight of drinking I have an excuse:)
4 days? Heck, I'm surprised you realize you're posting on LVC right now. :D

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