

Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Winter Park (near Orlando)
Ok I just started hearing detantion (or valves tapping ) Im almost positive its detination because its not everytime but it is loud.....Does this mean that my coils could be bad or maybe the plugs.....Ive only got 50,000 on stock plugs.....I am hearing it loud when the a.c is on crusing about 55-60 and if i give it some gas not even flooring it hear the tattt tattt tattt
any input......
I'd pull a plug and peek at its condition.....

If you been spraying you may have urned the plugs...
wouldn't you need to check each plug? What would cause "spraying"?
well - you have to pull the intake on the V6 - not a super quick thing.

"spraying" - i meant using his N2O
well I only sprayed 2 times for about 5-7 secs and I ran a little richer than normal.....I bought gas a 7-11 today instead of the 3 different shell stations....and so far 35 miles and no knocking....I think they have :q:q:q:q gas because I also got horrible gas I will have too check into it a little more I am going to pull all the plugs and coils sometime this month.....I just need to get some time.....I am getting ready for my final week(s) of EMT school so makes it even harder and now my girl is starting :q:q:q:q with me so Im ending a 4.5 year great holidays the dog and now this
I think you mean "detonation". You'll need to pull the plugs and look them over. Spark plugs reveal tremendous amounts of information. Your using N2O like Quik LS stated may be to blame. Change the plugs and see if that makes the difference. I had some pinging a few weeks ago, but attributed it to bad gas or possibly soot in the tank, since my fuel was very low at the time. I simply filled her up and put in a complete fuel system cleaner ... fixed it.
yeah I just need to get some time I think it was just bad gas now ....I will know tomorrow I am going to lots of driving.....So I will see if it still knocks.....
SilverLS said:
yeah I just need to get some time I think it was just bad gas now ....I will know tomorrow I am going to lots of driving.....So I will see if it still knocks.....

Cool. Let us know the outcome. :)
Silver...are you running a wet shot or a dry shot? If it's dry, I would be very nervous about the tune. Did you flash the ECM for the juice? I would definitely have the plugs out and inspected. If you're not familiar with what to look for, do a google search and I'm sure you can come up with some photos on what you should...and shouldn't see. What you are really interested in seeing is if there are any little flakes on the end of the plug. That's bad. You also want to make sure none of the plug is gone. That's bad too. I have seen that happen. Juice is a wonderful and safe thing...but you MUST be sure the tune is perfect. You should always have it checked on a chassis dyno so they can read the AFR across the board and see if there are any dangerous spots in the curve.
ok I ran a wet shot with a little larger fuel pill and I have the autometer a/f gauge and I was running stock everything else...including air box....I have not run it since I drove about 300 miles today and I did not hear anything so I think that shell around here is ripping me off with there v-power BS.....I am going to pull the plugs this weekend (hopefully)
maybe there is something about the shell gas?

although it has got better since my tune up I have this same problem and I try to always get shell gas since there are stations all over my area. the v-power stuff is supposedly a cleaning technology. one guy told me it is 94 octane rather than 93. Could 94 octane be a problem? i could try sunoco 94octane... or maybe I'll try to switch to Mobil 93 octane and see if the problem goes away.
I think its less than 93.....I ran BP 93 and it might be something to due with there gas....It is 94 they have to post it I know that the gov/ is really strict about the gas laws and what they say and do has to be true....I think I just got some bad stuff I use that stuff all the time (gas card and company pays for it ) so I just need to go to a different one....
I think its less than 93.....I ran BP 93 and it might be something to due with there gas....It is 94 they have to post it I know that the gov/ is really strict about the gas laws and what they say and do has to be true....I think I just got some bad stuff I use that stuff all the time (gas card and company pays for it ) so I just need to go to a different one....

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